我得到了 2.67 GHz Celeron 处理器和 1.21 x86 Windows XP Professional 计算机上的 GB RAM。
我的理解是,Android 模拟器 在这样的机器上应该启动得相当快,但对我来说,事实并非如此。我已按照设置 IDE、SDK、JDK 等的所有说明进行操作,并在快速启动模拟器方面取得了一些成功,但这种情况非常罕见。如果可能的话,我该如何解决这个问题?
即使它启动并加载主屏幕,它也非常缓慢。我已经在 Eclipse IDE .wikipedia.org/wiki/Eclipse_%28software%29#Releases" rel="noreferrer">版本 3.5 (Galileo) 和 3.4 (Ganymede)。
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

您现在可以启用 Android 模拟器的快速启动选项。这将保存模拟器状态,并且它将在下次启动时快速启动模拟器。
,如下图所示。Android 开发工具 (ADT) 9.0.0(或更高版本)具有允许您保存 AVD(模拟器)状态的功能,您可以立即启动模拟器。您必须在创建新的 AVD 时启用此功能,或者您可以稍后通过编辑 AVD 来创建它。
设备 RAM 大小
为了加快模拟器的速度,您可以参考加速你的 Android 模拟器!:
使用 SSD 硬盘影响太大,我建议使用更合适的内存(8或更高)
You can now enable the Quick Boot option for Android Emulator. That will save emulator state, and it will start the emulator quickly on the next boot.
Click on Emulator edit button, then click Show Advanced Setting. Then enable
Quick Boot
like below screenshot.Android Development Tools (ADT) 9.0.0 (or later) has a feature that allows you to save state of the AVD (emulator), and you can start your emulator instantly. You have to enable this feature while creating a new AVD or you can just create it later by editing the AVD.
Also I have increased the
Device RAM Size
which results in a very fast emulator.Refer to the given below screenshots for more information.
And for speeding up your emulator you can refer to Speed up your Android Emulator!:
Using ssd hard drive has too much impact and I recommend to use more suitable ram (8 or higher)
重要提示:请首先参考有关 VT 的 Intel 列表,以确保您的 CPU 支持 Intel VT。
HAXM 加速缓慢的 Android 模拟器
HAXM 代表 - “英特尔硬件加速执行管理器”
目前,它仅支持英特尔® VT(英特尔虚拟化技术)。
Android 模拟器基于 QEMU。主机系统上的 QEMU 和 HAXM 驱动程序之间的接口被设计为与供应商无关。
为 HAXM 配置 Android 开发环境的步骤
更新 Eclipse:
确保您的 Eclipse 安装和 ADT 插件完全是最新的。
更新您的 Android 工具:
每次 Eclipse 插件更新后,更新 Android SDK 工具非常重要。为此,请启动 Android SDK 管理器并更新所有 Android SDK 组件。要利用 HAXM,您必须至少使用版本 17。
通过运行“IntelHaxm.exe”安装 HAXM 驱动程序。它将位于以下位置之一:
如果安装程序失败并显示必须打开 Intel VT 的消息,您需要在 中启用此功能BIOS。有关如何执行此操作的说明,请参阅启用 Intel VT(虚拟化技术)。
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please first refer to the Intel list about VT to make sure your CPU supports Intel VT.
HAXM Speeds Up the Slow Android Emulator
HAXM stands for - "Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager"
Currently, it supports only Intel® VT (Intel Virtualization Technology).
The Android emulator is based on QEMU. The interface between QEMU and the HAXM driver on the host system is designed to be vendor-agnostic.
Steps for Configuring Your Android Development Environment for HAXM
Update Eclipse:
Make sure your Eclipse installation and the ADT plug-in are fully up-to-date.
Update your Android Tools:
After each Eclipse plug-in update, it is important to update your Android SDK Tools. To do this, launch the Android SDK Manager and update all the Android SDK components. To take advantage of HAXM, you must be on at least release version 17.
Install the HAXM Driver by running "IntelHaxm.exe". It will be located in one of the following locations:
If the installer fails with the message that Intel VT must be turned on, you need to enable this in the BIOS. See the description for how to do this in Enabling Intel VT (Virtualization Technology) .
尝试 Android x86。它比 Google Android 模拟器快得多。请按照下列步骤操作:
,记住 IP 地址,按 Alt+F7。adb connect
。Try Android x86. It's much faster than the Google Android emulator. Follow these steps:
, remember the IP address, press Alt+F7.adb connect <virtual_machine_IP>
.更新:最新版本的 Android studio (2.x) 对捆绑的模拟器进行了重大改进。它反应灵敏并且具有很多功能。
尝试使用 Genymotion。注册后您可以下载适用于 Windows/Mac OS X/Linux 的版本。 Eclipse 的插件也可用:
GenyMotion 允许您控制设备的各种传感器,包括电池电量、信号强度和 GPS。最新版本现在还包含相机工具。
UPDATE: The latest version of Android studio (2.x) made major improvements to the bundled emulator. It's responsive and has a whole bunch of features.
For those still interested:
Try using Genymotion. You can download a version for Windows/Mac OS X/Linux after registering. A plugin for Eclipse is also available:
This emulator is fast and responsive.
GenyMotion allows you to control various sensors of your device including the battery level, signal strength, and GPS. The latest version now also contains camera tools.
您的(旧)版本 Eclipse 中包含的模拟器非常慢。
最近的模拟器比 2010 年的速度更快。更新您的 SDK/IDE。
就我个人而言,我使用真机进行测试。它速度更快,测试也更真实。但是,如果您想在许多不同的 Android 版本上测试您的应用程序并且不想购买多部手机,则必须时不时地使用模拟器。
The emulator included in your (old) version of Eclipse is very slow.
Recent emulators are faster than they use to be in 2010. Update your SDK/IDE.
Personally, I use a real phone to do my tests. It is faster and tests are more realistic. But if you want to test your application on a lot of different Android versions and don't want to buy several phones, you will have to use the emulator from time to time.
The startup of the emulator is very slow. The good thing is that you only need to start the emulator once. If the emulator is already running and you run your app again, the emulator reinstalls the app relatively quickly. Of course, if you want to know how fast it will run on a phone, it is best to test it on a real phone.
英特尔发布了 2012 年 5 月 15 日的 ICS 模拟器推荐安装说明。这对我有用。模拟器现在速度很快,用户界面也很流畅。
说明的前半部分足够详细,因此我假设您能够使用 Android SDK 管理器以及英特尔 HAXM 安装英特尔 x86 Atom 系统映像。
如果 HAXM 正常工作,您可能会在启动模拟器时看到此消息:
使用 GPU 模拟。在撰写本文时使用 GPU 模拟时,您无法使用“快照”选项。确保 GPU 模拟设置为“yes”。
将设备内存设置为 1024 MB 或更多,但不超过 Intel HAXM 设置。我用的是1024每个设备 MB,HAXM 为 2048。
通过这些设置,软件键盘不再出现,屏幕上的后退、菜单和最近使用的按键也不再出现。这似乎是当前 ICS Intel x86 系统映像的限制。您将需要使用键盘快捷键。
在 Mac OS 上,您需要按住 fn + control 才能使 F1 - F12 键起作用。可以使用 Ctrl + 箭头键执行向上/向下/向左/向右翻页。
Intel released recommended installation instructions for the ICS emulator on May 15, 2012. This worked for me. The emulator is now fast and the UI is smooth.
The first half of the instructions are detailed enough, so I will assume you were able to install the Intel x86 Atom System Image(s) using the Android SDK manager, as well as Intel HAXM.
Now to ensure that everything else is set up so you can enjoy a highly performing emulator:
And start it:
If HAXM is working properly, you may see this message when launching the emulator:
Otherwise, you may see this error:
Use GPU emulation. You cannot use the Snapshot option when using GPU emulation as of this writing. Ensure that GPU emulation is set to "yes".
Set the device memory to 1024 MB or more, but not more than the Intel HAXM setting. I use 1024 MB per device and 2048 for HAXM.
Always double-check the settings after saving! The emulator is very picky about what it allows you to set, and it will revert configurations without telling you.
With these settings the software keyboard no longer appears, nor do the on-screen back, menu, and recent keys. This appears to be a limitation of the current ICS Intel x86 system image. You will need to use the keyboard shortcuts.
On Mac OS you will need to hold fn + control for the F1 - F12 keys to work. Page up/down/left/right can be performed using control + arrow keys.
您可以使用以下命令创建 emulator.bat 来启动模拟器。它会启动得更快。
或者在 Unix(Mac 或 Linux 版本)上:
You can create emulator.bat with following command to start the emulator. It will start faster.
Or on Unix (Mac or Linux flavors):
我注意到,如果没有连接 Dalvik 调试监视器服务器 (DDMS),模拟器的启动速度会更快。因此,如果您从虚拟设备管理器“SDK Setup.exe”启动模拟器并且 Eclipse 未启动,则模拟器的运行速度会更快。
如果从 Eclipse 启动模拟器:DDMS 就在那里,所以有时模拟器非常慢,但有时会更快。
I've noticed that the emulator starts much faster if there's no Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS) connected. So if you start the emulator from Virtual Device Manager "SDK Setup.exe" and Eclipse is not started, the emulator works faster.
If you start the emulator from Eclipse: DDMS is there, so sometimes the emulator is extremely slow, but sometimes it's faster.
Genymotion - 首选
Windows Android 模拟器
Jar Beans
为了让模拟器更快,您可以托管 GPU 并使用更轻量级的 Android 版本 (Android 2.3(姜饼))。
在 Mac 上开发会更好。顺便说一句,为什么要使用模拟器?使用真正的手机更有意义。
Emulators are slow. There's really nothing you can do about it, but there are alternatives to the emulator.
Genymotion - Preferred
Windows Android Emulator
Jar of Beans
To make your emulator faster, you can host a GPU and use a lighter Android version (Android 2.3 (Gingerbread)).
Developing on a Mac would be better. Why use an emulator, BTW? Using a real phone makes more sense.
从 Android SDK 工具修订版 17 开始,模拟器可以使用图形加速和 CPU 提供的扩展来提高效率。先决条件、完整配置和用户说明位于:
http://developer. android.com/guide/developing/devices/emulator.html#acceleration
用于启用GPU 加速,从命令行运行模拟器或将“-gpu on”添加到 AVD 配置中的其他模拟器命令行选项中。
要使用 CPU 机器扩展,您必须安装驱动程序(小心,因为它可能与现有的 VirtualBox 或 VMware 驱动程序)。安装后,只要您使用基于 x86 的 AVD,就会自动使用它。
As of Revision 17 of Android SDK Tools, the emulator can use graphic acceleration and CPU-provided extensions for better efficiency. The prerequisites and full configuration and user notes are at:
For enabling GPU aceleration, run the emulator from the command line or add "-gpu on" to the additional emulator command line options in the AVD configuration.
For using the CPU machine extensions, you have to install the driver (caution because it can conflict with existing VirtualBox or VMware drivers). Once it's installed it will be used automatically whenever you use an x86-based AVD.
Try to disable your antivirus. Maybe it will make emulator a little bit faster.
Android SDK 版本17支持使用AMD和Intel虚拟化技术的虚拟机加速。
有关更多详细信息,请参阅 Android 模拟器文档中的以下部分: 配置虚拟机器加速
安装驱动程序并下载 Android X86 系统映像(如文档中所述)后,您应该能够使用 x86 映像创建新的 AVD:
Android SDK rev. 17 supports Virtual Machine Acceleration using AMD and Intel virtualization technologies.
This feature can improve the emulator performance a lot!
See the following section in the Android emulator documentation for more details: Configuring Virtual Machine Acceleration
Don't forget to install the appropriate driver for your operating system:
After you have installed the drivers and downloaded an Android X86 system image (as described in the documentation) you should be able to create a new AVD using the x86 image:
For example:
The option
-cpu-delay <delay>
described in Emulator Startup Options can help.模拟器在空闲时似乎会减慢速度。通过快速将鼠标悬停在侧面的按键上并观察发光响应,可以明显看出这一点。作为解决方法,我在启动模拟器时将
-icount auto
传递给 QEMU 。您可以创建一个名为my_avd.bat
-- 启动名为“my_avd”的虚拟设备-no-boot- anim
-- 禁用动画以加快启动-qemu args...
-- 将参数传递给 qemu-icount [N|auto]
-- 启用虚拟指令每条指令有 2^N 个时钟周期的计数器这使得动画变得非常流畅,并且将
adb install
速度提高了十倍。The emulator seems to slow itself down when idle. This is made apparent by rapidly mousing over the keys on the side and observing the light-up responses. As a workaround, I pass
-icount auto
to QEMU when starting the emulator. You can make a batch file calledmy_avd.bat
to do it for you:@my_avd
-- launch a virtual device named 'my_avd'-no-boot-anim
-- disable animation for faster boot-qemu args...
-- pass arguments to qemu-icount [N|auto]
-- enable virtual instruction counter with 2^N clock ticks per instructionThis made animations buttery smooth and sped up
adb install
tenfold.Android 模拟器版本 9 有一个新的“快照”功能。您可以保存emulator (制作模拟器的映像)并避免在启动模拟器时启动。
Android emulator release 9 has a new "snapshot" feature. You can save the state of the emulator (make an image of the emulator) and avoid booting when you start the emulator.
您可以在 Google I/O 2011:Android 开发工具演讲,开始于 0:40:20。
模拟器运行缓慢是因为完整的 Android 环境在模拟硬件上运行,并且指令也在模拟 ARM 处理器上执行。
You can review the emulator issues on the Google I/O 2011: Android Development Tools talk, starting a 0:40:20.
The emulator runs slowly because the complete Android environment is running on emulated hardware and the instructions are executed on an emulated ARM processor as well.
The main choking point is rendering since it's not running on any dedicated hardware but it's actually being performed through software rendering. Lowering the screen size will drastically improve emulator performance. Getting more/faster memory isn't going to help.
They've mentioned, at the time, that they're developing an interface that would allow the emulator to pipe certain instructions through the host hardware, so eventually, you'll be able to leverage emulator performances with the raw power of desktop hardware.
当前(2011 年 5 月)版本的模拟器速度很慢,尤其是 Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) 主要是因为模拟器不支持硬件 GL——这意味着 GL 代码被转换为软件(实际上是 ARM 软件),然后在 QEMU。这太慢了。他们正在解决这个问题并部分解决,但没有任何发布质量。
观看视频Google I/O 2011:Android 开发工具 观看实际效果 - 跳到大约 44 分钟。
The current (May 2011) version of the emulator is slow particularly with Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) primarily because the emulator does not support hardware GL -- this means that the GL code gets translated into software (ARM software, in fact) which then gets emulated in software in QEMU. This is crazy-slow. They're working on this problem and have it partially solved, but not with any sort of release quality.
Check out the video Google I/O 2011: Android Development Tools to see it in action -- jump to about 44 minutes.
使用 Intel x86 仿真器加速器
首先,安装 Intel x86 仿真器加速器 (HAXM)。可以直接从 Intel 下载或使用 Android SDK Manager 下载。在 SDK Manager 中,它位于 Extras 下。
在我使用的 Android Studio 版本(0.8.9)中,Android SDK Manager 下载 HAXM 但实际上并不运行安装程序(我认为这将在以后的版本中修复)。要运行安装程序,我必须转到 C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-studio\sdk\extras\intel\Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager 并手动启动 intelhaxm.exe。
HAXM 可与 Intel 设备配合使用,因此使用 Intel CPU 创建了一个新的模拟器。
使用 Intel Atom x86 创建新的 AVD
这大大改善了情况,但模拟器仍然感觉有点迟缓。最后一步是在 Android 虚拟设备管理器 (AVD) 中选择使用主机 GPU。
进行这些更改后,Android 模拟器将在 5-10 秒内启动,并且运行时没有任何明显的延迟。
Use the Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator
First, install the Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM). This can be downloaded directly from Intel or using Android SDK Manager. In the SDK Manager, it's located under Extras.
In the version of Android Studio I used (0.8.9), Android SDK Manager downloads HAXM but doesn't actually run the installer (I assume this will be fixed in later releases). To run the installer I had to go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-studio\sdk\extras\intel\Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager and manually launch intelhaxm.exe.
HAXM works with Intel devices, so created a new Emulator with Intel CPU.
Create a new AVD using Intel Atom x86
This improved things considerably, but the emulator was still feeling a bit sluggish. The final step was selecting Use Host GPU in Android Virtual Device Manager (AVD).
After these changes, Android Emulator was launching in 5-10 seconds and running without any noticeable lag.
Be aware that these features are hardware dependent (CPU/GPU) and may not work on some systems.
尝试 Android Studio 的 Genymotion。速度极快!只需要一次安装。不再有 AVD 疼痛。
Try Genymotion for Android Studio. Blazing fast! Just needs one time installation. No more AVD pain.
我最近将我的 Ubuntu 安装升级到 Ubuntu 10.04 LTS ( Lucid Lynx)又将我的 Java 版本更新为:
人们升级 JVM 可能是值得的。
To add further information to this.
I have recently upgraded my Ubuntu installation to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) which in turn updated my Java version to:
And now the emulator (although takes a while to start) seems to be running faster than previously.
It might be worth people upgrading their JVM.
一个新选项是 Visual适用于 Android 的 Studio 模拟器 - 速度快、Hyper-V、x86 和 即使没有 VS 也可以免费下载。
A new option is the Visual Studio Emulator for Android--it's fast, Hyper-V, x86, and free to download even without VS.
您可以尝试以下操作。它确实加快了我的模拟器速度,尤其是在加载时间。我注意到模拟器仅使用可用 CPU 的单个核心。我将其设置为使用所有可用的处理器。
我使用的是 Windows 7。
Here's what I noticed nobody mentioned it at all.
Assign all available processors to the emulator
Here's what you can try. It does speed up the emulator for me, especially during loading time. I noticed the emulator is only using a single core of the available CPU. I set it to use all available processors.
I'm using Windows 7.
经过一段时间的开发后,我的模拟器变得异常缓慢。我选择了擦除用户数据,效果好多了。我猜测加载您部署的每个 APK 文件需要时间。
After developing for a while, my emulator became brutally slow. I chose wipe user data, and it was much much better. I am guessing that it takes time to load up each APK file you've deployed.
好吧,既然有人建议 Android x86 作为替代测试模拟器,我也会展示我最喜欢的。这可能不是每个人的替代方案,但对我来说它是完美的!
使用Bluestacks 播放器。它运行 Android 2.3.4,非常流畅且快速。有时它甚至比普通设备更快。唯一的缺点是,您只能在 API 级别 10 和一种屏幕尺寸上测试应用程序,但它非常适合测试它是否正常工作。只需通过运行将播放器与
连接即可。编译后,它会立即安装。考虑到我拥有相当普通的计算机硬件(双核和 4 GB 内存),这令人印象深刻。
Well, since somebody suggested Android x86 as an alternative testing emulator, I'll also present my favorite. This might not be an alternative for everyone, but for me it's perfect!
Use the Bluestacks Player. It runs Android 2.3.4 and is very fluid and fast. Sometimes it is even faster than a normal device. The only downside is, that you can just test apps on the API Level 10 and just on one screen size, but it's perfect just for testing if it's working or not. Just connect the Player with the
by runningAfter compiling, it installs instantly. It is very impressive, considering I have rather an average computer hardware (dual core with 4 GB of RAM).
我的模拟器 (SDK v8.0) 加载时间间歇性缓慢,在 Xubuntu 10.04 上运行的 Intel Core i7 920 2.67GHz CPU 上最多可达三分钟 VirtualBox 3.2.12 来宾,已加载 Eclipse (3.6.1)。我将 VirtualBox 来宾内存从 1024 MB 更改为 2048 MB,从那时起,我再也没有遇到过缓慢的情况(加载时间一致为 33 秒,CPU 负载一致为 20%)。 Eclipse 和模拟器都非常消耗内存。
I had intermittent slow emulator (SDK v8.0) load times, up to three minutes on Intel Core i7 920 2.67 GHz CPU running on Xubuntu 10.04 VirtualBox 3.2.12 guest with Eclipse (3.6.1) loaded. I changed the VirtualBox guest memory from 1024 MB to 2048 MB and from that point on, I never experienced the slowness again (load times consistent at 33 seconds, CPU load consistent at 20%). Both Eclipse and the emulator are memory hogs.
Android 模拟器速度非常慢。运行时需要800MB内存。
如果您使用的是 Windows,则可以使用 Microsoft Android 模拟器。它非常棒,为您提供比 Android Studio 模拟器更多的功能。最重要的是它速度很快(仅消耗 13MB)。
它附带 Visual Studio 2015 技术预览版。我正在使用它并且对此感到满意。我下载并安装了整个 VS 包,我需要看看如何仅安装 VS 模拟器。
适用于 Android 的 Visual Studio 模拟器
尝试 https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/msft-android-emulator/< /a>
Android emulator is dead slow. It takes 800MB memory while running.
If you are on Windows, You can use Microsoft Android Emulator. It is superb, provides you functionalities more than Android Studio Emulator. And most important it is fast ( consumes 13MB only).
It comes with Visual Studio 2015 Technical Preview. I am using it and happy with it. I downloaded and installed entire VS pack, I need to look how we can install VS Emulator only.
Visual Studio Emulator for Android
Try https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/msft-android-emulator/
我注意到我的模拟器(Eclipse 插件)由于我的 Nvidia 显卡抗锯齿设置。从图形菜单中删除 2x 抗锯齿并将其更改为应用程序控制,使其响应更快。虽然还是很慢,但比以前好多了。
I noticed that the my emulator (Eclipse plugin) was significantly slowed by my Nvidia graphics card anti-aliasing settings. Removing 2x anti aliasing from the graphics menu and changing it to application controlled made it more responsive. It is still slow, but better than it used to be.
为了减少模拟器的启动时间,您需要在启动模拟器之前检查“禁用启动动画”。请参阅Android 文档。
如果您不知道,则无需在每次运行/调试应用程序时关闭模拟器。如果您在打开时单击“运行/调试”,您的 APK 文件将上传到模拟器并立即启动。模拟器仅在第一次启动时才需要很长的时间。
以下是一些加快 Android 模拟器速度的技巧:如何将 Android 模拟器速度提高高达 400%。
To reduce your emulator start-up time you need to check the "Disable Boot Animation" before starting the emulator. Refer to the Android documentation.
If in case you don't know, you do not need to close the emulator every-time you run/debug your app. If you click run/debug when it's already open, your APK file will get uploaded to the emulator and start pretty much immediately. Emulator takes annoyingly long time only when it started the first time.
Here are some tips to speed up the Android emulator: How to speed up the Android Emulator by up to 400%.
加快 Android 模拟器和应用程序测试速度的好方法是将 Android Studio 安装或升级到 Android Studio 2.0 版本,然后转到应用程序打开“设置/首选项”,然后转到“构建、执行、部署→即时运行”。单击启用即时运行。之后,这将确保您的项目拥有正确的 gradle 插件,以便与 Instant Run 一起使用。


不过 Android Studio 目前处于预览版,您可以立即尝试。
Good way to speed up Android Emulator and app testing is Install or Upgrade your Android Studio to Android Studio 2.0 version and then go to app open Settings/Preferences, the go to Build, Execution, Deployment → Instant Run. Click on Enable Instant Run. And After That This will ensure you have the correct gradle plugin for your project to work with Instant Run.

And Instant run will look like this

However Android Studio is right now in Preview you can try it now.