SimpleDateFormat 和基于区域设置的格式字符串

发布于 2024-08-09 21:27:38 字数 282 浏览 14 评论 0 原文

我正在尝试根据给定的区域设置以不同的方式格式化 Java 中的日期。例如,我希望英语用户看到“Nov 1, 2009”(格式为“MMM d, yyyy”),挪威用户看到“1. nov. 2009”(“d. MMM.yyyy”)。

如果我将区域设置添加到 SimpleDateFormat 构造函数中,月份部分就可以正常工作,但是其余部分呢?

我希望可以将与区域设置配对的格式字符串添加到 SimpleDateFormat,但我找不到任何方法来做到这一点。是否可能或者我需要让我的代码检查区域设置并添加相应的格式字符串?

I'm trying to format a date in Java in different ways based on the given locale. For instance I want English users to see "Nov 1, 2009" (formatted by "MMM d, yyyy") and Norwegian users to see "1. nov. 2009" ("d. MMM. yyyy").

The month part works OK if I add the locale to the SimpleDateFormat constructor, but what about the rest?

I was hoping I could add format strings paired with locales to SimpleDateFormat, but I can't find any way to do this. Is it possible or do I need to let my code check the locale and add the corresponding format string?

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孤寂小茶 2024-08-16 21:27:38

使用 DateFormat.getDateInstance(int style, Locale locale) 而不是使用 SimpleDateFormat 创建您自己的模式。

Use DateFormat.getDateInstance(int style, Locale locale) instead of creating your own patterns with SimpleDateFormat.

呆橘 2024-08-16 21:27:38
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE dd MMM yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH);
String formatted = dateFormat.format(the_date_you_want_here);
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE dd MMM yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH);
String formatted = dateFormat.format(the_date_you_want_here);
憧憬巴黎街头的黎明 2024-08-16 21:27:38

使用样式 + 区域设置DateFormat.getDateInstance(int style, Locale locale)



import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;

public class DateFormatDemoSO {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    int style = DateFormat.MEDIUM;
    //Also try with style = DateFormat.FULL and DateFormat.SHORT
    Date date = new Date();
    DateFormat df;
    df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(style, Locale.UK);
    System.out.println("United Kingdom: " + df.format(date));
    df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(style, Locale.US);
    System.out.println("USA: " + df.format(date));   
    df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(style, Locale.FRANCE);
    System.out.println("France: " + df.format(date));
    df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(style, Locale.ITALY);
    System.out.println("Italy: " + df.format(date));
    df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(style, Locale.JAPAN);
    System.out.println("Japan: " + df.format(date));


United Kingdom: 25-Sep-2017
USA: Sep 25, 2017
France: 25 sept. 2017
Italy: 25-set-2017
Japan: 2017/09/25

Use the style + locale: DateFormat.getDateInstance(int style, Locale locale)


Run the following example to see the differences:

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;

public class DateFormatDemoSO {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    int style = DateFormat.MEDIUM;
    //Also try with style = DateFormat.FULL and DateFormat.SHORT
    Date date = new Date();
    DateFormat df;
    df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(style, Locale.UK);
    System.out.println("United Kingdom: " + df.format(date));
    df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(style, Locale.US);
    System.out.println("USA: " + df.format(date));   
    df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(style, Locale.FRANCE);
    System.out.println("France: " + df.format(date));
    df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(style, Locale.ITALY);
    System.out.println("Italy: " + df.format(date));
    df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(style, Locale.JAPAN);
    System.out.println("Japan: " + df.format(date));


United Kingdom: 25-Sep-2017
USA: Sep 25, 2017
France: 25 sept. 2017
Italy: 25-set-2017
Japan: 2017/09/25
等数载,海棠开 2024-08-16 21:27:38

    DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDate( FormatStyle.MEDIUM )
                     .withLocale( new Locale( "no" , "NO" ) )

麻烦的 java.util.DateSimpleDateFormat 类现在已经被遗留下来,被 java.time 类取代。


LocalDate 类表示仅日期值,没有时间和时区。

时区对于确定日期至关重要。对于任何特定时刻,全球各地的日期都会因地区而异。例如,法国巴黎午夜过后几分钟是新的一天,但仍然是“昨天” ”在魁北克省蒙特利尔

ZoneId z = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" );
LocalDate today = z );


使用 DateTimeFormatter 生成表示仅日期部分或时间部分。

DateTimeFormatter 类可以自动本地化


  • FormatStyle 来确定字符串的长度或缩写。
  • 区域设置 到确定(a)用于翻译日名、月名等的人类语言,以及(b)决定缩写、大写、标点符号等问题的文化规范。


Locale l = Locale.CANADA_FRENCH ; 
DateTimeFormatter f = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDate( FormatStyle.FULL ).withLocale( l );
String output = ld.format( f );


LocalDate ld = LocalDate.parse( input , f );


另一个示例:将 6 junio 2012 (西班牙语)更改为 2012-06-06 (标准 ISO 8601 格式)。 java.time 类默认使用 ISO 8601 格式来解析/生成字符串。

String input = "6 junio 2012";
Locale l = new Locale ( "es" , "ES" );
DateTimeFormatter f = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern ( "d MMMM uuuu" , l );
LocalDate ld = LocalDate.parse ( input , f );
String output = ld.toString();  // 2012-06-06. 



EnumSetSet< 的实现/a>,在收集 Enum 对象。因此,EnumSet.allOf( FormatStyle.class ) 为我们提供了所有四个 FormatStyle 要循环的枚举对象。有关详细信息,请参阅有关枚举类型的 Oracle 教程

LocalDate ld = LocalDate.of( 2018 , Month.JANUARY , 23 );

List < Locale > locales = new ArrayList <>( 3 );
locales.add( Locale.CANADA_FRENCH );
locales.add( new Locale( "no" , "NO" ) );
locales.add( Locale.US );

// Or use all locales (almost 800 of them, for about 120K text results).
// Locale[] locales = Locale.getAvailableLocales(); // All known locales. Almost 800 of them.

for ( Locale locale : locales )
    System.out.println( "------|  LOCALE: " + locale + " — " + locale.getDisplayName() + "  |----------------------------------" + System.lineSeparator() );

    for ( FormatStyle style : EnumSet.allOf( FormatStyle.class ) )
        DateTimeFormatter f = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDate( style ).withLocale( locale );
        String output = ld.format( f );
        System.out.println( output );
    System.out.println( "" );
System.out.println( "« fin »" + System.lineSeparator() );


------|  LOCALE: fr_CA — French (Canada)  |----------------------------------

mardi 23 janvier 2018
23 janvier 2018
23 janv. 2018

------|  LOCALE: no_NO — Norwegian (Norway)  |----------------------------------

tirsdag 23. januar 2018
23. januar 2018
23. jan. 2018

------|  LOCALE: en_US — English (United States)  |----------------------------------

Tuesday, January 23, 2018
January 23, 2018
Jan 23, 2018

« fin »

关于 java.time

java.time 框架内置于 Java 8 及更高版本中。这些类取代了麻烦的旧遗留日期时间类,例如java.util.Date, 日历,& SimpleDateFormat

Joda-Time 项目,现已在 维护模式,建议迁移到 java.time 类。

要了解更多信息,请参阅 Oracle 教程 。并在 Stack Overflow 上搜索许多示例和解释。规范为 JSR 310

您可以直接与数据库交换java.time对象。使用符合 JDBC 驱动程序 jeps/170" rel="noreferrer">JDBC 4.2 或更高版本。不需要字符串,不需要 java.sql.* 类。

从哪里获取 java.time 类?

ThreeTen-Extra 项目通过附加类扩展了 java.time。该项目是 java.time 未来可能添加的内容的试验场。您可能会在这里找到一些有用的类,例如 Interval YearWeek YearQuarter ,以及更多

    DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDate( FormatStyle.MEDIUM )
                     .withLocale( new Locale( "no" , "NO" ) )

The troublesome classes of java.util.Date and SimpleDateFormat are now legacy, supplanted by the java.time classes.


The LocalDate class represents a date-only value without time-of-day and without time zone.

A time zone is crucial in determining a date. For any given moment, the date varies around the globe by zone. For example, a few minutes after midnight in Paris France is a new day while still “yesterday” in Montréal Québec.

ZoneId z = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" );
LocalDate today = z );


Use DateTimeFormatter to generate strings representing only the date-portion or the time-portion.

The DateTimeFormatter class can automatically localize.

To localize, specify:

  • FormatStyle to determine how long or abbreviated should the string be.
  • Locale to determine (a) the human language for translation of name of day, name of month, and such, and (b) the cultural norms deciding issues of abbreviation, capitalization, punctuation, and such.


Locale l = Locale.CANADA_FRENCH ; 
DateTimeFormatter f = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDate( FormatStyle.FULL ).withLocale( l );
String output = ld.format( f );

Going the other direction, you can parse a localized string.

LocalDate ld = LocalDate.parse( input , f );

Note that the locale and time zone are completely orthogonal issues. You can have a Montréal moment presented in Japanese language or an Auckland New Zealand moment presented in Hindi language.

Another example: Change 6 junio 2012 (Spanish) to 2012-06-06 (standard ISO 8601 format). The java.time classes use ISO 8601 formats by default for parsing/generating strings.

String input = "6 junio 2012";
Locale l = new Locale ( "es" , "ES" );
DateTimeFormatter f = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern ( "d MMMM uuuu" , l );
LocalDate ld = LocalDate.parse ( input , f );
String output = ld.toString();  // 2012-06-06. 

Peruse formats

Here is some example code for perusing the results of multiple formats in multiple locales, automatically localized.

An EnumSet is an implementation of Set, highly optimized for both low memory usage and fast execution speed when collecting Enum objects. So, EnumSet.allOf( FormatStyle.class ) gives us a collection of all four of the FormatStyle enum objects to loop. For more info, see Oracle Tutorial on enum types.

LocalDate ld = LocalDate.of( 2018 , Month.JANUARY , 23 );

List < Locale > locales = new ArrayList <>( 3 );
locales.add( Locale.CANADA_FRENCH );
locales.add( new Locale( "no" , "NO" ) );
locales.add( Locale.US );

// Or use all locales (almost 800 of them, for about 120K text results).
// Locale[] locales = Locale.getAvailableLocales(); // All known locales. Almost 800 of them.

for ( Locale locale : locales )
    System.out.println( "------|  LOCALE: " + locale + " — " + locale.getDisplayName() + "  |----------------------------------" + System.lineSeparator() );

    for ( FormatStyle style : EnumSet.allOf( FormatStyle.class ) )
        DateTimeFormatter f = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDate( style ).withLocale( locale );
        String output = ld.format( f );
        System.out.println( output );
    System.out.println( "" );
System.out.println( "« fin »" + System.lineSeparator() );


------|  LOCALE: fr_CA — French (Canada)  |----------------------------------

mardi 23 janvier 2018
23 janvier 2018
23 janv. 2018

------|  LOCALE: no_NO — Norwegian (Norway)  |----------------------------------

tirsdag 23. januar 2018
23. januar 2018
23. jan. 2018

------|  LOCALE: en_US — English (United States)  |----------------------------------

Tuesday, January 23, 2018
January 23, 2018
Jan 23, 2018

« fin »

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

You may exchange java.time objects directly with your database. Use a JDBC driver compliant with JDBC 4.2 or later. No need for strings, no need for java.sql.* classes.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

The ThreeTen-Extra project extends java.time with additional classes. This project is a proving ground for possible future additions to java.time. You may find some useful classes here such as Interval, YearWeek, YearQuarter, and more.

乱了心跳 2024-08-16 21:27:38


基于 redsonic 的帖子:

private String localizeDate(String inputdate, Locale locale) { 

    Date date = new Date();
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormatCN = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy", locale);       
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy");

    try {
        date = dateFormat.parse(inputdate);
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        log.warn("Input date was not correct. Can not localize it.");
        return inputdate;
    return dateFormatCN.format(date);

String localizedDate = localizeDate("05-Sep-2013", new Locale("zh","CN"));

将类似于 05-九月-2013

Localization of date string:

Based on redsonic's post:

private String localizeDate(String inputdate, Locale locale) { 

    Date date = new Date();
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormatCN = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy", locale);       
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy");

    try {
        date = dateFormat.parse(inputdate);
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        log.warn("Input date was not correct. Can not localize it.");
        return inputdate;
    return dateFormatCN.format(date);

String localizedDate = localizeDate("05-Sep-2013", new Locale("zh","CN"));

will be like 05-九月-2013

打小就很酷 2024-08-16 21:27:38



import java.text.DateFormat;    
import java.util.Date;

Date date = new Date();
DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance();
String myDate = df.format(date);

Dec 31, 1969 7:00:02 PM



Dec 31, 1969

This will display the date according to user's current locale:

To return date and time:

import java.text.DateFormat;    
import java.util.Date;

Date date = new Date();
DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance();
String myDate = df.format(date);

Dec 31, 1969 7:00:02 PM

To return date only, use:


Dec 31, 1969

囍笑 2024-08-16 21:27:38

给定日期的 Java 8 样式

LocalDate today = LocalDate.of(1982, Month.AUGUST, 31);

Java 8 Style for a given date

LocalDate today = LocalDate.of(1982, Month.AUGUST, 31);
不知在何时 2024-08-16 21:27:38

希望这对某人有帮助。请在下面的代码中找到它接受 Locale 实例并返回区域设置特定的日期格式/模式。

public static String getLocaleDatePattern(Locale locale) {
    // Validating if Locale instance is null
    if (locale == null || locale.getLanguage() == null) {
        return "MM/dd/yyyy";
    // Fetching the locale specific date pattern
    String localeDatePattern = ((SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateInstance(
            DateFormat.SHORT, locale)).toPattern();
    // Validating if locale type is having language code for Chinese and country
    // code for (Hong Kong) with Date Format as - yy'?'M'?'d'?'
    if (locale.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("zh_hk")) {
        // Expected application Date Format for Chinese (Hong Kong) locale type
        return "yyyy'MM'dd";
    // Replacing all d|m|y OR Gy with dd|MM|yyyy as per the locale date pattern
    localeDatePattern = localeDatePattern.replaceAll("d{1,2}", "dd")
            .replaceAll("M{1,2}", "MM")
            .replaceAll("y{1,4}|Gy", "yyyy");
    // Replacing all blank spaces in the locale date pattern
    localeDatePattern = localeDatePattern.replace(" ", "");
    // Validating the date pattern length to remove any extract characters
    if (localeDatePattern.length() > 10) {
        // Keeping the standard length as expected by the application
        localeDatePattern = localeDatePattern.substring(0, 10);
    return localeDatePattern;

Hope this helps someone. Please find in the below code which accepts Locale instance and returns the locale specific date format/pattern.

public static String getLocaleDatePattern(Locale locale) {
    // Validating if Locale instance is null
    if (locale == null || locale.getLanguage() == null) {
        return "MM/dd/yyyy";
    // Fetching the locale specific date pattern
    String localeDatePattern = ((SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateInstance(
            DateFormat.SHORT, locale)).toPattern();
    // Validating if locale type is having language code for Chinese and country
    // code for (Hong Kong) with Date Format as - yy'?'M'?'d'?'
    if (locale.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("zh_hk")) {
        // Expected application Date Format for Chinese (Hong Kong) locale type
        return "yyyy'MM'dd";
    // Replacing all d|m|y OR Gy with dd|MM|yyyy as per the locale date pattern
    localeDatePattern = localeDatePattern.replaceAll("d{1,2}", "dd")
            .replaceAll("M{1,2}", "MM")
            .replaceAll("y{1,4}|Gy", "yyyy");
    // Replacing all blank spaces in the locale date pattern
    localeDatePattern = localeDatePattern.replace(" ", "");
    // Validating the date pattern length to remove any extract characters
    if (localeDatePattern.length() > 10) {
        // Keeping the standard length as expected by the application
        localeDatePattern = localeDatePattern.substring(0, 10);
    return localeDatePattern;
凹づ凸ル 2024-08-16 21:27:38
String text = new SimpleDateFormat("E, MMM d, yyyy").format(date);
String text = new SimpleDateFormat("E, MMM d, yyyy").format(date);
白龙吟 2024-08-16 21:27:38


 import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;         
 myDate.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd-MMM-YYYY",new Locale("ar")))


 import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;         
 myDate.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd-MMM-YYYY",new Locale("ar")))
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