当今的模式是否应该被视为 Java 和 C++ 中的缺陷或缺失功能?
- 子程序是20世纪50年代和60年代机器语言的设计模式。
- 面向对象类是 70 年代的 C 设计模式。
访问者、抽象工厂、装饰器和外观是当今 Java 和 C++ 的设计模式。
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C# 中的事件处理程序是观察者模式的内置版本。考虑一下,如果每次都必须滚动自己的观察者,您将如何在 C# 中连接事件。
访问者模式是多方法的详细近似,消息转发,或者是 模式匹配。
装饰器模式允许您在运行时向对象附加或删除行为。在 JavaScript 中,借助“原型”OO 模型,您可以添加或删除函数,而无需显式实现装饰器模式。
因此,我们有一堆设计模式来模拟其他语言固有的功能。功能嫉妒并不一定表明该语言的弱点 - 这是您需要一遍又一遍地编写的样板代码,这表明了语言的弱点。
Some canonized design patterns -- Adapter, Factory, Command, Visitor, etc -- are approximations of features which are baked into other languages. Off the top of my head:
Event-handlers in C# are baked-in versions of the observer pattern. Think about how you'd wire up events in C# if you had to roll your own observer each time.
Visitor pattern is a verbose approximation of multimethods, message forwarding, or a really weak form of pattern matching.
Command pattern wraps up a particular behavior so you can pass the object between methods, which more or less approximates first-class functions.
Strategy pattern allows you to dynamically insert a behavior into an object, so that at any time you can modify the object by swapping out one behavior with another. In the functional programming world, we call this function composition.
Abstract factory pattern accepts an argument and returns a factory as a result. In general, you can think of factories as basically wrappers around a function (more specifically, wrappers around a constructor). So, you pass arguments to a function and get a function as a result, making this pattern pretty analogous to currying.
Decorator pattern allows you to attach or remove behaviors to an object at runtime. In JavaScript, you can add or remove functions without explicitly implementing the decorator pattern thanks to the "prototype" OO model.
So, we have a bunch of design patterns which emulate features intrinsic to other languages. Feature envy doesn't necessarily indicate a weakness in the language -- it's the boilerplate code that you need to write over and over and over which indicates the language weakness.
I wouldn't call them defects.
Higher order languages deal with concepts at a higher level than lower order languages. Think of it in construction terms.
You could build a building at the refinery level, milling lumber, smelting steel, and put together a building that way.
You could purchase boards and steel girders, and construct them into a building.
You could purchase pre-fabricated walls and trusses and construct them into a building.
You could purchase a building and just start with the interior.
Is constructing a building with boards and girders missing the prefabricated wall feature, or defective in some way?
今天的设计模式并不是通往明天语言的康庄大道。语言范式并不是通过一系列“对先前语言的错误修复”来推进的。如果确实如此,我们就永远不会创建 Visual Basic。
Every single thing that you do three or more times in software designs forms a pattern.
Every repetition. Every repetition. Every repetition.
Some get canonized with cool names. These become Design Patterns. Conscious repetition.
Some are just "best practices" or "this has worked for me." These are design patterns without the clarity.
Some are just "things you usually do." These are design patterns without any conscious recognition that you're repeating yourself.
Design patterns have nothing to do with language weakness or incompleteness. They have everything to do with good ideas, consciously reused.
Today's design patterns are not the royal road to tomorrow's languages. The language paradigm does not advance through a series of "bug fixes to previous languages". If it did, we'd never have created Visual Basic.
And design patterns are a far larger and broader intellectual tool than a simplistic programming language feature set.
IMO 的原因很明确:如果您看到重复的模式(或者您必须使用它),则意味着它是逻辑级别上的一种复制粘贴。当然,它不像复制粘贴语句那么糟糕,但它仍然是冗余的。我仍然一次又一次地重复自己。
当然,有时你可以尝试捕捉某些东西的本质,但重用可能比重新实现更难读(我想例如 中 C++“高级”内容的某些部分) )。在我看来,这是一个明显的迹象,表明该语言表达力不够。
I've read somewhere something like "the more patterns you have, the less powerful your language is" and I find this definition very nice.
The reason is IMO clear: if you see a repeated pattern (or you have to use it) it means that it's a sort of copy'n paste at a logical level. Of course it's not as bad as copy'n paste of statements, but it's still redundancy. I'm still repeating myself again and again.
The more the language is expressive and the more you should be able to capture and factor this redundancy out by transforming it in reuse instead of reimplementation, and the reuse will be easier to read and understand in the source code.
Every time you find yourself doing the same thing once again (including e.g. "ok... let's implement an abstract factory here") it means that's something that should have been expressed at an higher level.
Of course sometimes you can try to capture the essence of something, but the reuse may be uglier to read than the reimplementation (I'm thinking for example to some parts of C++ "high-level" stuff in
). This is IMO a clear sign that the language is not expressive enough.不,他们并没有缺少语言的功能或缺陷。但这些语言应该提供一种为有用模式编写代码的方法,这种方式更容易,而不是困难。这就是该语言提供的功能既可以是好处也可以是障碍的地方。
No, they are not missing features or defects of the languages. But the languages should provide a means for writing the code for a useful pattern easier rather than difficult. That's where the features that are provided by the language can either be a boon or a hindrance.
我认为伊万提出了一个有趣的观点。以他的“子例程”为例。在早期的编程语言中,将参数传递给子例程并返回结果的想法是必须显式编码的。在现代语言中,它是内置的。或者再举一个例子:If/then/else 内置于大多数(如果不是全部)现代语言中。但在我的汇编时代,我必须编写代码来完成这一任务。当然不是很多,但您仍然必须实际编写跳转或 goto 语句才能绕过 else 块。事实上,你必须自己编写这些东西,这意味着不同的程序员会以稍微不同的方式来做,并且存在着无限的诱惑,需要聪明地在这个程序中做一些不同的事情,以使其更高效或获得其他一些东西。所谓的优势。
最近想到的例子是迭代器。您必须用 C++ 和早期版本的 Java 手写它们,但它们内置于 Java 5 中。这可以说是语法糖,您只需创建迭代器函数即可。我个人认为这是一个很好的功能。它能从根本上提高我的生产力吗?不。
当然,语言中添加的一些功能是无用的额外包袱。以我的拙见,Java 枚举的作用超出了必要的范围,它们无缘无故地增加了一堆包袱。我确信其他人会不同意并说他们发现它们非常有用。
I think Ewan brings up a fascinating point. Take his "subroutine" example. In early programming languages, the idea of passing parameters to a subroutine and returning a result was something that you had to explicitly code. In modern languages, it's built in. Or to take another example: If/then/else is built into most if not all modern languages. But back in my assembler days, I had to write code to accomplish that. Not a lot, of course, but still, you had to actually write the jump or goto statement to go around the else block. And the fact that you had to write these things yourself meant that different programmers would do it in slightly different ways, and there was the endless temptation to be clever and do it a little differently in this program to make it more efficient or gain some other supposed advantage.
The most recent example that comes to mind is iterators. You have to hand-write them in C++ and early versions of Java, but they're built in to Java 5. This is arguably syntactic sugar, you're just as well to simply create iterator functions. Personally I think it's a nice feature. Does it radically improve my productivity? No.
Is there something that we are doing all the time that should logically be built into the language to standardize and simplify it? A fascinating question. I don't suppose that anyone will seriously claim that even their favorite language is perfect and absolutely no improvement is possible. But what will the direction of the next language be?
Surely some features that have been added to languages are useless extra baggage. In my humble opinion, Java enum's do way more than is necessary, they add a bunch of baggage for no good reason. I'm sure others will disagree and say that they find them incredibly useful.
I don't have a conclusion. I just agree that it's a fascinating question.
我认为某些设计模式确实代表了语言的弱点,而新语言将现有模式融入到了一流的公民中。 NOOP 来自 Google。
I think some design patterns do represent language weaknesses and new languages incorporate existing patterns into first class citizens. An example of a new language taking existing design patterns in other languages (dependency injection, immutability, etc.) and incorporating them as first class language level features is NOOP from Google.
我喜欢我正在使用的语言足够小,可以一次性保存在我的脑海中。诸如 DI 之类的模式与结构问题有关;那应该是语言的一部分吗?
I am wondering how much you can cram into a language before it gets too "large."
I like the language I am working with to be small enough to hold in my head all at once. Patterns such as DI have to do with structural concerns; should that be a part of the language?
How much hand-holding in the language does a developer really need?
In the case of Code Contracts (requires, ensures), it is nice when that is a first-class part of the language, but it is not required. It can still be part of a library.
Frameworks that facilitate the use of certain patterns in languages do exist, so they're more of a choice rather than a must. There are patterns that for a certain project, you might just not need, so incorporating a lot of them as primary language features would only impose restrictions rather than facilitate productive work.
一种可以无限地做到这一点的语言将是一种没有严格语法的语言。 (或者以另一种方式,允许无缝吸收任何高级模式)。
each language is an arbitrary set of design patterns with syntax as the notation for the chosen patterns. for the unchosen patterns, you have to meddle within the constraints of the syntax to express them.
most of the languages does not allow its syntax to change much to assimilate higher level patterns.
a language that can do that limitlessly would be one without a rigid syntax. (or in another way, one that allows to seamlessly assimilate any high level pattern).
see metalinguistic abstraction
the one that comes to my mind is scheme/lisp.
描述了保持复杂的基于消息的系统运行的工具,包括处理参与系统中的错误情况、性能瓶颈和变化。Design patterns are not weakness in languages. They provide design solutions to recurring problems.
Since many things have been evolving over time, I think Enterprise Integration Patterns are going to be popular.
If different enterprise application have to communicate, these patterns provides best solutions.
Integration Styles
document different ways applications can be integrated, providing a historical account of integration technologies. All subsequent patterns follow the Messaging style.Channel Patterns
describe how messages are transported across a Message Channel. These patterns are implemented by most commercial and open source messaging systems.Message Construction Patterns
describe the intent, form and content of the messages that travel across the messaging system. The base pattern for this section is the Message pattern.Routing Patterns
discuss how messages are routed from a sender to the correct receiver. Message routing patterns consume a message from one channel and republish it message, usually without modification, to another channel based on a set of conditions. The patterns presented in this section are specializations of the Message Router pattern.Transformation Patterns
change the content of a message, for example to accommodate different data formats used by the sending and the receiving system. Data may have to be added, taken away or existing data may have to be rearranged. The base pattern for this section is the Message Translator.Endpoint Patterns
describe how messaging system clients produce or consume messages.System Management Patterns
describe the tools to keep a complex message-based system running, including dealing with error conditions, performance bottlenecks and changes in the participating systems.要回答“他们有什么模式?”的问题:
Java 有 Singleton 模式,它是在 Kotlin 中使用 object 关键字 实现
我不知道如果模式是语言的弱点,但对我来说,Kotlin 的优势之一是它使单例的使用变得容易。
To answer the question "What patterns will they have?":
Java haves the Singleton pattern which is implemented in Kotlin with the object keyword
I don't know if patterns are weakness of languages, but for me it's one of Kotlins strengths that it makes the use of Singletons easy.