大家好,我正在阅读有关“推送”技术的内容,但我想我可能以错误的方式听说过它。有什么我应该知道的有趣的事情吗?在 PHP 中如何实现呢?可以用 PHP 完成吗?推送背后的总体思路是什么?
Hay guys, I'm looking into reading about 'push' technology, but i think i may have heard about it in the wrong way. Is there are interesting things i should know about it? How can it be done in PHP? Can it be done in PHP? What's the general idea behind push?
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你需要看看这些 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet_ (编程)
Comet 是一种编程技术,使 Web 服务器能够将数据发送到客户端,而不需要客户端请求它。该技术将产生比传统 AJAX 响应更快的应用程序。在经典的 AJAX 应用程序中,Web 浏览器(客户端)无法实时通知服务器数据模型已更改。用户必须创建请求(例如通过单击链接)或必须发生定期 AJAX 请求才能从服务器获取新数据。
You need to take a look at these http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet_(programming)
Comet is a programming technique that enables web servers to send data to the client without having any need for the client to request it. This technique will produce more responsive applications than classic AJAX. In classic AJAX applications, web browser (client) cannot be notified in real time that the server data model has changed. The user must create a request (for example by clicking on a link) or a periodic AJAX request must happen in order to get new data fro the server.
它可以用 PHP 完成,但在扩展方面存在一些问题。如果缩放不太重要,那么您可以通过简单地创建一个不会立即返回的页面来创建一个伪彗星客户端。
如果您正在寻找可扩展性更好的东西,您要么必须获得完整的comet服务器,或者使用 SaaS 解决方案(例如 WebSync On-Demand - 免责声明,我在那里工作) 。
It can sorta be done in PHP, but there are some issues with scaling. If scaling doesn't matter too much, then you can create a pseudo-comet client by simply having a page that doesn't return immediately.
If you're looking for something that scales a bit better, you'll either have to get a full comet server, or go with a SaaS solution (like WebSync On-Demand - disclaimer, I work there).