Usually when I've had to walk a graph, I've always used depth-first search because of the lower space complexity. I've honestly never seen a situation that calls for a breadth-first search, although my experience is pretty limited.
When does it make sense to use a breadth-first search?
UPDATE: I suppose my answer here shows a situation where I've used a BFS (because I thought was a DFS). I'm still curious to know though, why it was useful in this case.
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When you want to reach a node by traversing as few edges as possible, i.e. when you want to find the shortest path in an unweighted graph.
Also the space complexity of a depth first search can be higher than that of a breadth first search when e.g. each node has only one child node, i.e. when the graph is deep but not very broad.
您还可以看到更复杂的算法,例如 A*,它是广度优先搜索的特殊子类型。
一般来说,bfs 是最优且完整的(具有有限分支因子),而 dfs 则不是。
If your search domain is infinite, depth-first-search doesn't guarantee to terminate/find a solution, even if a finite solution does exist.
Also you can see more elaborate algorithms like A* to be a special subtype of breadth-first-search.
In general, bfs is both optimal and complete (with finite branching factor) while dfs isn't.
还没有人提到广度优先搜索有用的情况下的关键因素:以一种方式访问节点可能会消除以其他方式访问节点的要求。在某些情况下,无论访问节点的顺序如何,最终都会执行相同的工作,但 BFS 一次待处理的操作比 DFS 少得多。在其他情况下,访问一个序列中的节点可能比其他节点需要更多的工作;给出了各种最短路径算法作为示例。如果访问一个节点需要访问其邻居,除非已知该节点可以通过比当前节点短的路径到达,则按广度优先顺序访问节点通常会导致节点被分配最短路径(或接近它的路径) -他们第一次来访时。相比之下,深度优先搜索会导致许多节点第一次被非常长的路径访问,然后通过稍微短的路径,然后稍微短的路径,等等,这需要真正巨大的总工作量。
顺便说一句,深度优先和广度优先算法之间差异的一个很好的图形说明是区域洪水填充,其中通过将白色节点涂成黑色并洪水填充其邻居来进行洪水填充。如果尝试从角落开始淹没 NxN 正方形区域,则深度优先操作将以螺旋或之字形序列填充该正方形,并在堆栈上保留 NxN-1 操作。宽度优先填充将从起始点“倾倒”出来,并且最多有 O(N) 操作待处理,无论要填充的形状如何。顺便说一句,IBM BASICA 中的洪水填充就是这样工作的(我不确定 QBASIC)。
Nobody has yet mentioned a key factor in cases where breadth-first search is useful: visiting a node one way may eliminate the requirement to visit the node some other way. In some cases, one will end up doing the same work regardless of the order in which nodes are visited, but BFS will have much fewer actions pending at a time than DFS. In other cases, visiting nodes in one sequence may require more work than others; various shortest-path algorithms are given as an example of that. If visiting a node requires visiting its neighbors unless the node is known to be reachable by a path shorter than the current one, visiting nodes in breadth-first order will typically result in nodes being assigned the shortest path--or something close to it--on their first visit. By contrast, a depth-first search would cause many nodes to be visited by very long paths the first time, then by slightly-shorter paths, then slightly-shorter paths, etc. requiring a truly monstrous total amount of work.
BTW, one nice graphical illustration of the difference between depth-first and breadth-first algorithms is an area flood fill, where a white node is flood-filled by painting it black and flood-filling its neighbors. If one tries to flood-fill an NxN square area starting in a cornder, a depth-first operation would fill the square in a spiral or zig-zag sequence, with NxN-1 operations remaining on the stack. A breadth-first fill would "pour" out from the starting point, and have at most O(N) operations pending, regardless of the shape to be filled. BTW, the flood fill in IBM BASICA worked that way (I'm not sure about QBASIC).
根据 wikipedia,它对于某些图算法(二分性、连通分量)也很有用。
One example is traversing the filesystem (with limited recursive depth).
According to wikipedia, it's also useful for certain graph algorithms (bipartiteness, connected components).
Could be used for solving a search problem with minimum number of steps.
Going in depth first could lead (if not limited somehow) to infinite depth.
Ex: finding the closest node to the root that satisfies a condition.
例如,当您需要找到图中的最短路径时,DFS 就无法做到这一点。还有一些其他应用程序,但总的来说,DFS 和 BFS 是在不同数据结构上工作的相同算法(BFS 使用队列,DFS 使用堆栈)。
For example, when you need to find the shortest path in a graph - DFS just can't do that. There are some other applications, but, in general, DFS and BFS are the same algorithm working on different data structures (BFS uses queue and DFS works with stack).
BFS有时候真的很有用。假设您有一棵代表 WBS 的树。您可能只想向用户展示其中的 1 个级别。
BFS is sometimes really useful. Suppose you have a tree that represents let's say WBS. You may want to present to your user only 1 level of it.
Breadth-first search algorithm likes to stay as close as possible to the starting point. Some of the situations that I can think of are:
specified distance.
neighbouring computers.
When you need to get the shortest path to a vertex from a graph with no edge weight.
在深度优先搜索中,您可能会找到“局部”解决方案 - 要真正找到全局解决方案,您需要遍历整个图(或使用启发式)。
In depth first search you may find "local" solutions - to truly find a global solution you need to traverse the entire graph (or use a heuristic).