通过 http 跟踪日志文件
出于安全原因(我是开发人员),我无法通过命令行访问写入日志文件的生产服务器。不过,我可以通过 HTTP 访问这些日志文件。是否有一个“tail -f”方式的实用程序可以仅使用 HTTP“跟踪”纯文本文件?
For security reasons (I'm a developer) I do not have command line access to our Production servers where log files are written. I can, however access those log files over HTTP. Is there a utility in the manner of "tail -f" that can "follow" a plain text file using only HTTP?
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如果 HTTP 服务器接受返回部分资源的请求,则可以执行此操作。例如,如果 HTTP 请求包含标头:
响应将包含资源的最后 500 个字节。您可以获取它,然后将其解析为行等。我不知道有任何现成的客户端可以为您执行此操作 - 我会编写一个脚本来完成这项工作。
您可以使用 Hurl 来试验标头(来自公开可用的资源)。
You can do this if the HTTP server accepts requests to return parts of a resource. For example, if an HTTP request contains the header:
the response will contain the last 500 bytes of the resource. You can fetch that and then parse it into lines, etc. I don't know of any ready-made clients which will do this for you - I'd write a script to do the job.
You can use Hurl to experiment with headers (from publicly available resources).
我出于同样的目的编写了一个 bash 脚本。您可以在这里找到它 https://github.com/maksim07/url-tail
I wrote a bash script for the same purpose. You can find it here https://github.com/maksim07/url-tail
您可以使用 PsExec 在远程计算机上执行命令。
Windows 的 tail 命令可以在 http://tailforwin32.sourceforge.net/ 找到
。如果是 HTTP,您可以编写一个轻量级 Web 服务来轻松实现这一点。
例如,读取指定文件中从第 0 行到第 200 行的文本。
You can use PsExec to execute command on remote computer.
The tail command for windows can be found at http://tailforwin32.sourceforge.net/
If it has to be HTTP, you can write a light weight web service to achieve that easily.
e.g., read text within a specified file from line 0 to line 200.
您可以使用小型 java 实用程序通过 Apche HTTP 库通过 Http 读取日志文件。
You can use small java utility to read log file over Http using Apche HTTP Library.
我编写了一个简单的 bash 脚本,每 2 秒获取一次 URL 内容,并与本地文件
进行比较,然后将差异附加到我想要在 Jenkins 管道中流式传输 AWS amplify 日志的
同一 文件中忘记创建空文件
我在这里使用 wget 找到了更好的解决方案:
I wrote a simple bash script to fetch URL content each 2 seconds and compare with local file
then append the diff to the same fileI wanted to stream AWS amplify logs in my Jenkins pipeline
don't forget to create empty file
file firstview the stream :
I found better solution using wget here:
我创建了一个 powershell 脚本,它
I have created a powershell script which
You can adjust the Range and the Seconds to your own needs. Also If needed you can easily add color patterns for specific search terms. You can also redirect the output to a file.