
发布于 2024-08-10 02:50:57 字数 199 浏览 4 评论 0原文

我希望业务分析师能够使用 Gherkin 编写 Cucumber 友好的所有功能、场景和步骤规范。

我已经在 Cucumber 的 github 网站上阅读了一些基本信息,并通过 Google 进行了快速搜索,但想知道是否有推荐的资源让非技术人员能够使用 Gherkin 编写全面的 BDD(我认为这是创建 Cucumber 测试的首选语言)。


I'd like to enable the business analysts to be able to write all of their specs for features, scenarios and steps that is Cucumber friendly using Gherkin.

I've read some of the basic info on the github site for Cucumber and from doing a quick Google search but wanted to know if there were recommended resources for getting non-technical folks to be able to write comprehensive BDD using Gherkin (I assume that's the preferred language for Cucumber tests to be created in).


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凉城已无爱 2024-08-17 02:50:57




当然,您需要让业务分析师和开发人员紧密合作,并且分析师编写的功能只能作为一个开始。请记住,Cucumber 功能只是分析师和开发人员之间的通用语言。他们仍然需要经常坐在一起才能互相交谈:)

What I did with the business analysts in our company was to teach them the structure by giving them the keywords: Given, When, Then, And for Scenarios and In order to, As a and I want to for Features.

Then I gave them a simple example and told them to write down their own features as they thought they should be written. Surprisingly enough the structure was self explanatory and the features they wrote became a great start.
The only big problem was that they had contained to much logic in each scenario step. I solved that by iteratively asking "why?" which in most cases revealed the core functionality they were after and we re-wrote the scenarios accordantly.

By giving them the guidelines and letting them write the features themselves they got their hands dirty and were forced to think about what they wrote. Today they have a much better understanding and the "why?" iterations are not that common anymore.

Ofcourse you need to have the business analysts and the developers to work closely together and the features the analysts write should only act as a start. Remember that the Cucumber features are just a common language between the analysts and the developers. They still need to sit together often to be able to speak with each other :)

数理化全能战士 2024-08-17 02:50:57

http://cukes.info 是教人们如何编写它们的绝佳资源。 Ben Mabey 还在 Mountain West 做了关于 Cucumber 的精彩演示 2009 年红宝石会议。

http://cukes.info is a great resource for teaching people how to write them. Ben Mabey also made a great presentation on Cucumber at Mountain West Ruby Conference 2009.

故人的歌 2024-08-17 02:50:57

刚刚第一次使用 Cucumber 进行敏捷项目,我认为学习 Cucumber 和 Gherkin 的最好方法就是亲自动手。


这绝对不是要走的路。最好让 BA 的开发人员和用户(如果可能的话)一起编写您的场景并随时构建它们。然后大家一起学习什么有效,什么无效。

我们尝试让 BA 编写完整的功能并交给他们。我们(开发人员)最终不得不进行重大重写,因为最终的实现与 BA 最初设想的不同。我们还必须更改步骤的语法,并在整个文件中进行查找和替换。


就如何编写步骤而言,最好从 Cucumber 附带的步骤开始,并在您处理项目时复制和调整它们以适合您的特定应用程序。没有对错之分,适合你的才是对的。 Cucumber 网站上的文档通常都很好,随着您了解更多,它们将成为宝贵的资源。

Having just worked on an agile project using cucumber for the first time I think that the best way to learn Cucumber and Gherkin is to get your hands dirty.

I may be wrong but I get the impression from your question you are wanting to train your BAs to write Gherkin; then they will write a bunch of features and hand them to developers.

This is definitely not the way to go. It is much better to have BA's devs and users (if possible) working together to write your scenarios and build them as you go. Then you all learn together what works and what doesn't.

We tried having a BA write entire features and hand them over. We (the devs) ended up having to do major rewrites because the implementation ended up different to that originally envisioned by the BA. We also had to change the syntax of the steps and do find and replace through the whole file.

Do one scenario at a time, get it working then move on to the next. An iterative approach reduces wasted effort and makes sure you all understand how you want the app to behave.

In terms of how to write steps it is best to start with the ones that come with Cucumber and copy and adapt them as you work on your project to fit your particular application. There is no right or wrong, it is what works for you. The documentation on the cucumber sites is generally good and will be a valuable resource as you learn more.

再可℃爱ぅ一点好了 2024-08-17 02:50:57

我们正在以类似的方式教授 Gherkin(用于 SpecFlow),就像 mrD 所描述的那样。

但我认为非常重要的是,观众要熟悉“示例规范”、敏捷需求分析和 BDD 的主要意图,因此我们通常首先开始讨论背景。我们还展示了一个示例 Gherkin 场景并解释了非常基础的知识(例如给定/何时/那么/但是和表格)。




虽然我从来不知道会发生什么,但通常这个练习是我们 BDD 训练中最好的部分。

We are teaching Gherkin (for SpecFlow) in a similar way, how mrD has described it.

I think it is very important though, that the audience is familiar with the main intention of "Specification by Example", agile requirement analysis and BDD, so we usually start discussing the background first. We also show a sample Gherkin scenario and explain the very basics (like Given/When/Then/But and tables).

Than we take a simple example story (that is quite familiar to everyone), like "add items to shopping cart" (with some orientation, of course) and let them formulate the acceptance criteria in small groups.

After that every team shows / explains their solutions and we discuss the good and bad practices that were present. After the second team, you can see almost all of the most important (good or bad) practices appearing.

I also type in the concluded solution, and show here alternative ways of describing the scenarios (background, scenario outline, etc.). If there is enough time, I also show how to automate & implement the imagined functionality based on that. This also help to understand some important rules to follow, that makes the automation much easier.

Although, I never know upfront what will happen, usually this exercise is the best part of our BDD training.

无所谓啦 2024-08-17 02:50:57

RSpec 书中有几个与业务分析师相关的章节:

The RSpec book has a couple of chapters in it that are relevant to Business Analysts:

鹤仙姿 2024-08-17 02:50:57

我认为最好的学习方法就是开始写作。小黄瓜Cucumber 很容易学习,但很难掌握,因此尽快了解实际示例非常重要。

虽然从编写第一个场景开始很重要,但您还需要一些资源来建立良好的习惯并了解关键实践。我写了一本可以提供帮助的书。我希望“编写出色的规范” ,学习小黄瓜和黄瓜的好方法。它涵盖了模式和反模式以及编写出色场景的关键技术。 :) 如果您有任何疑问,可以随时在 Twitter 上联系我。

如果您有兴趣购买“编写伟大的规范”,使用促销代码 39nicieja2 可以节省 39% :)


  • 如果您对软件开发过程和高级工程感兴趣,Gojko Adzic 的“示例规范”做法。
  • 如果您不介意阅读 Java 中的测试代码,请阅读 John Smart 的“BDD in Action”。它是定义和测试软件需求的全面的端到端视图。
  • 如果自动化测试没有引起您的注意,但您想了解带有示例的规范如何影响您的业务分析流程,请阅读 Liz Keogh 的“行为驱动开发”。
  • 《Cucumber 书:针对测试人员和开发人员的行为驱动开发》,作者:Matt Wynne 和 Aslak Hellesøy
  • 《RSpec 书:使用 RSpec、Cucumber 和朋友进行行为驱动开发》,作者:David Chelimsky、Dave Astels、Zach Dennis、Aslak Hellesøy、布莱恩·赫尔姆坎普、丹·诺斯

I think the best way to learn is to start writing. Gherkin & Cucumber are easy to learn but difficult to master, so it’s important to get to practical examples as soon as possible.

While it’s important to get started by writing your first scenarios, you also need some resources to establish good habits and understand key practices. I wrote a book that could help. “Writing Great Specifications” is, I hope, a good way to learn Gherkin and Cucumber. It covers patterns and antipatterns as well as key techniques for writing great scenarios. :) If you have any questions, you can always hit me up on Twitter.

If you are interested in buying “Writing Great Specifications,” you can save 39% with the promo code 39nicieja2 :)

Other great resources:

  • “Specification by Example” by Gojko Adzic if you’re interested in software development processes and high-level engineering practices.
  • “BDD in Action” by John Smart if you don’t mind reading testing code in Java. It’s a comprehensive end-to-end view on defining and testing software requirements.
  • “Behaviour-Driven Development” by Liz Keogh if automated testing doesn’t ring a bell, but you want to understand how specifications with examples affect your business analysis processes.
  • “The Cucumber Book: Behaviour-Driven Development for Testers and Developers” by Matt Wynne and Aslak Hellesøy
  • “The RSpec Book: Behaviour-Driven Development with RSpec, Cucumber, and Friends” by David Chelimsky, Dave Astels, Zach Dennis, Aslak Hellesøy, Bryan Helmkamp, Dan North
戒ㄋ 2024-08-17 02:50:57
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