如何构建以二进制形式显示模 4 的有限状态机
有人可以告诉我如何构建一个以二进制形式显示模 4 的有限状态机吗?
Can someone show me how to build a finite state machine that shows modulus 4 in binary?
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好吧,如果最后两位是 00,那么二进制数 mod 4 将是 0,所以这就是您要开始的地方。试想一下,再添加一个 1 或 0 会对最后两位数字产生什么影响,并为每个可能的状态执行此操作。
Well, a binary number mod 4 is going to be 0 if the last two bits are 00, so that's where you'll want to start. Just think what adding another 1 or 0 to that will do to the last two digits, and do that for each possible state.
我会给你这个(大)提示:想想在模 4 中你可以得到多少种可能的结果。一旦你知道了这一点,你就会知道你的机器可以有多少种状态。
I'll leave you with this (big) hint: think about how many possible results you can have in modulus-4. Once you know that, you'll know how many states your machine can have.