
发布于 2024-08-11 04:43:03 字数 282 浏览 4 评论 0原文



考虑到这一点,如果 P = NP 为真,可能会发生什么,我们在多大程度上取决于它尚未得到证实的事实。


I have recently been reading about the general use of prime factors within cryptography. Everywhere i read, it states that there is no 'PUBLISHED' algorithm which operates in polynomial time (as opposed to exponential time), to find the prime factors of a key.

If an algorithm was discovered or published which did operate in polynomial time, then how would this impact in the real world computing environment as opposed to the world of theory and computer science. Considering the extent we depend on cryptography would the would suddenly come to halt.

With this in mind if P = NP is true, what might happen, how much do we depend on the fact that it is yet uproved.

I'm a beginner so please forgive any mistakes in my question, but i think you'll get my general gist.

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清风挽心 2024-08-18 04:43:03

考虑到这一点,如果 N = NP 为真,他们会告诉我们吗?

他们”是谁?如果这是真的,我们就会知道。计算机科学家?那就是我们。密码学家和数学家?专业人士?专家们?像我们这样的人。互联网用户,甚至 Stack Overflow 的用户。


科学研究并不是闭门进行的。如果有人发现 P = NP,这不能保密,仅仅是因为研究发表的方式。原则上,每个人都可以访问此类研究。

With this in mind if N = NP is true, would they ever tell us.

Who are “they”? If it were true, we would know. The computer scientists? That’s us. The cryptographers and mathematicians? The professionals? The experts? People like us. Users of the Internet, even of Stack Overflow.

We wouldn’t need being told. We’d tell.

Science and research isn’t done behind closed doors. If someone finds out that P = NP, this couldn’t be kept secret, simply because of the way that research is published. In principle, everyone has access to such research.

瘫痪情歌 2024-08-18 04:43:03




您可能会在本次采访中找到向 Bruce Schneier 提出的第一个问题< /a> 有趣。结果是国家安全局始终比学术界拥有优势,但这种优势正在缩小。

无论如何,NSA 建议使用椭圆曲线 Diffie-Hellman 密钥协议,而不是 RSA 加密。他们喜欢较小的钥匙吗?他们期待量子计算吗?或者 … ?

It depends on who discovers it.

NSA and other organizations that research cryptography under state sponsorship, contrary to Konrad's assertion, do research and science behind closed doors—and guns. And they have "scooped" published academic researchers on some important discoveries. Finally, they have a history of withholding cryptanalytic advances for years after they are independently discovered by academic researchers.

I'm not big into conspiracy theories. But I'd be very surprised if a lot of "black" money hasn't been spent by governments on the factorization problem. And if any results are obtained, they would be kept secret. A lot of criticism has been leveled at agencies in the U.S. for failing to coordinate with each other to avert terrorism. It might be that notifying the FBI of information gathered by the NSA would reveal "too much" about the NSA's capabilities.

You might find the first question posed to Bruce Schneier in this interview interesting. The upshot is that NSA will always have an edge over academia, but that margin is shrinking.

For what it is worth, the NSA recommends the use of elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key agreement, not RSA encryption. Do they like the smaller keys? Are they looking ahead to quantum computing? Or … ?

云巢 2024-08-18 04:43:03

请记住,因式分解未知(并且推测不是)NP 完全的,因此证明用于因式分解的 P 算法不会意味着 P=NP。想必我们可以将加密算法的基础转向一些 NP 完全问题。

Keep in mind that factoring is not known to be (and is conjectured not to be) NP-complete, thus demonstrating a P algorithm for factoring will not imply P=NP. Presumably we could switch the foundation of our encryption algorithms to some NP-complete problem instead.

君勿笑 2024-08-18 04:43:03

以下是 ACM 中有关 P = NP 的文章:http://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2009/9/38904-the-status-of-the-p-versus-np-问题/全文


许多人关注的是负面因素,如果 P
= NP 那么公钥加密就变得不可能了。确实如此,但是我们
将从 P = NP 中获得收益



我认为加拿大(?)的一些研究人员很幸运地使用 GPU(或 GPU 集群)对大数进行因式分解。这并不意味着它们在多项式时间内被分解,但芯片架构更有利于分解。

Here's an article about P = NP from the ACM: http://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2009/9/38904-the-status-of-the-p-versus-np-problem/fulltext

From the link:

Many focus on the negative, that if P
= NP then public-key cryptography becomes impossible. True, but what we
will gain from P = NP will make the
whole Internet look like a footnote in

Since all the NP-complete optimization
problems become easy, everything will
be much more efficient. Transportation
of all forms will be scheduled
optimally to move people and goods
around quicker and cheaper.
Manufacturers can improve their
production to increase speed and
create less waste. And I'm just
scratching the surface.

Given this quote, I'm sure they would tell the world.

I think there were researchers in Canada(?) that were having good luck factoring large numbers with GPUs (or clusters of GPUs). It doesn't mean they were factored in polynomial time but the chip architecture was more favorable to factorization.

仅一夜美梦 2024-08-18 04:43:03


在过去的四十年里,私营部门对密码学进行了大量研究。与上一个时代相比,这是一个重大转变,在上一个时代,加密货币主要属于军事和秘密政府机构的职权范围。那些秘密机构肯定试图抵制这种变化,但一旦发现知识,就很难将其保密。考虑到这一点,我认为 P = NP 问题的解决方案不会长期成为秘密,尽管它可能会在这一领域产生任何影响。潜在的好处将涉及更广泛的应用。

顺便说一句,已经有一些研究 量子密码学


使用该技术的第一个实用网络于 2008 年上线。

If a truly efficient algorithm for factoring composite numbers was discovered, I think the biggest immediate impact would be on e-commerce. Specifically, it would grind to a halt until a form of encryption was developed that doesn't rely on factoring being a one-way function.

There has been a lot of research into cryptography in the private sector for the past four decades. This was a big switch from the previous era, where crypto was largely in the purview of the military and secret government agencies. Those secret agencies definitely tried to resist this change, but once knowledge is discovered, it's very hard to keep it under wraps. With that in mind, I don't think a solution to the P = NP problem would remain a secret for long, despite any ramifications it might have in this one area. The potential benefits would be in a much wider range of applications.

Incidentally, there has been some research into quantum cryptography, which

relies on the foundations of quantum mechanics, in contrast to traditional public key cryptography which relies on the computational difficulty of certain mathematical functions, and cannot provide any indication of eavesdropping or guarantee of key security.

The first practical network using this technology went online in 2008.

筱果果 2024-08-18 04:43:03

附带说明一下,如果您进入量子计算领域,您可以考虑多项式时间。 请参阅 Rob Pike 在量子计算演讲中的笔记,第 25 页,也称为 Shor 算法

As a side note, if you enter into the realm of quantum computing, you can factor in polynomial time. See Rob Pike's notes from his talk on quantum computing, page 25, also known as Shor's algorithm.

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