Craigslist, network with former co-workers. Stay away from rent-a-slave and elame sites. They will only waste your time and frustrate you (I want a youtube/facebook/amazon clone for under $500).
Local is better. Clients love to have you come onsite and talk with them.
It will take a bit but after a while, you will find enough clients who keep you busy and you won't have time to look for new ones :D.
Start off moonlighting so you can keep the lights on and the internet paid while this ramp up happens.
Craigslist,与前同事的网络。远离 rent-a-slave 和 elame 网站。他们只会浪费你的时间,让你感到沮丧(我想要一个 youtube/facebook/amazon 的克隆版本,价格不到 500 美元)。
Craigslist, network with former co-workers. Stay away from rent-a-slave and elame sites. They will only waste your time and frustrate you (I want a youtube/facebook/amazon clone for under $500).
Local is better. Clients love to have you come onsite and talk with them.
It will take a bit but after a while, you will find enough clients who keep you busy and you won't have time to look for new ones :D.
Start off moonlighting so you can keep the lights on and the internet paid while this ramp up happens.
Good luck!