ASP.NET MVC AjaxHelpers 推荐使用方式
看来我遇到的所有示例都指定了 UpdateTargetId 来呈现 Ajax 响应的 HTML 内容。这与 Rails 世界中的做法有很大不同,Rails 世界中的响应内容包含操作页面的 JavaScript 代码。 Rails 约定似乎更强大。
使 ASP.NET MVC 方法变得强大的推荐用法是什么?它的优点是什么?
It seems all the examples I come across specifiy an UpdateTargetId to render out the HTML content of the Ajax response. This is quite a bit different than how it's done in the Rails world, where the response content contains JavaScript code which manipulates the page. The Rails convention seems more powerful.
What's the recommended usage that makes the ASP.NET MVC approach powerful? What are its advantages?
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ASP.NET MVC 中没有与 Rails RJS 生成器相当的东西,尽管它可能是 已实现。因此开箱即用的 Rails 约定更强大,但恕我直言,从异步操作返回 Javascript 是否是一件好事是值得怀疑的(首选 Json 和 Xml)。
There's no equivalent of Rails RJS generators in ASP.NET MVC though it might be implemented. So out-of-the box the Rails convention is more powerful, but IMHO it is questionable if returning Javascript from asynchronous actions is a good thing (Json and Xml are prefered).