有没有办法将我网站的所有流量重定向到特定页面?我的免费主机确实支持 PHP。不确定这是否适合于此。谢谢。
Is there a way to redirect all traffic to my website to a specific page? My free host does support PHP. Not sure if that is what would be appropriate for this or not. Thank you.
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如果您的主机基于 Apache 并支持 mod_rewrite,请使用它。例如。 WordPress 典型的重写,将对不存在的文件/文件夹的请求重定向到index.php,传递原始URL:
If your host is based on Apache and supports mod_rewrite, use that. Eg. the wordpress typical rewite, that redirects requests to non-existing files/folders to index.php, passing on the original URL:
如果您的主机运行 Apache 并支持 .htaccess,请将此行添加到您的 .htaccess 文件中
它不需要 mod_rewrite。它确实假设只有未找到的文件才会重定向到index.htm。
If your host runs Apache and supports .htaccess, add this line to your .htaccess file
It does not require mod_rewrite. It does assume that only files that are not found will redirect to index.htm.
I'm not sure but meta refresh might work for you
<META http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=http://some-url.com/some-page.html">
如果您无法使用 .htaccess 或 mod_rewrite 不可用,您可以使用一个简单的 PHP 文件:
If you can't use .htaccess or mod_rewrite is not available, you can use a simple PHP file:
您必须返回状态代码为 301-308 的重定向标头。
you have to return redirect header with status code 301-308.
just consider to use 301, because browser will cache it when you use 301