Make the server config part of your project and use scripts to setup and tear down your servers. Keep everything under VCS and use the scripts routinely to recreate your development setup.
I'm not interested in learning how to configure Apache, ModRails, Phusion, Mongrel, Thin, MySQL, and whatever. With Heroku I don't worry. nginx is the web server, and PostgreSQL is the database. They have settled on Ruby/Rack for all new apps. Frameworks that run on Rack include Rails, Merb, and Sinatra. Limited choices.
将服务器配置作为项目的一部分,并使用脚本来设置和拆除服务器。将所有内容保留在 VCS 下,并定期使用脚本来重新创建您的开发设置。
Make the server config part of your project and use scripts to setup and tear down your servers. Keep everything under VCS and use the scripts routinely to recreate your development setup. 162144/什么是好的 ruby-on-rails-hosting-service/265646#265646