从大量文本中获取 x 个最相似的文本到一个文本。
get the x most similar texts from a lot of texts to one text.
maybe change the page to text is better.
You should not compare the text to every text, because its too slow.
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The ability of identifying similar documents/pages, whether web pages or more general forms of text or even of codes, has many practical applications. This topics is well represented in scholarly papers and also in less specialized forums. In spite of this relative wealth of documentation, it can be difficult to find the information and techniques relevant to a particular case.
By describing the specific problem at hand and associated requirements, it may be possible to provide you more guidance. In the meantime the following provides a few general ideas.
Many different functions may be used to measure, in some fashion, the similarity of pages. Selecting one (or possibly several) of these functions depends on various factors, including the amount of time and/or space one can allot the problem and also to the level of tolerance desired for noise.
Some of the simpler metrics are:
Some of the metrics above work better when normalized (for example to avoid favoring long pages which, through their sheer size have more chances of having similar words with other pages)
More complicated and/or computationally expensive measurements are:
In general, we can distinguish measurements/algorithms where most of the calculation can be done once for each document, followed by a extra pass aimed at comparing or combining these measurements (with relatively little extra computation), as opposed to the algorithms that require to deal with the documents to be compared in pairs.
Before choosing one (or indeed several such measures, along with some weighing coefficients), it is important to consider additional factors, beyond the similarity measurement per-se. for example, it may be beneficial to...
Tokenize texts, remove stop words and arrange in a term vector. Calculate tf-idf. Arrange all vectors in a matrix and calculate distances between them to find similar docs, using for example Jaccard index.
一切都取决于你所说的“相似”是什么意思。如果您的意思是“关于同一主题”,则查找匹配的 N-grams 通常有效很好。例如,只需从三元组到包含它们的文本创建一个映射,然后将所有文本中的所有三元组放入该映射中。然后,当您获得要匹配的文本时,在地图中查找其所有三元组并选择返回的最频繁的文本(可能会按长度进行一些标准化)。
All depends on what you mean by "similar". If you mean "about the same subject", looking for matching N-grams usually works pretty well. For example, just make a map from trigrams to the text that contains them, and put all trigrams from all of your texts into that map. Then when you get your text to be matched, look up all its trigrams in your map and pick the most frequent texts that come back (perhaps with some normalization by length).
我不知道你所说的相似是什么意思,但也许你应该将文本加载到搜索系统中,例如 Lucene 并将您的“一个文本”作为查询。 Lucene 确实对文本进行了预索引,因此它可以按照您的要求在查询时快速找到最相似的文本(通过其灯光)。
I don't know what you mean by similar, but perhaps you ought to load your texts into a search system like Lucene and pose your 'one text' to it as a query. Lucene does pre-index the texts so it can quickly find the most similar ones (by its lights) at query-time, as you asked.
关键字集差异 - 您可以修剪字典中最常见单词的文档,并且然后最终得到每个文档的唯一关键字列表。然后,差异函数将计算差异作为每个文档的关键字集的差异。
文本差异 - 根据使用文本比较算法将一个文档转换为另一个文档所需的编辑次数来计算每个距离(请参阅文本差异算法。
You will have to define a function to measure the "difference" between two pages. I can imagine a variety of such functions, one of which you have to choose for your domain:
Difference of Keyword Sets - You can prune the document of the most common words in the dictionary, and then end up with a list of unique keywords per document. The difference funciton would then calculate the difference as the difference of the sets of keywords per document.
Difference of Text - Calculate each distance based upon the number of edits it takes to turn one doc into another using a text diffing algorithm (see Text Difference Algorithm.
Once you have a difference function, simply calculate the difference of your current doc with every other doc, then return the other doc that is closest.
If you need to do this a lot and you have a lot of documents, then the problem becomes a bit more difficult.