XMind 还是 MindMeister?
我正在考虑购买其中一款思维导图应用程序的“Pro”版本,以从 FreeMind 升级并将我的思维导图存储在云上。它们都支持后者的文件扩展名。
您使用上述任何应用程序吗?他们的相对优势和劣势是什么? XMind 最近被 SourceForge 评为学术界最佳项目 。 MindMeister 似乎有一个不错的 iPhone 应用 客户端。我认为它们看起来都很有前途,但从开发人员的角度来看,哪一个是最可定制的?
I'm considering buying the "Pro" version of one of these mind mapping applications to upgrade from FreeMind and store my mind maps on the cloud. Both of them support the file extensions of this latter.
Do you use any of the above applications? Which are their relative strengths and weaknesses? XMind has been recently awarded as The Best Project for Academia by SourceForge. MindMeister seems to have a nice iPhone app client. I think both of them look promising but which is the most customizable from a developer's point of view?
(please respond if you have experience with both these applications and know their differences)
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MindMeister 和 XMind 的比较
根据我自己的个人经验,我更喜欢使用 MindMeister 进行头脑风暴。 iPhone应用程序和离线访问是我非常看重的两件事。
请注意,MindMeister 的专业版每年要贵 10 美元。
Mind Meister
Pro 导入 - 每年 59 美元
共享 专业版 - 每年 49 美元
Comparison of MindMeister and XMind
Both products are excellent and are rightly the market leaders in the cloud-based mind mapping market.
Through my own personal experience, I am more comfortable brainstorming with MindMeister. The iPhone application and offline access are two things I value highly.
Be aware that the Pro version of MindMeister is $10 a year more expensive.
Mind Meister
Free Version
Pro - $59 per year
Free Version
Pro - $49 per year
我不能保证 XMind,但我是 MindMeister 的快乐客户,它并没有让我失望。另外,有一个 MindMeister 的 API 与 XMind 不匹配......至少我上次检查时是这样。
I can't vouch for XMind but I am a happy customer of MindMeister and it hasn't failed me. Also, there is an API to MindMeister not matched by XMind... at least the last time I checked.
我正在使用 xMind 免费版,它满足了我的需要。目前还没有考虑Pro版本,因为对我来说日常使用没有必要。
I'm using xMind free version and is everything what I need. So far not consider to Pro version, cause is not necessary for me to everyday use.