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两相知 2024-08-17 09:51:23


  • 图形/视觉设计:它看起来如何
  • 信息架构/设计:它是如何组织的
  • UI设计:它之前是如何工作的我触摸它
  • 交互设计:触摸后它如何工作
  • 网页设计:它在浏览器中如何工作
  • 用户体验设计:我的感受如何它
  • 开发:实际编码

Maybe just a shorter version:

  • Graphic/Visual Design: How it looks
  • Information Architecture/Design: How it's organized
  • UI Design: How it works before I touch it
  • Interaction Design: How it works after I touch it
  • Web Design: How it works in a browser
  • UX Design: How I feel about it
  • Development: Actual coding
如梦 2024-08-17 09:51:23








交互设计 (非特定领域) - 概念/理解一个/个人如何与实体交互以及如何设计该个体与实体交互的过程。该实体可以是您选择的任何东西,例如您的汽车、烤面包机、网络浏览器以及您在浏览器中查看的网站。

视觉设计 (非特定领域) - 对个人交互/查看

网页设计 的实体的审美吸引力和影响的概念/理解(特定领域) - 对特定于技术的想法的概念/理解,包括多个设计概念的各个方面,例如但不限于:交互设计、视觉设计、用户体验设计、用户界面设计等

用户体验设计 (非特定领域) - 设计用户体验的概念,依次包括视觉设计和交互设计以及界面的局限性进行此类设计工作的领域

用户界面(某些特定领域) - 设计用户可以通过其与产品交互的界面的概念,软/中的 gui Web 应用程序或汽车方向盘

用户界面开发 (非特定领域) - 是将用户界面设计概念转换为功能界面的过程,该界面在两者之间创建物理连接个人和产品。


here is my take, hopefully it helps./

first of all lets clarify design and development

design is a conceptual work, production of a concept for a solution, a process of elimination of things that you think, feel and believe do not fit as a solution to your intended goal

development is a production of finalized specification/idea (at least in theory) or something that makes sense and close to what you are looking for (although in many cases it is not like that), basically a conversion of your design/idea into working end product

note that both things can and do in most cases coexist side by side in production of the product

now that this is out of way, visual, web, ux, ui are just sub categories of a design notion, each although based on design principal also have their own sub universes and their own sub rules and sub practices that apply directly to their respective subcategories and in many cases can propagate seemingly from one sub category to another.

from my understanding and what i have learned over the years,

interaction design (none specific to field) - concept/understanding how one/individual interacts with an entity and how to design the process of interaction of that individual with the entity. that entity can be anything you pick it to be, for example your car, or your toaster, web browser and website that you view in a browser.

visual design (none specific to field) - concept/understanding of aesthetic appeal and impact of an entity with which individual interacts/looks at

web design (field specific) - concept/understanding of an idea that is a technology(s) specific and includes aspects of multiple design concepts such as but not limited to: interaction design, visual design, user experience design, user interface design and so on

user experience design (none specific to field) - concept of designing user experience, which in turn includes visual design and interaction design plus the limitations of the field in which such design work is happening

user interface (some what specific to field) - concept of designing an interface through which user can interact with the product, gui in soft/web app or an steering wheel in a car

user interface development (none specific to field) - is a process of converting user interface design concept into functioning interface that creates physical connection between individual and product.

hope this helps

公布 2024-08-17 09:51:23

用户体验设计 - 用户的想法和感受
信息架构 - 系统是如何组织的
用户界面设计 - 内容的组织方式
交互设计 - 用户和设备如何行动和反应
视觉设计 - 它看起来如何

与数字 I/O 相关的应用程序设计

User Experience Design - how the user thinks and feels
Information Architecture - how the system is organized
User Interface Design - how the content is organized
Interaction Design - how the user and device act and react
Visual Design - how it looks

Some or all of the above disciplines are part of the following fields:
Architecture, when related to buildings
Interior design, when related to internal spaces
Industrial design, when related to tangible objects
Graphic design, when related to text and images
Application design, when related to digital I/O
Web design, when related to the browser

極樂鬼 2024-08-17 09:51:23

交互设计 - 研究人员,定义系统/应用程序的交互/通信。
视觉设计 - 艺术家,插图图形 - 可以是网络媒体/印刷媒体/.etc
网页设计 - 艺术家,但仅适用于网页应用程序
用户体验设计 - 研究人员,从用户角度了解每件事并确保快乐/微笑体验
UI 开发 - 前端开发人员 - HTML、CSS、JS、Jquery、Ajax、YUI、Php、Silverlight .net 等。任何类型的前端技术..


Interaction design - Research Person, defines the INTERACTION/COMMUNICATION of System/application.
Visual Design - Artist, who Illustrates graphics - can be Web media/Print Media/ .etc
Web design - Artist, BUT only for WEB APPLICATION
UX design - Research Person, Who understands the each and everything from the USER SIDE and make sure of HAPPY/SMILEY EXPERIENCE
UI design - same like Web Design
UI development - Frontend Developer - HTML, CSS, JS, Jquery, Ajax, YUI,Php, Silverlight .net .etc .etc. Any knd of frontend technologies..

Let me organize it in simple/easiest way

风启觞 2024-08-17 09:51:23


  • 交互设计:用户可以完成某项操作(例如在在线商店购买)所需的过程。交互设计改善了购买过程中的用户体验,例如,采用非常简单的形式,步骤很少,并且可以返回到最后一步。
  • 视觉设计:吸引用户注意力所必需的,例如iPod设计(简单、白色、优雅......)。
  • 网页设计:对于网站来说也是如此。 PC、平板电脑、智能手机的网络设计......
  • 用户体验设计:为用户提供我们的产品或服务的良好体验的整个过程。这涉及设计(视觉、网络、用户界面、交互性)、对用户有特殊意义的材料(例如驾驶宝马汽车)、让用户相信他是一个特殊的人,当然还有服务和产品的开发。
  • UI设计:特别注意改进用户界面,让用户感觉良好(例如,一个非常简单易用的购买网站)。
  • UI 开发:另一方面,程序员与 UX 设计师一起达成良好的 UI。

My answer for these question are:

  • Interaction Design: the process necessary to a user can done an action, for example buy in a online store. The interaction design improve the user experience in the buying process, for example with a very simple form with few steps with the posibility of return to last step.
  • Visual Design: necessary to catch the user attention, for example iPod design (simple, white, elegant...).
  • Web Design: it's the same for websites. The design of the web for PC, tablet, smartphone...
  • UX design: the whole process for give to the user a very good experience with our products or services. that's involve design (visual, web, UI, interactivity), materials that make a special sense for the user (for example driving a BMW car), make believe the user that he are a special person and of course develpment of service and products.
  • UI design: pay special attention for improve the user interface for make a very good sense to the user (for example, a very simple and easy website for buy).
  • UI development: th other side, the programmer with de UX designers to reach a good UI.
不奢求什么 2024-08-17 09:51:23

我们需要解决的真正问题是 UI、交互和用户体验之间的差异。



(2) 交互是指用户如何在系统/应用程序上“操作”以及系统/应用程序如何“操作”。系统/应用程序“作用”于用户。在这里,我大量借鉴了 Chris Crawford 所著的《交互设计的艺术:构建成功软件的悦耳且富有启发性的指南》一书。

他假设良好的互动类似于良好的对话,而良好的对话具有 3 个基本属性,我将在下面的示例中对此进行解释。他说,一个好的互动参与者会在合理的时间间隔内“倾听”、“思考”并做出回应。

  1. 一个人/应用程序只是倾听。然后,它不是交互式的,例如录音机、书籍、墙壁

  2. 一个人/应用程序只是说话。然后,它不是交互式的,例如广播、旧时电视、旧时CD播放器

  3. 一个人/应用程序只是说和听,但没有任何思考。例如,一些答录机,一些社交无聊

(3) UX

例如,假设有一个搜索引擎,其工作方式与 Google 类似。但您“感觉”或“怀疑”这个新的搜索引擎收集了太多您的私人数据。



The real issue we need to address is the differences among UI, Interaction and UX.

Here comes another WORLD FIRST IN-DEPTH DISCUSSION of such differences.

(1) UI means how the user "faces" the system/app and how the system/app "faces" the user. An app's look, size, layout, colors, fonts, display, just like a store's lighting, shelf height and width, isle width and lengths etc.

(2) Interaction means how the user "acts" on the system/app and how the system/app "acts" on the user. Here, I borrow heavily from the book, "The Art of Interactive Design: A Euphonious and Illuminating Guide to Building Successful Software" by Chris Crawford.

He postulates that a good interaction resembles a good conversation, and that a good conversation has the 3 essentail attributes, which I will explain in the example below. He says a good interactive participant "listens," "thinks" and responds within a reasonable interval.

  1. A person/app just listens. Then, it is not interactive e.g. recorder, book, wall

  2. A person/app just talks. Then, it is not interactive e.g. radio, old time TV, old time cd player

  3. A person/app just talks and listens but without any thinking. e.g. some answering machine, some social bore

(3) UX
Given the same UI and the same interaction, do we get the same UX? Can they diifer at all?

e.g. Say, there is a search engine that works just like Google. But you "feel" or "suspect" that this new search engine is collecting your private data too much.

It's like a store that you know or "feel" expoits child labor, that you know or "feel" pays only lip service to the green issues. Same shelves, isles, items. And same staff and services, ... yet, different experiences.

It's the "experience chain," a key concept from the book, "The Experience Economy: Work Is Theater & Every Business a Stage."

旧时光的容颜 2024-08-17 09:51:23



I am interested in entering the field of interaction design (so I will only be addressing what this type of design is). I am commenting on this for a co-op class assignment so let me know what you think.

To me interaction design is about the user experience however is also focus's on behavior and understanding the needs of the audience. To me it's not necessarily about the design itself but rather how the design is used. What draws me most to interaction design is the idea that interaction design is not only about designing more of what’s already out there but it’s also about creating design that doesn’t currently exist.

咆哮 2024-08-17 09:51:23

交互设计 - 代表与实用概念相关的设计方面。视觉元素的选择不是由美学原则决定的,而是由设计对网站访问者的有用程度以及在多大程度上简化和优化他/她的体验决定的。




总之,UX草图和线框图的概念相关,UI相应地完成设计(添加主题、网络安全字体和调色板),而 UI 开发是编码时重新创建设计的过程。


Interaction Design - represents the design aspect related to the notion of utility. The choice of visual elements is not determined by aesthetic principles, but by how useful the design will be for the visitor of the website and how much will simplify and optimize his/her experience.

Example of approach: Is a round button more suitable for our target-audience or a square one?

Visual Design and UI Design stand for the aestethic feel. The only difference between Visual Design and UI Design lies in the fact that the first one is more comprehensive, including everything, from buttons, icons and layouts to posters, while the latter doesn't include banners, being focused mostly on the icons/buttons/theme side of an application.

UX design is similar to the notion of Interaction Design, but it's more "hardcore" in this regard, describing the logical approach with regard to usability, like the logical architecture of the website, determined by the user's needs. It is the process of planning, projecting and wireframing, establishing functions and envisaging the system, while Interaction Design is a step further.

In conclusion, UX is associated with the concept of sketching and wireframing, UI is finishing the design accordingly (adding the theme, the web-safe fonts and the color palette), and UI development is the process of recreating the design when coding.

You can find out more about that on the Interaction Design Foundation:

a√萤火虫的光℡ 2024-08-17 09:51:23


  1. 交互设计
  2. 视觉设计
  3. 网页设计
  4. UX设计
  5. UI开发

There are six types of design, they are:

  1. interaction design
  2. visual design
  3. web design
  4. UX design
  5. UI development
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