pyInstaller is cross-platform and very powerful, with many third-party packages (matplotlib, numpy, PyQT4, ...) specially supported "out of the box", support for eggs, code-signing on Windows (and a couple other Windows-only goodies, optional binary packing... the works!-) The one big issue: the last "released" version, 1.3, is ages-old -- you absolutely must install the SVN trunk version, svn co pyinstaller (or the 1.4 pre-release, but I haven't tested that one). A fair summary of its capabilities as of 6 months ago is here (in English, despite the Italian URL;-).
pyInstaller 是跨平台的,功能非常强大,有很多第三方包(matplotlib、numpy、PyQT4、.. .) 特别支持“开箱即用”、对 Egg 的支持、Windows 上的代码签名(以及其他一些仅限 Windows 的好东西、可选的二进制打包...有效!-) 一个大问题:最后一个“发布” “版本 1.3 已经很老了——你绝对必须安装 SVN trunk 版本,
svn co pyinstaller
(或 1.4 预发行版,但是我还没有测试过)。截至 6 个月前,对其功能的公平总结是 此处(尽管有意大利语 URL,但仍为英语;-)。pyInstaller is cross-platform and very powerful, with many third-party packages (matplotlib, numpy, PyQT4, ...) specially supported "out of the box", support for eggs, code-signing on Windows (and a couple other Windows-only goodies, optional binary packing... the works!-) The one big issue: the last "released" version, 1.3, is ages-old -- you absolutely must install the SVN trunk version,
svn co pyinstaller
(or the 1.4 pre-release, but I haven't tested that one). A fair summary of its capabilities as of 6 months ago is here (in English, despite the Italian URL;-).cx_Freeze 是跨平台的并且具有相同的功能,或者您可以使用 py2app,仅适用于 Mac。
cx_Freeze is cross-platform and does the same, or you could use py2app, which works on mac only.
您也可以考虑 Nuitka,它将 python 编译为本机代码。
Here's a list of them.
You might also consider Nuitka, which compiles python to native code.
bbfreeze 声称可以在 Windows 和 UNIX 上运行,但不能在 OS X 上运行。似乎不行不过,不再积极开发。
bbfreeze claims to works on Windows and UNIX, but not on OS X. It doesn't seem to be actively developed anymore, though.