将 bar 放在包含 foo 的每一行的末尾
Jane likes Fred Chris dislikes Joe Nate knows Jill
Jane -> Fred red; Chris -> Joe blue; Nate -> Jill black;
只有少量动词,因此用箭头替换它们只需几个搜索和替换命令即可。然而,在此之前,我需要在每行的末尾放置一个与该行的动词相对应的颜色代码。我想使用 Python 来完成此操作。
I have a list with a large number of lines, each taking the subject-verb-object form, eg:
Jane likes Fred Chris dislikes Joe Nate knows Jill
To plot a network graph that expresses the different relationships between the nodes in directed color-coded edges, I will need to replace the verb with an arrow and place a color code at the end of each line, thus, somewhat simplified:
Jane -> Fred red; Chris -> Joe blue; Nate -> Jill black;
There's only a small number of verbs, so replacing them with an arrow is just a matter of a few search and replace commands. Before doing that, however, I will need to put a color code at the end of every line that corresponds to the line's verb. I'd like to do this using Python.
These are my baby steps in programming, so please be explicit and include the code that reads in the text file.
Thanks for your help!
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听起来您想要研究 字典 和 字符串格式。一般来说,如果您需要编程帮助,只需将遇到的任何问题分解为非常小的、离散的块,独立搜索这些块,然后您应该能够将其全部表述为更大的答案。 Stack Overflow 是此类搜索的绝佳资源。
另外,如果您对 Python 有任何一般性的好奇,请搜索或浏览官方 Python 文档。如果您发现自己总是不知道从哪里开始,请阅读 Python 教程 或查找书要经过。花一两周的时间来获得对正在做的事情的良好基础知识的投资将在您完成工作时一次又一次地得到回报。
It sounds like you will want to research dictionaries and string formatting. In general, if you need help programming, just break down any problem you have into extremely small, discrete chunks, search those chunks independently, and then you should be able to formulate it all into a larger answer. Stack Overflow is a great resource for this type of searching.
Also, if you have any general curiosities about Python, search or browse the official Python documentation. If you find yourself constantly not knowing where to begin, read the Python tutorial or find a book to go through. A week or two investment to get a good foundational knowledge of what you are doing will pay off over and over again as you complete work.
足够简单;假设动词列表是固定的并且很小,使用字典和 for 循环很容易做到这一点:
Simple enough; assuming the lists of verbs is fixed and small, this is easy to do with a dictionary and
loop:编辑:而是使用“for s in open”
Edit: Rather use "for s in open"
你确定这不是一点家庭作业吗:) 如果是这样,那就坦白吧。无需考虑太多细节,请考虑您要执行的任务:
使用 NetworkX (networkx.lanl.gov/)
Are you sure this isn't a little homeworky :) If so, it's okay to fess up. Without going into too much detail, think about the tasks you're trying to do:
For each line:
Code using NetworkX (networkx.lanl.gov/)
Python 2.5:
Python 2.5:
0)我们实际上并不需要“with”来解决这个问题,并且以这种方式编写它可以使程序更容易移植到旧版本的Python。我认为这应该适用于 Python 2.2 及更高版本(我只在 Python 2.6 上测试过)。
1)您可以更改 make_noun() 以采用您认为对处理多个单词有用的任何策略。我展示的只是用下划线将它们链接在一起,但是你可以有一本包含形容词的字典,然后把它们扔掉,有一本名词字典,然后选择它们,或者其他什么。
2)您还可以使用正则表达式进行模糊匹配。您可以拥有一个元组列表,其中包含与替换颜色配对的正则表达式,然后当正则表达式匹配时,替换颜色,而不是简单地使用 color_map 字典。
In addition to the question, Karasu also said (in a comment on one answer): "In the actual input both subjects and objects vary unpredictably between one and two words."
Okay, here's how I would solve this.
Some notes:
0) We don't really need "with" for this problem, and writing it this way makes the program more portable to older versions of Python. This should work on Python 2.2 and newer, I think (I only tested on Python 2.6).
1) You can change make_noun() to have whatever strategy you deem useful for handling multiple words. I showed just chaining them together with underscores, but you could have a dictionary with adjectives and throw those out, have a dictionary of nouns and choose those, or whatever.
2) You could also use regular expressions for fuzzier matching. Instead of simply using a dictionary for color_map you could have a list of tuples, with a regular expression paired with the replacement color, and then when the regular expression matches, replace the color.
Here is an improved version of my previous answer. This one uses regular expression matching to make a fuzzy match on the verb. These all work:
The regular expression pattern "loves?" matches "love" plus an optional 's'. The pattern "interest.*" matches "interest" plus anything. Patterns with multiple alternatives separated by vertical bars match if any one of the alternatives matches.
I hope it is clear how to take this answer and extend it. You can easily add more patterns to match more verbs. You could add logic to detect "is" and "in" and discard them, so that "Anders is interested in Maria" would match. And so on.
If you have any questions, I'd be happy to explain this further. Good luck.