使用 ASP.NET-MVC 实现 WAP 站点
我们计划使用 ASP.NET-MVC 实现 WAP 站点。
We plan on implementing a WAP site using ASP.NET-MVC.
Has anyone any experiance of this? Are there any Gotchas?
We will also be implementing a "standard" web site for browsers. Would it be possible to have a single set of Models and Controllers, and just have seperate views for each site?
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与文章源代码的主要偏差在于 Global.asax.cs 文件,您需要在其中添加以下代码行:
我知道我必须进行一些代码更改才能使其与 MVC 1 兼容,但我不能记住确切的变化。
我遇到的另一个主要问题是调试输出。为此,我使用了带有扩展程序([用户代理切换器][2])的 Firefox,我已更改该扩展程序以向其中添加接受类型。
对于 WAP2/XHTML1.2,接受类型为:text/html,application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q= 0.8
显然,您需要母版页和内容页遵守 WML 或 XHTML1.2
[1]: http://frugalcoder.us/post/2008/11/13/ASPNet-MVC-Theming.aspx 主题支持
[2]:http://chrispederick.com/work/user-agent-switcher/ 用户代理切换器
It is possible to have for the most part a single set of models and controllers.
The way to do it will be via implementing the following Theming/Templating engine.
[Theming Support][1]
I piggy backed my solution on top of a Theming/Templating engine.
The major deviation from the article source is in the Global.asax.cs file where you need to add the following lines of code:
I know I had to make a couple of code changes to make it MVC 1 compatible, but I can't remember the exact changes.
The other major problem I had was debugging the output. For this I used firefox with an extension ([User Agent Switcher][2]) that I've changed to add Accept Types to it.
For WAP2/XHTML1.2 the Accept Types are: text/html,application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8
Obviously you need your masterpage and content pages to adhere to WML or XHTML1.2
[1]: http://frugalcoder.us/post/2008/11/13/ASPNet-MVC-Theming.aspx Theming Support
[2]: http://chrispederick.com/work/user-agent-switcher/ User Agent Switcher