
发布于 2024-08-09 03:09:06 字数 100 浏览 4 评论 0原文

嗯,这个问题看起来太简单了,但我在看了几个 ppts 后才问。


Well looks too simple a question to be asked but i asked after going through few ppts on both.

Both methods increase instruction throughput. And Superscaling almost always makes use of pipelining as well. Superscaling has more than one execution unit and so does pipelining or am I wrong here?

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梦中楼上月下 2024-08-16 03:09:06




Superscalar/pipelined in use



在上面的示例中,一条指令要经过 5 个阶段才能“执行”。它们是 IF(指令获取)、ID(指令解码)、EX(执行)、MEM(更新内存)、WB(写回高速缓存)。


  1. IF
  2. ID
  3. EX
  4. MEM
  5. WB

这将在五个时钟内执行一条指令。如果我们添加一个冗余执行单元并引入超标量设计,对于两条指令 A 和 B,我们就会得到这样的结果:

  1. IF(A) IF(B)
  2. ID(A) ID(B)
  3. EX(A) EX(B)
  4. MEM(A) MEM(B)
  5. WB(A) WB(B)

五个时钟内的两条指令——理论上最大增益为 100%。

流水线允许同时执行各个部分,因此我们最终会得到类似的结果(对于十条指令 A 到 J):

  1. IF(A) IF(B)
  2. ID(A) ID(B) IF(C) IF(D)
  3. EX(A) EX(B) ID(C) ID(D) IF(E) IF(F)
  4. MEM(A) MEM(B) EX(C) EX(D) ID(E) ID(F) IF( G) IF(H)
  5. WB(A) WB(B) MEM(C) MEM(D) EX(E) EX(F) ID(G) ID(H) IF(I) IF(J)
  6. WB(C) WB(D) MEM(E) MEM(F) EX(G) EX(H) ID(I) ID(J)
  7. WB(E) WB(F) MEM(G) MEM(H) EX(I) EX( J)
  8. WB(G) WB(H) MEM(I) MEM(J)
  9. WB(I) WB(J)

在 9 个时钟周期内,我们执行了 10 条指令——您可以看到流水线真正推动事物前进的地方。这是对示例图形的解释,而不是它在现场的实际实现方式(这是黑魔法)。

维基百科关于 Superscalar指令管道 非常好。

Superscalar design involves the processor being able to issue multiple instructions in a single clock, with redundant facilities to execute an instruction. We're talking about within a single core, mind you -- multicore processing is different.

Pipelining divides an instruction into steps, and since each step is executed in a different part of the processor, multiple instructions can be in different "phases" each clock.

They're almost always used together. This image from Wikipedia shows both concepts in use, as these concepts are best explained graphically:

Superscalar/pipelining in use

Here, two instructions are being executed at a time in a five-stage pipeline.

To break it down further, given your recent edit:

In the example above, an instruction goes through 5 stages to be "performed". These are IF (instruction fetch), ID (instruction decode), EX (execute), MEM (update memory), WB (writeback to cache).

In a very simple processor design, every clock a different stage would be completed so we'd have:

  1. IF
  2. ID
  3. EX
  4. MEM
  5. WB

Which would do one instruction in five clocks. If we then add a redundant execution unit and introduce superscalar design, we'd have this, for two instructions A and B:

  1. IF(A) IF(B)
  2. ID(A) ID(B)
  3. EX(A) EX(B)
  4. MEM(A) MEM(B)
  5. WB(A) WB(B)

Two instructions in five clocks -- a theoretical maximum gain of 100%.

Pipelining allows the parts to be executed simultaneously, so we would end up with something like (for ten instructions A through J):

  1. IF(A) IF(B)
  2. ID(A) ID(B) IF(C) IF(D)
  3. EX(A) EX(B) ID(C) ID(D) IF(E) IF(F)
  4. MEM(A) MEM(B) EX(C) EX(D) ID(E) ID(F) IF(G) IF(H)
  5. WB(A) WB(B) MEM(C) MEM(D) EX(E) EX(F) ID(G) ID(H) IF(I) IF(J)
  6. WB(C) WB(D) MEM(E) MEM(F) EX(G) EX(H) ID(I) ID(J)
  7. WB(E) WB(F) MEM(G) MEM(H) EX(I) EX(J)
  8. WB(G) WB(H) MEM(I) MEM(J)
  9. WB(I) WB(J)

In nine clocks, we've executed ten instructions -- you can see where pipelining really moves things along. And that is an explanation of the example graphic, not how it's actually implemented in the field (that's black magic).

The Wikipedia articles for Superscalar and Instruction pipeline are pretty good.

陌伤浅笑 2024-08-16 03:09:06

很久以前,CPU一次只执行一条机器指令。只有当它完全完成时,CPU 才会从内存(或者后来的指令缓存)中获取下一条指令。


因此,“简单流水线诞生了:一旦一条指令完成解码并继续执行下一个执行子单元,为什么不先获取并解码下一条指令呢?如果您有 10 个这样的“阶段”,那么通过让每个阶段处理不同的指令,理论上您可以将指令吞吐量提高十倍,而根本不需要增加 CPU 时钟!当然,只有当代码中没有条件跳转时,这才可以完美地工作(这导致需要花费大量额外的精力来专门处理条件跳转)。

后来,随着摩尔定律持续正确的时间超出预期,CPU 制造商发现自己需要使用越来越多的晶体管,并思考“为什么每个执行子单元只有一个?”。因此,具有多个执行子单元能够并行执行相同事情超标量 CPU 诞生了,CPU 设计变得更加复杂将指令分布在这些完全并行的单元上,同时确保结果与指令按顺序执行时相同。

A long time ago, CPUs executed only one machine instruction at a time. Only when it was completely finished did the CPU fetch the next instruction from memory (or, later, the instruction cache).

Eventually, someone noticed that this meant that most of a CPU did nothing most of the time, since there were several execution subunits (such as the instruction decoder, the integer arithmetic unit, and FP arithmetic unit, etc.) and executing an instruction kept only one of them busy at a time.

Thus, "simple" pipelining was born: once one instruction was done decoding and went on towards the next execution subunit, why not already fetch and decode the next instruction? If you had 10 such "stages", then by having each stage process a different instruction you could theoretically increase the instruction throughput tenfold without increasing the CPU clock at all! Of course, this only works flawlessly when there are no conditional jumps in the code (this led to a lot of extra effort to handle conditional jumps specially).

Later, with Moore's law continuing to be correct for longer than expected, CPU makers found themselves with ever more transistors to make use of and thought "why have only one of each execution subunit?". Thus, superscalar CPUs with multiple execution subunits able to do the same thing in parallel were born, and CPU designs became much, much more complex to distribute instructions across these fully parallel units while ensuring the results were the same as if the instructions had been executed sequentially.

挽手叙旧 2024-08-16 03:09:06





  1. 从架子上取出衬衫
  2. ,清洗衬衫,
  3. 晾干衬衫
  4. ,熨烫衬衫,
  5. 折叠衬衫,
  6. 将衬衫放回架子上,
  7. 从架子上取出裤子,
  8. 清洗裤子,
  9. 晾干 将
  10. 折叠裤子
  11. 裤子放回架子上
  12. 从架子上取出外套
  13. 清洗外套
  14. 晾干外套
  15. 熨烫外套
  16. 将外套放回架子上

服务员按照这些说明穿 T 恤,非常小心,不要做任何事情出故障了。可以想象,完成一天的衣服需要很长时间,因为充分洗涤、干燥和折叠每件衣服都需要很长时间,而且必须一次一件完成。


  1. 从架子上拿衬衫,
  2. 洗衬衫,从架子上拿裤子
  3. 擦干衬衫,洗裤子
  4. 熨烫衬衫,晾干裤子
  5. 折叠衬衫,(从架子上拿外套)
  6. 将衬衫放回架子上,折叠裤子< /em>、(清洗外套)
  7. 将裤子放回架子上(晾干外套)
  8. (熨烫外套)
  9. (把外套放回架子上)

这就是流水线。对不相关的活动进行排序,以便它们同时使用不同的组件。通过同时保持尽可能多的不同组件处于活动状态,您可以最大限度地提高效率并加快执行时间,在这种情况下,将 16 个“周期”减少到 9 个,加速超过 40%。


  1. 从架子上拿衬衫,从架子上拿裤子
  2. 洗衬衫,洗裤子,< em>(从架子上拿外套)
  3. 擦干衬衫,擦干裤子(洗外套)
  4. 熨烫衬衫,折叠衬衫裤子(烘干外套)
  5. 折叠衬衫,将裤子放回架子上(熨烫外套)
  6. 放将衬衫放回架子上,(将外套放回架子上)

这是超标量设计。 多个子组件能够同时执行相同的任务,但具有处理器决定如何做。在这种情况下,速度提升了近 50%(在 18 个“周期”内,新架构可以运行该“程序”的 3 次迭代,而之前的架构只能运行 2 次)。

较旧的处理器(例如 386 或 486)是简单的标量处理器,它们一次完全按照接收指令的顺序执行一条指令。自 PowerPC/Pentium 以来的现代消费处理器都是流水线和超标量的。 Core2 CPU 能够运行为 486 编译的相同代码,同时仍然利用指令级并行性,因为它包含自己的内部逻辑,可以分析机器代码并确定如何重新排序和运行它(什么可以并行运行) ,什么不能,等等)这是超标量设计的本质以及它如此实用的原因。

相比之下,向量并行处理器一次对多个数据(向量)执行操作。因此,向量处理器不是仅仅添加 x 和 ya,而是将 x0,x1,x2 添加到 y0,y1,y2(结果为 z0,z1,z2)。这种设计的问题在于它与处理器的特定并行度紧密耦合。如果您在向量处理器上运行标量代码(假设可以),您将看不到向量并行化的优势,因为它需要显式使用,类似地,如果您想利用具有更多并行处理单元的较新向量处理器(例如能够添加 12 个数字的向量,而不是仅 3 个),您需要重新编译代码。矢量处理器设计在最古老的一代超级计算机中很流行,因为它们易于设计,并且科学和工程中存在大量具有大量自然并行性的问题。


An Analogy: Washing Clothes

Imagine a dry cleaning store with the following facilities: a rack for hanging dirty or clean clothes, a washer and a dryer (each of which can wash one garment at a time), a folding table, and an ironing board.

The attendant who does all of the actual washing and drying is rather dim-witted so the store owner, who takes the dry cleaning orders, takes special care to write out each instruction very carefully and explicitly.

On a typical day these instructions may be something along the lines of:

  1. take the shirt from the rack
  2. wash the shirt
  3. dry the shirt
  4. iron the shirt
  5. fold the shirt
  6. put the shirt back on the rack
  7. take the pants from the rack
  8. wash the pants
  9. dry the pants
  10. fold the pants
  11. put the pants back on the rack
  12. take the coat from the rack
  13. wash the coat
  14. dry the coat
  15. iron the coat
  16. put the coat back on the rack

The attendant follows these instructions to the tee, being very careful not to ever do anything out of order. As you can imagine, it takes a long time to get the day's laundry done because it takes a long time to fully wash, dry, and fold each piece of laundry, and it must all be done one at a time.

However, one day the attendant quits and a new, smarter, attendant is hired who notices that most of the equipment is laying idle at any given time during the day. While the pants were drying neither the ironing board nor the washer were in use. So he decided to make better use of his time. Thus, instead of the above series of steps, he would do this:

  1. take the shirt from the rack
  2. wash the shirt, take the pants from the rack
  3. dry the shirt, wash the pants
  4. iron the shirt, dry the pants
  5. fold the shirt, (take the coat from the rack)
  6. put the shirt back on the rack, fold the pants, (wash the coat)
  7. put the pants back on the rack, (dry the coat)
  8. (iron the coat)
  9. (put the coat back on the rack)

This is pipelining. Sequencing unrelated activities such that they use different components at the same time. By keeping as much of the different components active at once you maximize efficiency and speed up execution time, in this case reducing 16 "cycles" to 9, a speedup of over 40%.

Now, the little dry cleaning shop started to make more money because they could work so much faster, so the owner bought an extra washer, dryer, ironing board, folding station, and even hired another attendant. Now things are even faster, instead of the above, you have:

  1. take the shirt from the rack, take the pants from the rack
  2. wash the shirt, wash the pants, (take the coat from the rack)
  3. dry the shirt, dry the pants, (wash the coat)
  4. iron the shirt, fold the pants, (dry the coat)
  5. fold the shirt, put the pants back on the rack, (iron the coat)
  6. put the shirt back on the rack, (put the coat back on the rack)

This is superscalar design. Multiple sub-components capable of doing the same task simultaneously, but with the processor deciding how to do it. In this case it resulted in a nearly 50% speed boost (in 18 "cycles" the new architecture could run through 3 iterations of this "program" while the previous architecture could only run through 2).

Older processors, such as the 386 or 486, are simple scalar processors, they execute one instruction at a time in exactly the order in which it was received. Modern consumer processors since the PowerPC/Pentium are pipelined and superscalar. A Core2 CPU is capable of running the same code that was compiled for a 486 while still taking advantage of instruction level parallelism because it contains its own internal logic that analyzes machine code and determines how to reorder and run it (what can be run in parallel, what can't, etc.) This is the essence of superscalar design and why it's so practical.

In contrast a vector parallel processor performs operations on several pieces of data at once (a vector). Thus, instead of just adding x and y a vector processor would add, say, x0,x1,x2 to y0,y1,y2 (resulting in z0,z1,z2). The problem with this design is that it is tightly coupled to the specific degree of parallelism of the processor. If you run scalar code on a vector processor (assuming you could) you would see no advantage of the vector parallelization because it needs to be explicitly used, similarly if you wanted to take advantage of a newer vector processor with more parallel processing units (e.g. capable of adding vectors of 12 numbers instead of just 3) you would need to recompile your code. Vector processor designs were popular in the oldest generation of super computers because they were easy to design and there are large classes of problems in science and engineering with a great deal of natural parallelism.

Superscalar processors can also have the ability to perform speculative execution. Rather than leaving processing units idle and waiting for a code path to finish executing before branching a processor can make a best guess and start executing code past the branch before prior code has finished processing. When execution of the prior code catches up to the branch point the processor can then compare the actual branch with the branch guess and either continue on if the guess was correct (already well ahead of where it would have been by just waiting) or it can invalidate the results of the speculative execution and run the code for the correct branch.

┼── 2024-08-16 03:09:06


在 CPU 中,流水线过程是完全相同的。 “指令”被分解为执行的各个阶段,通常类似于 1. 获取指令、2. 获取操作数(读取的寄存器或内存值)、2. 执行计算、3. 写入结果(到内存或寄存器) 。其中最慢的可能是计算部分,在这种情况下,通过该管道的指令的总体吞吐量速度只是计算部分的速度(就好像其他部分是“免费的”。)




有许多技术可以用来减少需要停顿的问题,描述起来有点复杂,但我将列出它们:1.寄存器转发,(也存储加载转发)2.寄存器重命名,3.记分板,4乱序执行。 5. 带有回滚(和退出)的推测执行 所有现代 CPU 几乎都使用所有这些技术来实现超标量和流水线。然而,在停顿变得不可避免之前,这些技术往往会相对于处理器中的管线数量而产生收益递减。实际上,没有一家 CPU 制造商在单个内核中生产超过 4 个流水线。

多核与这些技术无关。这基本上是将两个微处理器组合在一起,在单个芯片上实现对称多处理,并仅共享那些有意义的组件(通常是 L3 缓存和 I/O)。然而,英特尔称之为“超线程”的技术是一种试图在单核的超标量框架内虚拟实现多核语义的方法。因此,单个微架构包含两个(或更多)虚拟核心的寄存器,并从两个(或更多)不同的执行流获取指令,但从公共超标量系统执行。这个想法是,因为寄存器不能互相干扰,所以往往会有更多的并行性,从而减少停顿。因此,与其简单地以一半的速度执行两个虚拟核心执行流,不如整体减少停顿。这似乎表明英特尔可以增加管道数量。然而,已发现该技术在实际实施中有些缺乏。不过,由于它是超标量技术不可或缺的一部分,所以我还是提到了它。

Pipelining is what a car company does in the manufacturing of their cars. They break down the process of putting together a car into stages and perform the different stages at different points along an assembly line done by different people. The net result is that the car is manufactured at exactly the speed of the slowest stage alone.

In CPUs the pipelining process is exactly the same. An "instruction" is broken down into various stages of execution, usually something like 1. fetch instruction, 2. fetch operands (registers or memory values that are read), 2. perform computation, 3. write results (to memory or registers). The slowest of this might be the computation part, in which case the overall throughput speed of the instructions through this pipeline is just the speed of the computation part (as if the other parts were "free".)

Super-scalar in microprocessors refers to the ability to run several instructions from a single execution stream at once in parallel. So if a car company ran two assembly lines then obviously they could produce twice as many cars. But if the process of putting a serial number on the car was at the last stage and had to be done by a single person, then they would have to alternate between the two pipelines and guarantee that they could get each done in half the time of the slowest stage in order to avoid becoming the slowest stage themselves.

Super-scalar in microprocessors is similar but usually has far more restrictions. So the instruction fetch stage will typically produce more than one instruction during its stage -- this is what makes super-scalar in microprocessors possible. There would then be two fetch stages, two execution stages, and two write back stages. This obviously generalizes to more than just two pipelines.

This is all fine and dandy but from the perspective of sound execution both techniques could lead to problems if done blindly. For correct execution of a program, it is assumed that the instructions are executed completely one after another in order. If two sequential instructions have inter-dependent calculations or use the same registers then there can be a problem, The later instruction needs to wait for the write back of the previous instruction to complete before it can perform the operand fetch stage. Thus you need to stall the second instruction by two stages before it is executed, which defeats the purpose of what was gained by these techniques in the first place.

There are many techniques use to reduce the problem of needing to stall that are a bit complicated to describe but I will list them: 1. register forwarding, (also store to load forwarding) 2. register renaming, 3. score-boarding, 4. out-of-order execution. 5. Speculative execution with rollback (and retirement) All modern CPUs use pretty much all these techniques to implement super-scalar and pipelining. However, these techniques tend to have diminishing returns with respect to the number of pipelines in a processor before stalls become inevitable. In practice no CPU manufacturer makes more than 4 pipelines in a single core.

Multi-core has nothing to do with any of these techniques. This is basically ramming two micro-processors together to implement symmetric multiprocessing on a single chip and sharing only those components which make sense to share (typically L3 cache, and I/O). However a technique that Intel calls "hyperthreading" is a method of trying to virtually implement the semantics of multi-core within the super-scalar framework of a single core. So a single micro-architecture contains the registers of two (or more) virtual cores and fetches instructions from two (or more) different execution streams, but executing from a common super-scalar system. The idea is that because the registers cannot interfere with each other, there will tend to be more parallelism leading to fewer stalls. So rather than simply executing two virtual core execution streams at half the speed, it is better due to the overall reduction in stalls. This would seem to suggest that Intel could increase the number of pipelines. However this technique has been found to be somewhat lacking in practical implementations. As it is integral to super-scalar techniques, though, I have mentioned it anyway.

涙—继续流 2024-08-16 03:09:06


超级扩展是将多条指令(或微指令)分派给 CPU 中存在的多个执行单元。因此,它基于 CPU 中的冗余单元。


Pipelining is simultaneous execution of different stages of multiple instructions at the same cycle. It is based on splitting instruction processing into stages and having specialized units for each stage and registers for storing intermediate results.

Superscaling is dispatching multiple instructions (or microinstructions) to multiple executing units existing in CPU. It is based thus on redundant units in CPU.

Of course, this approaches can complement each other.

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