Blackberry 9000 使用 WiFi 时出现 HTTP 错误 406
因此,我有一个 Blackberry 9000 应用程序使用 HttpConnection 进行简单的网络连接。当我转到以下形式的网址时,一切正常:
但我发现我需要在仅 wifi 的情况下测试这个(即,没有 BES 或同等的东西)。经过一番挖掘,我发现我需要添加:
到我的所有 URL,格式为:
但是,我注意到这实际上不起作用,它给我返回一个 HTTP 错误 406。根据 wiki 的说法是:
406 Not Acceptable 所请求的资源只能根据请求中发送的 Accept 标头生成不可接受的内容。 [2]
我做错了什么吗? Blackberry 是否仅将 wifi 请求包装在需要特定格式网站的标头中?
So, I have a Blackberry 9000 application doing simple networking using HttpConnection. Everything works fine normally, when I go to urls of the form:
But I've discovered that I need to test this in wifi only situations (that is, without a BES or equivalent in sight). After some digging, I discovered that I need to add:
To all of my URLS, of the form:
However, I'm noticing that this does not actually work, it gives me back a HTTP error 406. Which according to wiki is a:
406 Not Acceptable
The requested resource is only capable of generating content not acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the request.[2]
Am I doing something completely wrong? Does Blackberry wrap wifi only requests in headers that require particularly formatted websites?
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正如此页面,您还需要在 URL 中添加“deviceside=true”。
As explained on this page, you also need add "deviceside=true" to the URL.
So your full URL would be: