由于 JavaScript 没有太多权限,病毒如何通过浏览器进入 PC?
我想知道浏览器如何允许病毒传播到我们的计算机。我们收到的响应是文本响应。响应中唯一可执行的东西是 JavaScript,它没有太多权限,是什么让浏览器倾向于将某些文件传递到计算机?
I would like to know how browser allow viruses to pass through to our computers. Response we receive is a text response.. Only executable thing in the response is JavaScript which does not have much privileges, what makes browser favor certain files to be passed to computer?
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*Google 正在努力通过 Native Client 将这种特殊漏洞扩展到其他浏览器。
The short list:
*Google is working on expanding this particular kind of hole to other browsers with Native Client.
ActiveX 控件之类的东西允许在本地计算机上以基本完全的权限执行本机代码。大多数病毒通过未修补的浏览器中的已知安全漏洞进行传播,并且不直接使用 JavaScript。
Things like ActiveX controls allow native code to be executed on local machines with essentially full privileges. Most viruses propagate through known security holes in unpatched browsers and don't use Javascript directly.
浏览器错误和错误配置可能会导致本应位于“Internet”(安全)安全区域的站点执行代码,就好像它们是受信任的一样。然后他们可以使用 ActiveX 组件来安装恶意软件。
Browser bugs and misconfiguration can allow sites that should be in the "Internet" (secure) security zone execute code as if they were trusted. They can then use ActiveX components to install malware.
利用软件错误。通常,在渲染图像、解释 html/css/javascript、加载 ActiveX 组件或 Flash 文件时。
一旦漏洞被利用,程序就会将“shell 代码”(一大块本机编译代码)注入到进程内存中以供执行。
Exploiting software bugs. Commonly, when rendering images, interpreting html/css/javascript, loading ActiveX components or Flash files.
Once a bug is exploited, the procedure is to inject "shell code" (a chunk of native compiled code), into the process memory to get executed.