我们的 html 网站中存在神秘的 URL
我们的静态 html 网站 http://www.iffort.com 的主页正在从一个神秘的网站传输数据网站 rawalrohi.com。您可以访问 iffort.com 并注意那里的页脚来检查这一点。它说从 rawalrohi.com 传输数据。
: a.) 分析所有页面的源代码。我们检查了代码,发现有一个脚本 src=http://rawalrohi.com/images/ART。 php 被插入到所有页面中。我们从网站的所有“html”页面中删除了这个脚本
c.)最后,我们更改了 FTP 密码,因为我们被告知有人可能破解了我们的 FTP 密码。
尽管如此,主页仍然显示从 rawalrohi.com 传输数据。查看源代码不会显示 URL。这会减慢我们网站的速度。
The home-page of our static html website http://www.iffort.com is transferring data from a mysterious website rawalrohi.com. You can check this by going to iffort.com and noticing the footer there. It says transferring data from rawalrohi.com.
From our side we did the following things to rectify the issue
a.) Analyze the source-code of all pages. We checked the code and found out that a script src=http://rawalrohi.com/images/ART.php was inserted in all pages. We removed this script from all the ‘html’ pages of the website
b.)Next we spoke to the hosting company, they said they can provide us a back up of the site. We have the backup but haven’t used it to restore the site.
c.)Lastly, we have changed the FTP password because we were told that somebody could have hacked our FTP password.
Despite doing this the home-page still says transferring data from rawalrohi.com. The view source doesn’t reveal the URL. This is slowing down our website.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
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我没有扫描您的网站,但如果您在网站上使用任何标准软件,例如:WordPress、Drupal、Joomla 等,那么您需要始终保持更新。订阅他们的安全警报,每当您看到更新时,放下您正在做的一切并进行更新。
I didn't scan your site, but if you're using any standard software on your website, like: WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc. then you need to keep that updated at all times. Subscribe to their security alerts and whenever you see an update, drop everything you're doing and update.
Hackers are constantly scanning the internet for vulnerable websites. It only takes them a fraction of a second on a vulnerable site to infect it.
Also, keep all the plugins, add-ons, components, modules, contributions, etc. updated as well.
Otherwise, you'll be cleaning this over and over again.
现在请原谅,我要在我的系统上运行快速 AV 扫描;)
Your page references a file called "js/hyperlinked_Images.js"
Have a look at this file, right near the bottom:
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm go to run a quick AV scan on my system ;)
确保您不要使用一个 FTP 帐户来做所有事情,控制 FTP 用户控制,它将帮助您管理您的网站。
make sure you don't use one FTP account for everything, control the FTP user control, it will help you to manage your website.
我不久前也见过类似的行为。在该特定情况下,ftp 密码已被泄露:收集存储的 ftp 密码的恶意软件从客户端桌面 PC 读取该密码。
因此,请确保使用合适的 AV 扫描仪扫描所有“知道”ftp 密码的计算机。
I've seen similar behaviour a while back. In that specific case, the ftp-password was compromised: it was read from the clients desktop PC by malware that collected stored ftp passwords.
We found this out only after the password was changed and compromised again within a few days.
So make sure you scan all machines that 'know' the ftp password with a decent AV-scanner.
我最近刚刚在客户网站上看到了这一点,他们的所有文件中都有不同的网址但相同类型的代码注入。为了解决这个问题,我下载了该站点,并使用 Visual Studio 对字符串进行了站点范围的“查找和替换”。这为我解决了问题。我建议您对所有文件执行类似的操作,您可能会错过一个。我的客户网站有 html/htm/aspx 文件,这些文件都被感染了,ISP 也做出了同样的声明,FTP 密码可能已被泄露......
I just recently saw this on a clients website, a different url but same type of code injection was in all of their files. To fix the problem, I download the site and I used Visual Studio to do a sitewide "find & replace" on the string. This solved the problem for me. I suggest you do something similar for all files, you might have missed one. My clients site had html/htm/aspx files that were all infected, ISP made the same statement that the FTP password was probably compromised...
Make sure you on your antivirus. Whenever the your website loading funny external script like adware, spyware, your antivirus will alert you.