仅大小写不同的 C# 自动实现属性和局部变量的最佳实践?
public class MyClass
public string MyProperty { get; set; }
public MyClass(string myProperty)
MyProperty = myProperty; // bad?
this.MyProperty = myProperty; // good?
我在这种情况下开始使用 this
Let me give you an example:
public class MyClass
public string MyProperty { get; set; }
public MyClass(string myProperty)
MyProperty = myProperty; // bad?
this.MyProperty = myProperty; // good?
I've taken to using this
in this scenario, because I have minor paranoia that relying on case alone might be confusing or worse might actually lead to bugs.
What is the "best practice" here?
So far, it sounds like this is a lot more subjective than I thought. I figured people would come down strongly on one side or the other.
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”的优点是,一些开发人员发现在阅读代码时更容易将其与类实例联系起来,并且正如您提到的,在处理类似名称的项目。缺点是有些人认为它会使您的代码文件变得混乱,如果您使用 ReSharper 等工具,他们会默认将其标记为冗余代码。
Using "
" is redundant in any class. It's totally up to your development shop to set a standard for using it.The pros of using "
" are that some developers find it easier to associate it in their mind with the class instance when they are reading the code, and as you mention, make it clearer when dealing with similarly named items.The cons are that some people view it as cluttering up your code file and if you use tools like ReSharper, they mark it as redundant code by default.
正如旺普所说。 “this”是多余的,但它使代码更易于阅读。或者说更难误读。
As womp said. "this" is redundant but it makes the code easier to read. Or rather harder to misread.
C# 绝对区分大小写,因此使用... MyProperty = myProperty;
C# is definately case sensitive so there is no risk in using...
MyProperty = myProperty;
So then I would look to other best practices like writing the least amount of code needed to achieve your goal (while being self documenting). The truth is, it's not required, minimalists might say leave it out.
使用“this”的点对我来说是过度规范。我知道它是本地财产,因为它是大写的。所有财产均应大写。由于下划线,我知道变量“_anotherProperty”具有类范围。我曾经省略类级变量中的下划线。当下划线存在时,代码对我来说更容易阅读,因为我立即知道范围,而无需将鼠标悬停在变量上以查看 VS 工具提示中的声明。另外,我还可以通过省略下划线来对局部变量使用相同的名称。这使得你的初始化看起来很干净。下划线的另一个好处是,您可以键入下划线并按 ctrl+space,所有类范围的变量都会被分组。
Here's how I currently initialize properties using your example (both auto-implemented and not)
Dotting in using 'this' is over specification to me. I know that it's a local property because it is capitalized. All properties should be capialized. I know that the variable '_anotherProperty' has class scope because of the underscore. I used to omit the underscore from class-level variables. Code is easier for me to read when the underscore is there because I immediately know the scope without having to mouse over the variable to see the declaration in the tooltip from VS. Also, I get the benefit of using the same name for local variables by just omitting the underscore. This makes your initializations look clean. Another benefit of the underscore is that you can type an underscore and press ctrl+space and all of your class-scoped variables are grouped.
在我的工作场所,编码标准规定属性应这样编写,而局部变量应这样编写。由于 C# 区分大小写,因此这是一个很好的工具来区分变量。但是,如果您发现自己的属性和局部变量具有完全相同的名称,那么使用 this 关键字肯定会消除用法的歧义。
At my workplace, coding standards dictate that properties be written LikeThis while local variables be written likeThis. As C# is case sensitive, this is a good tool to utilize to distinguish your variables apart. If, however, you find yourself with a property and local variable with the exact same name, using the this keyword will definitely disambiguate the usage.
Both of your options rely on case alone.... There is no difference between either.
this.Title = title
这样的内容,在使用 Intellisense 时更具描述性。在我看来,这两种方法都比使用仅大小写不同的名称的惯例更好。In my opinion, the "best practice" here is, "don't do that." If I run across that in code I'm reviewing, I immediately flag it. Having two variables that differ only by case is a misunderstanding just waiting to happen. It's just too easy for a maintenance programmer to come along months or years later and inadvertently make an assigment to
instead ofMyThing
.Added later:
A commenter asked for my suggestion to replace the upper/lower case naming convention. For that I need a concrete example. Say you have a simple
class that has only one property:Title
:Now you need a constructor. A common convention is to use a lowercase version of the property:
Or, if you want to make sure there's no ambiguity:
this.Title = title
.One can make the argument that this is okay in constructors. And it might be, if all constructors were so simple. But my experience has been that when a constructor goes beyond just a few lines, the distinction between
gets lost. The problem becomes worse when you're talking about methods other than constructors. Either way, you need a different convention.What to use? I've variously used and seen used abbreviations in the parameters:
, for example. Or something likebookTitle
, which is more descriptive when using Intellisense. In my opinion, either is preferable to the convention of using a name that differs only by case.