StyleCop SA1636 规则在不应触发时触发
我们使用 Resharper 4.5 和 StyleCop 4.3。
我们有一个包含许多 .CS 文件的项目。所有 .CS 文件都具有由我们的 StyleCop 设置定义的有效标头,并由 Resharper 的插入/替换标头操作自动添加。
其中四个 .CS 文件收到 SA1636 警告。版权文本与设置文件中声明的版权文本完全匹配。
We are using Resharper 4.5 and StyleCop 4.3.
We have a project with many .CS files in it. All .CS files have valid headers, as defined by our StyleCop settings, and added automatically by Resharper's Insert/replace header action.
Four of the .CS files receive a SA1636 warning. The copyright text exactly matches the declared copyright text from the settings file.
Has anyone else experienced this problem? Is there any kind of diagnostic logging that we can enable or otherwise use to help determine why this one rule appears to be mis-firing?
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使用记事本或 Visual Studio 另存为等工具检查编码格式 - 我的编码使用了错误的字符集。
Check the encoding format using something like notepad or visual studio Save As - mine was encoding with the wrong character set.
如果 @Adrian 的答案对您不起作用,这个答案将:
彼得·莫里恩:< /a>
In case @Adrian's answer didn't work for you, this one will:
Credits to Peter Morlion: