
发布于 2024-08-10 13:40:49 字数 18 浏览 9 评论 0原文


Has anyone succeeded to do this?

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绅士风度i 2024-08-17 13:40:49

我通过用我自己的 jquery.dialog 方法替换 Util.prompt 来完成此操作。提示函数将参数作为回调,从而可以轻松创建直接替换。

if (isImage) {
    // OLD: util.prompt(imageDialogText, imageDefaultText, makeLinkMarkdown);
    // WMD_IMAGE_GALLERY_URL loaded from a global settings elsewhere
    util.imageGallery(WMD_IMAGE_GALLERY_URL, makeLinkMarkdown);
else {
    util.prompt(linkDialogText, linkDefaultText, makeLinkMarkdown);

如果您有兴趣,我写了一篇 博客有关它的条目(带图片!),其中有更多示例代码以及我在实现此过程中遇到的一些问题/解决方案。

I accomplished this by replacing Util.prompt with my own jquery.dialog method. The prompt function takes a parameter as a callback, making it easy to create a drop-in replacement.

if (isImage) {
    // OLD: util.prompt(imageDialogText, imageDefaultText, makeLinkMarkdown);
    // WMD_IMAGE_GALLERY_URL loaded from a global settings elsewhere
    util.imageGallery(WMD_IMAGE_GALLERY_URL, makeLinkMarkdown);
else {
    util.prompt(linkDialogText, linkDefaultText, makeLinkMarkdown);

If you're interested, I wrote a blog entry about it (with pictures!) which has some more sample code as well as some of the problems/solutions I encountered in implementing this.

假扮的天使 2024-08-17 13:40:49

以下黑客需要使用 jQuery, jQuery UIMike Alsup 的 jQuery 表单插件,用于执行 AJAX 文件上传。该黑客适用于链接版本(jQ 1.7.2 和 jQUI 1.8.20)。我不能保证与其他版本的兼容性。

在您的 中,您需要包含依赖项:

<script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.min.js'></script>
<link href='theme/jquery-ui.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
<script type='text/javascript' src='jquery-ui.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='wmd/showdown.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='wmd/wmd.js'></script>
<link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='wmd/wmd.css'/>
<script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.form.js'></script>

我们实际上需要对 wmd.js 进行一次更改。
继续在那里搜索 (ctrl+f) var form = doc.createElement("form");
紧接着这一行,为表单分配一个 id,dialogform 即可:form.id = "dialogform";


            $(".wmd-prompt-dialog").css({"opacity": "0", display: "none"});
        }, 100);
        var $div = $("<div>");
        var $form = $("<form>").attr({action: "submit_image.php", method: "post"})
        var $file = $("<input/>").attr({type: "file", name: "image"});
        var $name = $("<input/>").attr({type: "text", name: "name", placeholder: "Name"});
        var $submit = $("<input/>").attr("type", "submit");
        $form.append($name, $file, $submit).ajaxForm(function(r) {
            r = $.parseJSON(r);
                $("#dialogform input[type='text']").val(r.filename);
                $("#dialogform input[value='OK']").trigger("click");
        $div.append($form).dialog({title: "Upload Image"});
    $("#wmd-link-button").live("click", function(){
            $(".wmd-prompt-dialog").css("opacity", "1");
        }, 100);

记住,这篇文章是为 jQuery 1.7.2 编写的,live() 已被弃用。如果您使用的是更新版本的 jQuery,请切换到 on()

在后端的 submit_image.php 中:

    $f = $_FILES['image'];
    $p = $_POST;
    $detectedType = exif_imagetype($f['tmp_name']);
    if(in_array($detectedType, $allowedTypes)){
        $pi = pathinfo($f['name']);
        $ext = $pi['extension'];
        $target = "img/" . strtolower(str_replace(" ", "-", $p['name'])) . "." . $ext;
        if(move_uploaded_file($f['tmp_name'], $target)){
            $returnArr = array(
                "success" => true,
                "filename" => site_url($target)
            echo json_encode($returnArr);
        else echo json_encode(array("success" => false));
    else echo json_encode(array("success" => false, "msg" => "Invalid File Type."));

希望这能让您满意开始了。这是几年前写的,当时我的 JavaScript 技能还很差!哈哈。我之前在博客上有过这个(现在已经死了),其中有分步说明和解释;很多不必要的绒毛。感谢 @Kamiccolo 让我注意到此链接。我必须咨询返回机器才能恢复它。

The following hack requires use of jQuery, jQuery UI and Mike Alsup's jQuery Form Plugin for performing AJAX file uploads. The hack works with the linked versions (jQ 1.7.2 and jQUI 1.8.20). I can't guarantee compatibility with other versions.

In your <head>, you'll need to include the dependencies:

<script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.min.js'></script>
<link href='theme/jquery-ui.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
<script type='text/javascript' src='jquery-ui.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='wmd/showdown.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='wmd/wmd.js'></script>
<link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='wmd/wmd.css'/>
<script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.form.js'></script>

We actually need to make a single change to wmd.js.
Go on in there and search (ctrl+f) for var form = doc.createElement("form");
Immediately following this line, assign the form an id, dialogform will do: form.id = "dialogform";

Now on the front end, run:

            $(".wmd-prompt-dialog").css({"opacity": "0", display: "none"});
        }, 100);
        var $div = $("<div>");
        var $form = $("<form>").attr({action: "submit_image.php", method: "post"})
        var $file = $("<input/>").attr({type: "file", name: "image"});
        var $name = $("<input/>").attr({type: "text", name: "name", placeholder: "Name"});
        var $submit = $("<input/>").attr("type", "submit");
        $form.append($name, $file, $submit).ajaxForm(function(r) {
            r = $.parseJSON(r);
                $("#dialogform input[type='text']").val(r.filename);
                $("#dialogform input[value='OK']").trigger("click");
        $div.append($form).dialog({title: "Upload Image"});
    $("#wmd-link-button").live("click", function(){
            $(".wmd-prompt-dialog").css("opacity", "1");
        }, 100);

Remember, the post was written for jQuery 1.7.2, and live() has since been deprecated. Please switch to on() if you're using a more recent version of jQuery

And on the backend, in submit_image.php:

    $f = $_FILES['image'];
    $p = $_POST;
    $detectedType = exif_imagetype($f['tmp_name']);
    if(in_array($detectedType, $allowedTypes)){
        $pi = pathinfo($f['name']);
        $ext = $pi['extension'];
        $target = "img/" . strtolower(str_replace(" ", "-", $p['name'])) . "." . $ext;
        if(move_uploaded_file($f['tmp_name'], $target)){
            $returnArr = array(
                "success" => true,
                "filename" => site_url($target)
            echo json_encode($returnArr);
        else echo json_encode(array("success" => false));
    else echo json_encode(array("success" => false, "msg" => "Invalid File Type."));

Hopefully that will get you started. This was written a couple of years ago, when my javascript skills were sub-par! Haha. I previously had this on a blog (which is now dead), with step-by-step instructions and explanations; lots of unnecessary fluff. Thanks @Kamiccolo for bringing this link to my attention. I had to consult the way-back-machine in order to revive it.

瑶笙 2024-08-17 13:40:49


忽略 setuptextOp 属性。 XShift 是 WMD 自带的 css sprite 中按钮图像的位置,取而代之的是给按钮一个类,并在类中指定背景图像。然后只需向按钮添加一个onclick事件

Add a button to the control panel of WMD.
Search for the following string to find the place where buttons are being added:
In my version, the function is in class SpritedButtonRow and is called build.

Ignore the setup and textOp attributes. XShift is the position of the button image in the css sprite that comes with WMD, Instead of that, give the button a class and in the class specify the background image. Then Just add an onclick event to the button
that will do what you need it to do.
But, I don't think an upload button should be inside a text editor, does not make sense.

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