我有一个明显简单的管道正则表达式查询 - 我需要从它的 (![]()
) 标记开始截断每个项目。我认为用空白字段替换
显然我在这里遗漏了一些基本的东西 - 有人能指出吗?
sample text title
<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://example.com"><img border="0" src="http://example.com/image.png" alt="Yes" width="20" height="23"/></a>
<a.... (a bunch of irrelevant hyperlinks I don't need)...
做得更好,因为我在这里真正做的就是通过剪切来使项目字符串更易于管理在进一步操作之前先下来 - 有人知道是否可以使用 Yahoo Pipes 中的正则表达式从页面中的某个链接(在本例中为第一个链接)中提取 href?我已经看到了 this SO q 的正则表达式答案,但我不知道如何使用它将 url 映射到 Pipes 模块中的项目属性?
I have an apparently simple regex query for pipes - I need to truncate each item from it's (<img>
) tag onwards. I thought a loop with string regex of <img[.]*
replaced by blank field would have taken care of it but to no avail.
Obviously I'm missing something basic here - can someone point it out?
The item as it stands goes along something like this:
sample text title
<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://example.com"><img border="0" src="http://example.com/image.png" alt="Yes" width="20" height="23"/></a>
<a.... (a bunch of irrelevant hyperlinks I don't need)...
Essentially I only want the title text and hyperlink that's why I'm chopping the rest off
Going one better because all I'm really doing here is making the item string more manageable by cutting it down before further manipulation - anyone know if it's possible to extract a href from a certain link in the page (in this case the 1st one) using Regex in Yahoo Pipes? I've seen the regex answer to this SO q but I'm not sure how to use it to map a url to an item attribute in a Pipes module?
您需要使用正则表达式管道删除行返回,并将内容或描述字段上的模式 [\r\n] 替换为空文本,使其成为单行文本,然后您可以使用将运行的 .* 通配符到该行的末尾。
http://www.yemkay.com /2008/06/30/yahoo-pipes 中面临的常见问题/
You need to remove the line returns with a RegEx Pipe and replace the pattern [\r\n] with null text on the content or description field to make it a single line of text, then you can use the .* wildcard which will run to the end of the line.