Match alef hamza Specifies whether you want Internet Explorer to match alef characters with hamza or madda when searching for text of Middle Eastern languages.
For example, if you want to find a word that begins with alef and specify match alef hamza, then the word will not be matched if it begins with alef hamza above, alef hamza below, or alef madda. If it is specified, you must enter the correct form of alef for a match.
我说阿拉伯语,Alef Hamza 是字符 Alef“?”,Hamza“Д(或 Madda“~”)是用它写的,如“Д、“Д或“â”。
因此,该选项意味着您只想将 Alef 匹配,或者将 Alef 与其他内容匹配。
例如,某些搜索引擎将“è、é、ê 或 ë”视为“e”,但其他搜索引擎则将它们视为其他字符。
I'm a speaker of Arabic, and Alef Hamza is the character Alef "ا", and Hamza "ء" (or Madda "~") is written with it, like "أ", "إ", or "آ".
So that option means if you want to match Alef only, or Alef with something else.
Example, some search engines consider "è, é, ê or ë" as "e", but others consider them other characters.
-- .aspx