JQuery/Javascript RDF 插件
关于使用 RDF 的 JQuery 插件/Javascript 库有什么想法吗?
Any ideas about JQuery plugins/Javascript libraries for working with RDF?
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您可能正在寻找 RDF Query,它“是一个易于使用的 RDF Javascript 库” -相关处理”。作者的博客中有很多使用它的示例:Jeni's Musings。
You are probably looking for RDF Query which "is an easy-to-use Javascript library for RDF-related processing". There are lots of examples of use of it at the author's blog: Jeni's Musings.
Tabulator 项目中还包含 RDF 解析器,以及一些较新的解决方案是 jOWL 和 Jstle。
但总的来说,rdfQuery 可能是目前最全面的解决方案。
There's also the RDF parser included in the Tabulator project, and a couple of newer solutions are jOWL and Jstle.
Overall, however, rdfQuery is probably the most comprehensive solution available at this time.
有这个 JavaScript RDF 解析器。至少,你可以从它开始。或者,RdfPlugin,它允许您在类似 jQuery 的方式。
There's this JavaScript RDF parser. At least, you can start from it. Or, RdfPlugin that allows you to create, store and query RDF triples in a jQuery-like way.
我编写了一个小型 RDF 解析器:它不支持完整的 RDF 规范,但对我来说没问题。
请参阅http://anybody.cephb.fr/perso/lindenb/rdfjs/rdf .xul(XUL 需要 Firefox)
I wrote a tiny RDF parser: it doesn't support the full RDF spec, but it is OK for me.
See http://anybody.cephb.fr/perso/lindenb/rdfjs/rdf.xul (requires firefox for XUL )