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有一个名为 Organimi 的工具可以完成此任务。它允许您创建基于角色的组织结构图。您还可以创建一个员工名册,您可以从中添加/删除这些角色的员工。花名册可以从 csv 导入,也可以通过 API 集成现有的员工数据库。
There is a tool called Organimi that will accomplish this. It allows you to create a role based org chart. You also create a roster of employees from which you can add/remove employees to/from these roles. The roster can be imported from csv or you can integrate an existing employee database via the API.
我们使用了 Google 组织结构图工具以及一些相当不错的成功。 API和文档都非常清晰。一个简单的静态演示很快就启动并运行了,不需要做太多工作就可以从我们的公司数据动态生成它。
We've used the Google Organizational Chart Tool with some pretty good success. The API and documentation are very clear. It was very quick to get a simple static demo up and running, and not much more work to generate it dynamically from our corporate data.
I'm using the Mindmap software for this kind of the project. There are many of them online and the desktop versions. This small, list helps you to examine: Freemind Mindomo Mind42 Conceptdraw MINDMAP Mindjet Xmind
您可以使用 GraphViz 并通过 PEAR。您可以生成如下图表:
(来源 。
You could use GraphViz and connect it to your php via PEAR. You can generate graphs like these:
(source: .
You can find more examples here
有一个名为 Organimi 的工具可以完成此任务。它允许您创建基于角色的组织结构图。您还可以创建一个员工名册,您可以从中添加/删除这些角色的员工。花名册可以从 csv 导入,也可以通过 API 集成现有的员工数据库。
There is a tool called Organimi that will accomplish this. It allows you to create a role based org chart. You also create a roster of employees from which you can add/remove employees to/from these roles. The roster can be imported from csv or you can integrate an existing employee database via the API.
我们使用了 Google 组织结构图工具以及一些相当不错的成功。 API和文档都非常清晰。一个简单的静态演示很快就启动并运行了,不需要做太多工作就可以从我们的公司数据动态生成它。
We've used the Google Organizational Chart Tool with some pretty good success. The API and documentation are very clear. It was very quick to get a simple static demo up and running, and not much more work to generate it dynamically from our corporate data.
I'm using the Mindmap software for this kind of the project. There are many of them online and the desktop versions. This small, list helps you to examine:
Conceptdraw MINDMAP