网页主要内容区域的宽度是否有标准最大值?我想在不影响可用性的情况下最大化屏幕空间。我见过很多网站都坚持 980 像素或更低。有人有什么建议吗?
Is there a standard max for the width of the main content area of a web page? I want to maximize screen real estate without affecting usability. I've seen a lot of sites stick to 980px or less. Anyone have any suggestions?
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目标分辨率为 800x600 或 1024x768。
对于 800x600,约为 750px。
对于 1024x768,则为 970px。
Target either the 800x600 or 1024x768 resolution.
For 800x600 it is around 750px.
For 1024x768 it would be 970px.
我假设您指的是包装宽度,因为您提到了 980。
最理想的解决方案是根本不考虑像素,而是依赖 ems/%s 和缩放,尽可能流畅,以便您的设计适合小型移动设备和您的元素高度不是固定的而是自动的。示例是: http://www.456bereastreet.com/
但是,如果您遇到了网页设计师仍然认为像素,你肯定知道你将无法让他们尝试制作液体/流体的图像,我会说拍摄宽度为 960 像素,这样你就可以在 1024x768 的 IE6/XP 中拥有足够的观看区域并带有滚动条,但这实际上取决于您的受众以及大多数受众的屏幕分辨率。
I'm assuming you're referring to the wrapper width since you mentioned 980.
The most ideal solution is to not think of pixels at all and instead rely on ems/%s and scaling, be as fluid as possible so your design fits on small mobile devices and your elements heights are not fixed but auto. Example being: http://www.456bereastreet.com/
But if you're stuck with web designers who still think pixel and you know for sure you'll be unable to get them to try making images that are liquid/fluid, I would say shoot for 960 pixels in width so you have enough viewing area in a 1024x768 with scrollbars in IE6/XP, but this really depends on your audience and the majority of your audience's screen resolutions.
研究,例如引用的这里表明人们阅读长行文本会更加困难。这就是为什么我将内容宽度限制为 800px 左右。
Research, such as that referenced here suggests that people have a more difficult time reading long lines of text. That's why I restrict my content width to 800px or so.
You have to first ask the question. Who is my audience?
没有“标准”,特别是在这个 PDA/智能手机/上网本/智能本/信息亭/等的时代...... - 虽然这可能听起来陈词滥调,但最好的办法是设计一个流畅的布局,而不依赖于确切的屏幕尺寸。
当然,答案可能会根据您的预期/预期用户群而变化(例如,假设 1024 像素屏幕宽度留给您 980 工作像素 - 并且有意识地决定您对支持任何具有较小屏幕分辨率的人不感兴趣)。
另一个解决方案是通过将其变成类似于门户的方式来允许大小布局自定义,并且用户可以控制 portlet 的布局(ala My Yahoo)。
There's no "standard", especially in this age of PDAs/smartphones/netbooks/smartbooks/kiosks/etc... - while it may sound cliche, the best thing is to design a fluid layout not depending on exact screen size.
The answer may change depending on your intended/anticipated user base, of course (e.g. assume 1024 px screen width leaving you with 980 working px - and consciously decide that you are not interested in supporting anyone with smaller screen resolution).
Another solution is to allow size layout customization by making it into portal-like with user having control of layout of the portlets (ala My Yahoo).
960 是一个非常常见的标准,该数字背后的基本原理是,安装在 1024 像素宽的屏幕上将允许绝大多数用户无需滚动即可看到内容。请参阅此处,了解 100 个允许访问浏览器和浏览器的网站之一。用户系统能力统计可以得到一些初步的启发。
但最终,您需要了解客户群的结构 - 如果您的网站针对 iPhone,那么针对 1024 像素宽屏幕可能不是您最明智的决定。
960 is a pretty common standard, and the rationale behind that figure is the fact that fitting on a 1024 pixel wide screen will allow a big majority of your users to see the content without scrolling. See here for one of 100's of sites that give access to browser & user system capabilities statistics for some initial inspiration.
But in the end, it'll up to you to understand the structure of your customer base - if your site targets iPhones, targetting 1024 pixel wide screens may not be your smartest decision.
Not sure about absolute pixel values, but one thing I'd make sure of is that the text columns don't get too wide. There is a number of characters beyond which reading comprehension is impaired.
我使用的宽度为 1000 像素,适合当今使用的最小 1024x768 分辨率,而浏览器底部没有水平滚动条......
1000 pixels in width, is what I use which fits into the minimum 1024x768 resolution used these days without a horizontal scroller at the bottom of your browser ....