First of all, and most important, you need to decide the way you will authenticate users. There are two ways:
2 legged
3 legged
Both can be found in more detail here and use the OAuth protocol.
In the case of 2 legged your user can enter userName and Password straight away in your application but you need to register a orkut gadget in order to obtain a consumer key and secret. The consumer key must be registered by Orkut team in order to grant access to your application. But this method will no longer be supported in the future.
Basically in the 3-legged, the Orkut user will be re-directed to a google account authentication page. So your application will need to manage a browser open/close authentication etc. There's an java api available here
That was the most complicated part. Once you have your access key, you can submit requisitions using JSon protocol using opensocial requests. There are C# libs for that.
两种方式均可在 此处< /a> 并使用 OAuth 协议。
对于 2 条腿,您的用户可以直接在您的应用程序中输入用户名和密码,但您需要注册 orkut 小工具才能获取用户密钥和密码。用户密钥必须由 Orkut 团队注册才能授予对您的应用程序的访问权限。但以后将不再支持这种方法。
基本上在 3-legged 中,Orkut 用户将被重定向到 google 帐户身份验证页面。因此,您的应用程序需要管理浏览器打开/关闭身份验证等。有一个可用的 java api 这里
这是最复杂的部分。获得访问密钥后,您可以使用 Opensocial 请求使用 JSON 协议提交申请。有相应的 C# 库。
Yes, there is. But the path is not that simple.
First of all, and most important, you need to decide the way you will authenticate users. There are two ways:
Both can be found in more detail here and use the OAuth protocol.
In the case of 2 legged your user can enter userName and Password straight away in your application but you need to register a orkut gadget in order to obtain a consumer key and secret. The consumer key must be registered by Orkut team in order to grant access to your application. But this method will no longer be supported in the future.
Basically in the 3-legged, the Orkut user will be re-directed to a google account authentication page. So your application will need to manage a browser open/close authentication etc. There's an java api available here
That was the most complicated part. Once you have your access key, you can submit requisitions using JSon protocol using opensocial requests. There are C# libs for that.