
发布于 2024-08-07 18:08:07 字数 309 浏览 17 评论 0 原文

我正在尝试使用 旅行推销员问题 (TSP) ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_algorithm" rel="nofollow noreferrer">遗传算法。我的基因组是图中顶点的排列(推销员的路径)。


在哪里可以找到我的问题的 C# 实现?

I'm trying to solve the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) with Genetic algorithm. My genome is a permutation of a vertex in graph (path for salesman).

How should I perform the crossover operation over my genomes?

Where can I find implementations of my problem in C#?

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峩卟喜欢 2024-08-14 18:08:07

您应该检查“避免特殊交叉的 TSP 的遗传算法解决方案和突变”作者:Gokturk Ucoluk。它概述了排列的特殊交叉运算符,并提出了一种与标准交叉配合良好的排列的巧妙表示(即,交叉两个排列总是产生两个排列)。

关键的见解是将排列表示为其反转序列,即对于每个元素i,在a[i]中存储有多少个元素大于i code> 在排列中位于 i 的左侧。与直接表示不同,对a[i]的唯一约束是局部的,即a[i]不能大于N - i。这意味着两个有效反转序列的简单交叉总是产生两个有效反转序列 - 不需要对重复元素进行特殊处理。

You should check "Genetic Algorithm Solution of the TSP Avoiding Special Crossover and Mutation" by Gokturk Ucoluk. It gives an overview of the special crossover operators for permutations and proposes a clever representation of permutations that works well with standard crossover (i.e. crossing over two permutations always produces two permutations).

The key insight is to represent the permutation as its inversion sequence, i.e. for each element i, store in a[i] how many elements larger than i are to the left of i in the permutation. Unlike the direct representation, the only constraint on a[i] is local, i.e. a[i] cannot be larger than N - i. This means that simple crossover of two valid inversion sequences always produces two valid inversion sequences - no need for special handling of repeating elements.

行雁书 2024-08-14 18:08:07

而不是使用标准的 GA 交叉技术(如 概述) MusiGenesis),最好使用有序交叉进行旅行推销员问题

通常的方法对于 TSP 来说效果不太好,因为适应度函数对进化路线中不同城市的相对位置而不是它们的绝对位置非常敏感。例如,如果您要访问所有欧洲国家的首都,那么最短路线并不真正取决于您是否访问第一、第二或第九个布拉迪斯拉发。更重要的是您访问它访问维也纳之前或之后立即而不是访问赫尔辛基、雅典和 6其间的其他首都。

当然,正如 mjv 也指出的,传统的交叉也会在你的路线中引入重复。如果一个父母将巴黎置于位置 2,另一父母将巴黎置于位置 14,则交叉可能会导致一条进化路线访问巴黎两次(并错过另一个城市),而另一条进化路线则根本不访问该城市。有序交叉遗传算子不会遇到这个问题。它保留元素并修改顺序。

Rather than using the standard GA cross-over technique (as outlined by MusiGenesis), it's better to use ordered cross-over for the Travelling Salesman problem.

The usual approach doesn't work so well for the TSP because the fitness function is very sensitive to the relative positions of the different cities in the evolved route rather than their absolute positions. For example, if you were visiting all European capitals, the shortest route doesn't really depend on whether you visit Bratislava 1st, 2nd, or 9th. What's more important is that you visit it immediately before or immediately after visiting Vienna rather than visiting Helsinki, Athens and 6 other capitals in between.

Of course, as mjv also points out, the traditional cross-over will also introduce duplicates in your route. If one parent has Paris in position 2 and another has Paris in position 14, cross-over could result in one evolved route that visits Paris twice (and misses out another city), and another evolved route that doesn't visit it at all. The ordered cross-over genetic operator does not suffer from this problem. It preserves the elements and modifies the ordering.

遇见了你 2024-08-14 18:08:07

这是C# 程序方法,可满足您的需求。

关于实现交叉的兴趣(或缺乏兴趣),这一切都取决于您的实现将使用的特定选择逻辑(和/或评估函数本身,如果例如它包含一个改进速度的评估)。在许多情况下,交叉操作将“从砧板中拯救出来”一些在图表的某个区域中有效/最佳但在其他区域中“卡住”的解决方案。这并不是说,如果整体算法足够慢并且覆盖了解决方案空间的很大一部分,则可能不会重新发现相同的解决方案,但交叉也可能会增加这些发现(和/或让您陷入困境)另一个局部最小值;-) )

与研究 GA 的人不直接相关但值得注意的是 GA 中的原始“终极”实验 Alderman 教授(RSA 出名)在 GA 中的原始“终极”实验,他使用了实际的 DNA 分子 [一个 C 程序 - 开玩笑] 来解决相关的图问题,即哈密尔顿图问题。

编辑:在重新阅读问题时,我理解您为什么问这个问题,或者更准确地说为什么您想要“不,您不想交叉”回复; -)

Here is a C# program approach for what you are looking for.

With regards to the interest (or lack thereof) of implementing cross-over, it all hinges on the particular selection logic your implementation will use (and/or the evaluation function itself, if for example it includes an evaluation of the speed of improvement). In many cases, cross-over operations will "rescue from the chopping block" some solutions that are effective/optimal in an area of the graph but somehow "stuck" in others. This is not to say that if the overall algorithm is slow-enough and covers a good percentage of the solution space the same solutions may not have been discovered anew, but cross-over may also increase these discoveries (and/or letting you stuck in another local minima ;-) )

Not directly related but of noteworthy interest to whomever looks into GA, is the original "ultimate" experiment in GA original "ultimate" experiment in GA by Prof. Alderman (of RSA fame), who used actual DNA molecules [into a C program - just kidding] to solve a related graph problem, that of hamiltonian graphs.

Edit: In re-reading the question I understand why you asked it or more precisely why you'd like a "No you don't want cross-over" reply ;-)
Your genonme is directly tied to the graph itself (nothing wrong with that, a priori), but this brings the impediment that most cross-over offsrpings will not be viable, since they may may have duplicate nodes (visit same city twice or more) and be missing nodes (failing to visit some cities)... Furthermore, viable cross-overs will affect similar graphs, and hence maybe merely incrementally expend the search, compared with what mutations would have discovered...
Hum... Then maybe cross-over, in this particular implementation won't help the algorithm very much (and indeed take much of its CPU to create, test and often discard cross-over offsprings, CPU which would be better used by affording more iterations, and a slower cooling rate...). Unless! You find a clever way of performing cross-over operatitions ;-)

勿忘初心 2024-08-14 18:08:07




The purpose of crossover is to expand the evolutionary search space by bringing together novel genomic combinations.

The only real criteria required for the evolutionary process is that the product of crossover contains portions of both parents and represents a valid genome.

Only you know the validity rules for your algorithm so only you can specify a crossover method that will work (unless you want to share more details of the validation rules for you genome structure).

望喜 2024-08-14 18:08:07

这是我在 TSP 的 GA 中对所谓的“部分映射交叉”方法的具体实现。


//construct a new individual with the genes of the parents
//method used is cross over mapping
//note that Individual datastrucuture contains an integer array called Genes which            //contains the route.
public Individual Breed(Individual father, Individual mother)
    int[] genes = new int[father.Genes.Length];
    int[] map = new int[father.Genes.Length + 1]; //create a map to map the indices
    int crossoverPoint1 = rand.Next(1, father.Genes.Length - 2); //select 2 crossoverpoints, without the first and last nodes, cuz they are always thje same
    int crossoverPoint2 = rand.Next(1, father.Genes.Length - 2);
    father.Genes.CopyTo(genes, 0); //give child all genes from the father
    for (int i = 0; i < genes.Length; i++) //create the map
        map[genes[i]] = i;
    //int[] genesToCopy = new int[Math.Abs(crossoverPoint1 - crossoverPoint2)]; //allocate space for the mother genes to copy
    if (crossoverPoint1 > crossoverPoint2) //if point 1 is bigger than point 2 swap them
        int temp = crossoverPoint1;
        crossoverPoint1 = crossoverPoint2;
        crossoverPoint2 = temp;
    //Console.WriteLine("copy mother genes into father genes from {0} to {1}", crossoverPoint1, crossoverPoint2);
    for (int i = crossoverPoint1; i <= crossoverPoint2; i++) //from index one to the 2nd
        int value = mother.Genes[i];
        int t = genes[map[value]]; //swap the genes in the child
        genes[map[value]] = genes[i];
        genes[i] = t;
        t = map[genes[map[value]]]; //swap the indices in the map
        map[genes[map[value]]] = map[genes[i]];
        map[genes[i]] = t;
    Individual child = new Individual(genes);
    return child;

Here is my exact implementation of the so called "partially mapped crossover" method in a GA for TSP.

Here is a paper which explains the partially mapped crossover in theory and below is my code.

//construct a new individual with the genes of the parents
//method used is cross over mapping
//note that Individual datastrucuture contains an integer array called Genes which            //contains the route.
public Individual Breed(Individual father, Individual mother)
    int[] genes = new int[father.Genes.Length];
    int[] map = new int[father.Genes.Length + 1]; //create a map to map the indices
    int crossoverPoint1 = rand.Next(1, father.Genes.Length - 2); //select 2 crossoverpoints, without the first and last nodes, cuz they are always thje same
    int crossoverPoint2 = rand.Next(1, father.Genes.Length - 2);
    father.Genes.CopyTo(genes, 0); //give child all genes from the father
    for (int i = 0; i < genes.Length; i++) //create the map
        map[genes[i]] = i;
    //int[] genesToCopy = new int[Math.Abs(crossoverPoint1 - crossoverPoint2)]; //allocate space for the mother genes to copy
    if (crossoverPoint1 > crossoverPoint2) //if point 1 is bigger than point 2 swap them
        int temp = crossoverPoint1;
        crossoverPoint1 = crossoverPoint2;
        crossoverPoint2 = temp;
    //Console.WriteLine("copy mother genes into father genes from {0} to {1}", crossoverPoint1, crossoverPoint2);
    for (int i = crossoverPoint1; i <= crossoverPoint2; i++) //from index one to the 2nd
        int value = mother.Genes[i];
        int t = genes[map[value]]; //swap the genes in the child
        genes[map[value]] = genes[i];
        genes[i] = t;
        t = map[genes[map[value]]]; //swap the indices in the map
        map[genes[map[value]]] = map[genes[i]];
        map[genes[i]] = t;
    Individual child = new Individual(genes);
    return child;
我家小可爱 2024-08-14 18:08:07

当我在大学上第一门课程时,我正在做一些关于各种 GA 算子对解收敛的影响的计算(大约花了 30 页)。我记得交叉并不是TSP的最佳解决方案,更合适的解决方案是变异,即顶点子序列的反转。




When I was on the first course in my university, I was doing some calculations (which took about 30 pages) about the impact of various GA operators on the convergence of solution. As I remember, crossover is not the best solution for TSP, more suitable solution is mutation, which is inverting of sub-sequence of the vertexes.


before: ABCDEFGH


北笙凉宸 2024-08-14 18:08:07



重新组合这两个“父”序列的一种方法是随机选择一个交叉点(例如位置 3),从而产生这两个“子”序列:


或者,您可以随机选择两个交叉点(例如 3 和 8),从而产生这两个序列:





"Crossover" in genetic algorithms just refers to an arbitrary way of mixing two "genetic sequences", each of which represents a particular solution to a problem (how a sequence maps to a solution is up to you). So, for example, say you have a population that consists of the following two sequences:


One way to recombine these two "parent" sequences is to randomly pick a crossover point (say, position 3), resulting in these two "child" sequences:


Or, you could randomly pick two crossover points (say, 3 and 8), resulting in these two sequences:


For fun and extra variability, you can also introduce the possibility of occasional point mutations:


There aren't really any hard-and-fast rules regarding how you implement crossover in a genetic algorithm, just as there aren't really any hard-and-fast rules governing Evolution in the biological world. Whatever works, works.

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