如何在 Windows 上构建 Qwt
- 从 sourceforge 下载 qwt-4.2.0-setup-qt230nc.exe
- 解压到 C:\Program Files\Qwt
- 转到 Qt 命令提示符
- 运行 msvc-qmake.bat。
- 获取输出。
现在lib目录已创建,但它是空的。也尝试打开VS项目文件,但它与VS2008不兼容,因为没有vcproj文件。我也尝试用 qmake 的方式来做: qmake qwt.pro
,但它说make is not recognize。我想我可以使用mingw32-make,但是我给了我很多编译器错误。
我希望能在 QtCreator 中使用 Qwt,但遗憾的是失败了。任何帮助表示赞赏。
Here's what I've done:
- Downloaded qwt-4.2.0-setup-qt230nc.exe from sourceforge
- Unpack to C:\Program Files\Qwt
- Go to Qt Command Prompt
- Run msvc-qmake.bat.
- Get the output.
Now the lib directory is created, but it's empty. Also tried opening VS project file, but it doesn't converse to VS2008, because there are no vcproj files. I also tried to do it qmake way:qmake qwt.pro
and then make
, but it says make is not recognized. I figured that I could use mingw32-make, but I gave me a lot of compiler errors.
I was hoping I would use Qwt within QtCreator, but sadly failed. Any help appreciated.
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现在我需要弄清楚如何将它与 QtDesigner 结合起来,因为这里没有设计器插件......
I think I've come up with easy solution:
Do I guess correctly it's valid way to do this?
Now I need to figure out how to marry it with QtDesigner since there is no Designer Plugin in here...
如果您有 Visual Studio,则必须执行后续步骤(根据文件“安装”):
您必须确保 nmake.exe 和 qmake.exe 在您的 PATH 环境变量中。
PS 添加 nmake.exe(其 Visual Studio 的 make 实现)的简单方法是运行“tools/visual studio 2008 命令提示符” ” 来自视觉工作室的主菜单。
If you have Visual Studio you must to do next steps (according to file "INSTALL"):
You must be ensured that nmake.exe and qmake.exe in your PATH environment variable.
P.S. Easy way to add nmake.exe (its Visual Studio's make realization) is to run "tools/visual studio 2008 command prompt" from main menu of visual studio.