撤消 TFS 操作?
我在 TFS 中看到了“解决”对话框,看起来我点击了错误的按钮(因为它们太靠近),并且当 TFS 放弃了我的本地更改时,我一周的工作成果就泡汤了。某处是否有撤消操作?
I got the 'resolve' dialog in TFS, and it looks like I clicked too fast on the wrong button (because they're too close together) and blew away a week's worth of work when TFS discarded my local changes. Is there an undo operation somewhere?
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不,抱歉。多年来,有许多建议将未完成的更改(和删除的文件等)移至回收站,而不是把它们吹走,但该功能似乎总是被搁置。我会看看是否有一个公开请求 @ Connect,我们可以在其中添加我们的投票。
No, sorry. There have been many proposals over the years to move undone changes (and deleted files, etc) to the Recycle Bin instead of blowing them away, but the feature always seems to land on the cutting block. I'll see if there's an open request @ Connect where we can add our votes.
PS: shelve early, shelve often!
No, there is not. If you have overwritten your local files, changes are lost.
Sorry (and hopefully, I'll be faster when rewriting your code :))