CMYK + CMYK = ? CMYK / 2 =?
假设 CMYK 中定义了两种颜色:
color1 = 30, 40, 50, 60
color2 = 50, 60, 70, 80
color_new = min(cyan1 + cyan2, 100), min(magenta1 + magenta2, 100), min(yellow1 + yellow2, 100), min(black1 + black2, 100)?
假设有一种CMYK定义的颜色: 颜色 = 40, 30, 30, 100 可以以部分强度打印颜色,即作为色调。该颜色的色调为 50% 是多少?
color_new = cyan / 2, magenta / 2, yellow / 2, black / 2?
我问这个是为了更好地理解 PDF 参考 1.7、4.5.5 特殊色彩空间、DeviceN 色彩空间中的“tintTransform”函数
为了更好地澄清:我并不完全关心人类的感知或者 CMYK 染料对纸张的反应。如果有人指定 90% 的色调,打印时看起来像全强度着色剂,那也没关系。
换句话说,如果我问如何计算 cmyk(40, 30, 30, 100) 的 50%,我就是在问如何计算新值,无论结果看起来是否是半暗的。
我现在很困惑。我在 InDesign 和 Acrobat 中检查了这一点。例如,Pantone 3005 的颜色为 CMYK 100, 34, 0, 2,其 25% 色调的颜色为 CMYK 25, 8.5, 0, 0.5。
Suppose there are two colors defined in CMYK:
color1 = 30, 40, 50, 60
color2 = 50, 60, 70, 80
If they were to be printed what values would the resulting color have?
color_new = min(cyan1 + cyan2, 100), min(magenta1 + magenta2, 100), min(yellow1 + yellow2, 100), min(black1 + black2, 100)?
Suppose there is a color defined in CMYK:
color = 40, 30, 30, 100
It is possible to print a color at partial intensity, i.e. as a tint. What values would have a 50% tint of that color?
color_new = cyan / 2, magenta / 2, yellow / 2, black / 2?
I'm asking this to better understand the "tintTransform" function in PDF Reference 1.7, 4.5.5 Special Color Spaces, DeviceN Color Spaces
To better clarify: I'm not entirely concerned with human perception or how the CMYK dyies react to the paper. If someone specifies 90% tint which, when printed, looks like full intensity colorant, that's ok.
In other words, if I asking how to compute 50% of cmyk(40, 30, 30, 100) I'm asking how to compute the new values, regardless of whether the result looks half-dark or not.
Update 2:
I'm confused now. I checked this in InDesign and Acrobat. For example Pantone 3005 has CMYK 100, 34, 0, 2, and its 25% tint has CMYK 25, 8.5, 0, 0.5.
Does it mean I can "monkey around in a linear way"?
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不,一般来说,您不能以线性方式使用任意颜色空间并希望看到与人类感知相对应的结果。一般策略是将您的色彩空间转换为 CIE Lab 或 Luv 色彩空间,进行转换,然后返回您的色彩空间(这是有损的)。
No, in general you can't monkey around in a linear way with arbitrary color spaces and hope to see a result that corresponds to human perception. The general strategy is to convert from your color space into CIE Lab or Luv color space, do the transformation, then go back to your color space (which is lossy).
Excellent FAQ:
假设 C、M、Y、K 是要打印的墨水的百分比。添加两种颜色将是:
然后必须将它们归一化,因为通常不会打印超过三种墨水,并且将等量的 C、M、Y 替换为等量的黑色。
此时,您可能希望将 C+M+Y+K 限制为某个值,例如 240。您也可以尝试 G=min(C,M,Y,100-K)。
Supposing C,M,Y,K are the % of ink to print. Adding two colors would be:
And then they must be normalized, because usually no more than three inks are printed, and an equal amount of C,M,Y is replaced by the same amount of black.
At this point, you may want to limit C+M+Y+K to some value like 240. You can also try G=min(C,M,Y,100-K).
如果您只是进行颜色着色,那么直接相乘就可以了 - 这可以确保所有墨水都具有相同的比例。
您可以通过在 InDesign 中调出“颜色”面板,然后按住 Shift 并拖动其中一个颜色滑块来查看这一点。其他滑块将按比例移动。
添加两种颜色与叠印(一种颜色直接打印在另一种颜色上)具有相同的效果。因此,如果打印 100% 品红色和 100% 青色,然后在上面打印 100% 黑色,则结果将与 100% 品红色、100% 青色和 100% 黑色完全相同。
If you're just doing tints of colours then a straight multiplication will be fine - this ensures that the inks will all be in the same ratios.
You can see this by bringing up the Colors panel in InDesign, and holding down shift and dragging one of the colour sliders. The other sliders will move proportionally.
Adding two colours has the same effect as overprinting (where one colour is printed directly over another colour). So if 100% magenta and 100% cyan were printed, and then 100% black were printed on top, the result would be exactly the same as 100% magenta, 100% cyan and 100% black.
如果这是 RGB 值,则会产生饱和颜色(即白色或接近白色的颜色)。对于 CMYK 颜色的 CMY 部分,情况正好相反 - 它们会趋向于黑色(实际上是深棕色)。添加黑色意味着您会得到纯黑色(感谢 Skilldrick)。毕竟,如果您有 100% 黑色和 CMY 的任意组合,结果将是黑色。
关于您的第二次更新,我希望您从 Acrobat 获得的结果将普遍适用。
To answer your first question:
If this had been RGB values it would result in saturated colours (i.e. colours at or near white). The converse will be true for the CMY part of the CMYK colour - they will tend to black (well practically dark brown). The addition of black means that you get pure black (thanks Skilldrick). After all if you have 100% black and any combination of CMY the result will be black.
Re your second update I would expect that the results you obtained from Acrobat would apply universally.
在 CMYK 模式下,使用 Photoshop 的乘法混合作为指导,我得出以下结论:
混合 = 颜色 1 + 颜色 2 - 颜色 1 * 颜色 2
因此 50% 洋红色与 50% 洋红色混合会等于
50% + 50% - 50% * 50%
100% - 25%
75% 洋红色
100% 黑色和 100% 黑色将得出 (100% + 100% - 100% * 100%) = 100
%至少符合我在 Photoshop 和乘法混合中所做的测试。这是否适合打印,我不能说。
Using Photoshop's multiply blend as a guide in CMYK mode I came to the following conclusion:
mix = colour1 + colour2 - color1 * color2
So 50% magenta blended with 50% magenta would equate to
50% + 50% - 50% * 50%
100% - 25%
75% magenta
100% black and 100% black would come to (100% + 100% - 100% * 100%) = 100%
It's seems to at least tally with the tests I did in Photoshop and multiply blends. Whether that is right for print, I can't say.