Actionscript 3 - 检测单击以缩放或拖动
我正在使用 Actionscript 3,并且正在构建一个图像查看器。到目前为止,我有以下功能,基于“onClick”鼠标事件:
2) 查看缩放图像时,单击将显示“正常”图像。
现在我想应用以下行为,以便用户可以放大并拖动缩放的图像 - 并勾勒出以下内容:
1)删除了 onClick 事件
2) 添加一个“onMouseDown”事件,记录鼠标按下时的鼠标XY
3) 添加一个“onMouseUp”事件,并在鼠标抬起时记录鼠标XY
4) 如果 XY onMouseDown = XY onMouseUp 则假设发生 Click 事件 - 所以 Zoom
5) 如果 XY onMouseDown != XY onMouseUp 则假设发生一个 Drag 事件 - 因此拖动图像
现在这仅在用户单击时手稳的情况下才有效 - 并且感觉不是一个很好的解决方案。如果用户的手不稳定,则当他们真正想要缩小时,会假设发生拖动事件...
I'm using Actionscript 3, and am building an image viewer. So far, I have the following functionality, based around the "onClick" mouse event:
1) When viewing the normal sized image, clicking will display a "zoomed" image.
2) When viewing the zoomed image, clicking will display the "normal" image.
Great stuff.
Now I want to apply the following behaviour, so the user can zoom in, and drag the zoomed image around - and have sketched out the following:
1) Removed the onClick event
2) Add an "onMouseDown" event, to record the mouse XY on mouse down
3) Add a "onMouseUp" event, and record the mouse XY on mouse up
4) If the XY onMouseDown = XY onMouseUp then assume a Click event - so Zoom
5) If the XY onMouseDown != XY onMouseUp then assume a Drag event - so drag the image
Now this only works if the user has a steady hand while clicking - and doesn't feel like a great solution. If the user has an unsteady hand, a drag event is assumed when they really wanted to de-zoom...
Can anyone suggest a better way of detecting whether to Drag the image or to Zoom the image than I have sketched out above?
Thank you for your thoughts / help,
Senior coconut.
Basic pseudocode follows: