在一堆 ISO-889-1 网页中查找非法字符的最佳方法?
我的网站中有一堆 html 文件,这些文件创建于 2000 年,并一直维护到今天。我们最近开始努力用 HTML 实体替换非法字符。一页一页地寻找版权符号和商标标签似乎是一件很麻烦的事。你们中有人知道有一个应用程序可以获取一堆 html 文件并告诉我在哪里需要用 html 实体替换非法字符吗?
I have a bunch of html files in a site that were created in the year 2000 and have been maintained to this day. We've recently began an effort to replace illegal characters with their html entities. Going page to page looking for copyright symbols and trademark tags seems like quite a chore. Do any of you know of an app that will take a bunch of html files and tell me where I need to replace illegal characters with html entities?
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你可以编写一个 PHP 脚本(如果可以;如果不能,我很乐意提供帮助),但我假设你已经转换了一些“特殊字符”,所以这确实使任务变得有点困难(尽管我仍然认为这是可能的)...
You could write a PHP script (if you can; if not, I'd be happy to help), but I assume you already converted some of the "special characters", so that does make the task a little harder (although I still think it's possible)...
我使用 EditPlus 执行此操作。有几种编辑器,例如 Notepad++、TextPad 等将轻松帮助您做到这一点。
您不必打开这些文件。您只需指定存储文件的路径以及掩码 (*.html) 和搜索“©”的内容,编辑器将返回一个匹配列表,当您双击时,它会打开文件并带来向上匹配线。
Any good text editor will do a file contents search for you and return a list of matches.
I do this with EditPlus. There are several editors like Notepad++, TextPad, etc that will easily help you do this.
You do not have to open the files. You just specify a path where the files are stored and the Mask (*.html) and the contents to search for "©" and the editor will come back with a list of matches and when you double click, it opens the file and brings up the matching line.
我还有一个网站,需要定期在字符集之间来回转换大量文件名。虽然文本编辑器可以做到这一点,但在 php 中使用 2 个步骤的便携式解决方案是更好的选择。首先,将文件名添加到数组中,然后进行搜索和替换。函数中的一段额外代码从数组中排除某些文件类型。
I also have a website that needs to regularly convert large numbers of file names back and forth between character sets. While a text editor can do this, a portable solution using 2 steps in php was preferrable. First, add the filenames to an array, then do the search and replace. An extra piece of code in the function excludes certain file types from the array.