Windows 7 任务栏是新的通知区域吗?
我看到网络上出现了一些利用新任务栏功能的 Windows 7 应用程序。然而,其中一些应用程序将任务栏视为通知区域。没有前景窗口。所有交互都是通过任务栏按钮(带有叠加层、进度条、跳转列表等)完成的。
您如何看待使用 Windows 7 任务栏作为“新通知区域”的应用程序?应该避免吗?
I've seen a few Windows 7 applications popping up around the web that take advantage of the new task bar functionality. However, some of these applications are treating the task bar like the notification area. There is no foreground window. All interaction is done through the task bar button (with overlays, progress bars, jump lists, etc).
Personally, I like the new task bar more than the notification area because I have the ability to use larger icons and give the user a very familiar user interface with a rich experience. But I also feel like applications like those described above should be kept in the notification area.
What do you think about applications that use the Windows 7 task bar as the "new notification area"? Should it be avoided?
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Microsoft 正在尽力阻止使用“通知区域”(通常称为“系统托盘”)。相反,他们鼓励更详细和交互式的应用程序图标。例如,当您在资源管理器中执行文件操作时,资源管理器图标上可见的进度条。
请阅读 Windows 用户体验交互指南,了解有关新推荐的更多详细信息功能。
Microsoft is doing its best to discourage use of the 'notification area', frequently referred to as the 'System Tray'. Instead they encourage more detailed and interactive application icons. For example, the progress bar that's visible on the explorer icon when you're performing file operations in the explorer.
Read the windows user experience interaction guidelines for more details on the new recommended functionality.