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Tesseract 和 Abby 是我用过的最好的 OCR SDK。 Abby SDK 的主要优点是它的结果比 Tesseract 更好。它唯一的缺点是它是可以购买的。 Tesseract 的主要优点是它是开源的,您可以通过使用任何图像处理库来改进其结果。
1) 艾比 -< /a>
2) Tesseract -
它使用 tessrect sdk 将图像转换为文本。结果不如艾比准确,但不需要互联网连接。
3) Tesseract + OpenCV - https://github。 com/pablosproject/iPhone-OCR-Tesseract-and-OpenCV
可能是迄今为止我发现的最好的 sdk,可以在没有互联网连接的情况下读取图像。该代码的优点是它也集成了OpenCV,因此您可以添加博客提取算法和霍夫变换等算法来提高结果的准确性。
There are many libraries available for extracting text from images.
Tesseract and Abby are the best OCR SDK's I have used. The main advantage with Abby SDK is that its results are nice as compare to Tesseract . And the only disadvantage with it is that it is purchasable . While the main advantage in Tesseract is that it is open source and you can improve its result by using any image processing library.
1) Abby -
it uploads the image to its server, converts image to text and downloads the result
2) Tesseract -
It converts the image to text using tessrect sdk. Not as accurate result as Abby but does not require internet connection.
3) Tesseract + OpenCV -
Probably the best sdk I found so far to read image without internet connection. Advantage of this code is it integrates OpenCV too, thus you can add algorithms like blog extraction algorithm and hough transform to increase the accuracy of result.
I hope it helps.