
发布于 2024-08-06 04:44:18 字数 181 浏览 5 评论 0原文

作为一名软件工程师,我强烈倾向于在应用程序层编写业务逻辑,而通常仅依赖数据库进行 CRUD(创建、检索、更新和删除)操作。另一方面,我运行过应用程序(通常是较旧的应用程序),其中大量业务逻辑是在存储过程中编写的,因此有人更喜欢在数据库层中编写业务逻辑。


As a software engineer, I have a strong bias towards writing business logic in the application layer, while typically relying on the database for little more than CRUD (Create Retrieve Update and Delete) operations. On the other hand, I have run across applications (typically older ones) where a large amount of the business logic was written in stored procedures, so there are people out there that prefer to write business logic in the database layer.

For the people that have and/or enjoy written/writing business logic in a stored procedure, what were/are your reasons for using this method?

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一个人的夜不怕黑 2024-08-13 04:44:19

我尝试将数据库中的业务逻辑严格限制为必须执行大量查询和更新才能执行单个应用程序操作的过程。有些人可能会争辩说,即使这样也应该在应用程序中,但如果可以的话,我喜欢降低 IO。

数据库非常适合 CRUD,但如果它们因逻辑而变得臃肿:

  1. 逻辑在哪里就会变得混乱,
  2. 通常,数据库是一个孤岛,几乎不能像应用程序服务器那样水平扩展。
  3. t_sql/PLsql 本质上是难以阅读和程序化的
  4. 您将丧失 OOAD 的所有好处。

I try to seriously limit my business logic in the DB to only procs that have to do alot of querying and updating to perform a single application operation. Some may argue that even that should be in the app, but I like to keep the IO down if I can.

Databases are great for CRUD but if they get bloated with logic:

  1. It becomes confusing where the logic is,
  2. Typically databases are a silo and do not scale horizontally nearly as well as the app servers.
  3. t_sql/PLsql is hard to read and procedural in nature
  4. You forfeit all of the benefits of OOAD.
初见 2024-08-13 04:44:19


To the maximum extent possible, keep your business logic in the environment that is the most testable and debuggable. There are some valid reasons for storing business logic in the database in other people's existing answers, but they are almost always far outweighed by this.

雨后彩虹 2024-08-13 04:44:19


如果数据库要保持其完整性并确保所有新数据或数据更改的来源都遵循规则,那么数据库就是放置所需逻辑的地方。将其放在应用程序层将是一场即将发生的数据噩梦。数据库不仅仅从一个应用程序获取信息。应用程序中的业务逻辑经常被导入无意中绕过(假设您有一位新客户希望将其旧历史数据导入您的系统或大量目标记录,没有人会通过界面输入一百万个可能的目标,它会在导入中发生。)它也可以通过通过查询窗口进行的更改来绕过,以修复一次性问题(例如将所有产品的价格提高 10%)。如果您有应该应用于数据更改的应用程序层逻辑,则不会。现在放在应用层也可以,发送坏数据到数据库浪费网络带宽没有意义,但不放在数据库迟早会导致数据问题。



Limiting the business logic to the application layer is short-sighted at best. Experienced professional database designers rarely allow it on their systems. Database need to have constraints and triggers and stored procs to help define how the data from any source will go into it.

If the database is to maintain its integrity and to ensure that all sources of new data or data changes follow the rules, the database is the place to put the required logic. Putting it the application layer is a data nightmare waiting to happen. Databases do not get information just from one application. Business logic in the application is often unintentionally bypassed by imports (assume you got a new customer who wanted their old historical data imported to your system or a large number of target records, no one is going to enter a million possible targets through the interface, it will happen in an import.) It is also bypassed by changes made through the query window to fix one-time issues (things like increasing the price of all products by 10%). If you have application layer logic that should have been applied to the data change, it won't be. Now it's ok to put it in the application layer as well, no sense sending bad data to the database and wasting network bandwidth, but to fail to put it in the database will sooner or later cause data problems.

Another reason to keep all of this in the database has to to with the possibility of users committing fraud. If you put all your logic in the application layer, then you must grant the users access directly to the tables. If you encapsulate all your logic in stored procs, they can be limited to doing only what the stored procs allow and not anything else. I would not consider allowing any kind of access by users to a database that stores financial records or personal information (such as health records) as I would not allow anyone except a couple of dbas to directly access the production records in any way shape or form. More fraud is committed than many developers realize and almost none of them consider the possibility in their design.

If you need to import large amount of data, going through a data access layer could slow down the import to a crawl becasue it doesn't take advanatge of the set-based operations that databases are designed to handle.

守护在此方 2024-08-13 04:44:19


它可以被解释为包括对数据实施约束(也称为“业务规则”)。这些的执行无疑属于 dbms 的范围。


Your usage of the term "business logic" is rather vague.

It can be interpreted to mean to include the enforcement of constraints on the data (aka 'business rules'). Enforcement of these unequivocally belongs in the dbms, period.

It can also be interpreted to mean to include things like "if a new customer arrives, then within a week we send him a welcome letter." Trying to push stuff like this in the data layer is probably a big mistake. In such cases, the driver for "create a new welcome letter" should probably be the application that also triggers the new customer row insertion. Imagine every new database row insertion triggering a new welcome letter, and then suddenly we take over another company and we must integrate that company's customers in our own database ... Ouch.

面犯桃花 2024-08-13 04:44:19


We do a lot of processing in the DB tier, where appropriate. There's a lot of operations you wouldn't want to pull back large datasets to the app tier to do analysis on. It's also an easier deployment for us -- a single point vs. updating applications at all install points. But a lot depends on your application and what it does; there's no single good answer here.

梦在深巷 2024-08-13 04:44:19


  • 它可以保护您的逻辑和数据
  • 数据库设计通常比

Two good reasons for putting the business logic in the database are:

  • It secures your logic and data
    against additional applications that
    may access the database that don't
    implement similar logic.
  • Database designs usually outlive the
    application layer and it reduces the
    work necessary when you move to new
    technologies on the client side.
另类 2024-08-13 04:44:19

有几次我将“逻辑”放入存储过程中,因为 CRUD 可能发生在多个地方。我不得不说,“逻辑”并不是真正的业务逻辑,而是更多的“完整性逻辑”。它可能是相同的 - 如果某些内容以某种方式被删除或更新,则可能需要进行一些清理,并且如果删除或更新可能发生在具有不同代码库的多个工具中,则将其放入进程中是有意义的全部用过。

此外,有时“业务逻辑线”相当模糊。以报告为例,它们可能依赖于存储过程或视图,这些存储过程或视图封装了有关模式对业务意味着什么的“智能”。您是否经常看到 CASE 语句等基于列值或其他标准“执行操作”的语句?可以被解释为业务逻辑,但它可能确实属于可以优化的数据库等。

On a couple of ocassions I have put 'logic' in sprocs because the CRUD might be happening in more than one place. By 'logic' I would have to say it is not really business logic but more 'integrity logic'. It might be the same - some cleanup might be necessary if something gets deleted or updated in a certain way, and if that delete or update could happen from more than one tool with different code-bases it made sense to put it in the proc they all used.

In addition, sometimes the 'business logic line' is pretty blurry. Take reports for example - they may rely on stored procedures or views that encapsulate 'smarts' about what the schema means to the business. How often have you seen CASE statements and the like that 'do things' based on column values or other critieria? Could be construed as business logic and yet it probably does belong in the DB where it can be optimized, etc.

深者入戏 2024-08-13 04:44:19

我想说,如果“业务逻辑”意味着应用程序流程、用户控制、定时操作以及一般的“做业务的东西”,那么它应该位于应用程序层。但是,如果这意味着确保无论您如何挖掘数据,它总是有意义并且是一个合理的、非自冲突的整体,那么毫无疑问,执行这些规则的检查会进入数据库。总是有很多方法可以将数据推送到数据库并在数据到达数据库后对其进行操作。并非所有这些方式都内置了“业务逻辑”。例如,您会发现凌晨 3 点的支持电话中通过 DOS 窗口进入数据库的 SQL 会话在其允许的内容方面非常自由!如果数据库中没有逻辑来确保所有数据更改都有意义,那么您可以肯定,随着时间的推移,数据会变得非常非常混乱。由于系统的价值取决于其所保存的数据,因此投资回报率要低得多。

I'd say if 'business-logic' means application flow, user control, timed operations and generally 'doing-business-stuff' then it should be in the application layer. But if it means making sure that no matter how you dig around in the data, it always makes sense and is a sensible, non-self-conflicting whole, then the checks to enforce those rules go in the DB, absolutely, no questions. There are always many ways to push data into the DB and manipulate it once its there. Not all those ways have 'business-logic' built in to them. You will find a SQL session into a DB through a DOS window on a support call at 3am is very liberal in what it allows for example! If the logic isn't in the DB to make sure that ALL data changes make sense, you can bet for sure that the data will get very, very screwed up over time. And since a system is only as valuable as the data it holds, that makes for a much lower return on investment.

心房的律动 2024-08-13 04:44:19


You often find business logic at the database layer because it can often be faster to make a change and deploy. I think often the best intentions are not to put the logic there but because of the ease of deployment it ends up there.

十秒萌定你 2024-08-13 04:44:19

我的偏好是将任何复杂的业务逻辑保留在数据库之外,只是为了维护目的。如果我在凌晨 2 点接到电话,我宁愿调试应用程序代码,也不愿尝试单步执行数据库脚本。

My preference is to keep any complicated business logic out of the database, simply for maintenance purposes. If I get a call at 2 o'clock in the morning I would rather debug my application code than try to step through database scripts.

尝蛊 2024-08-13 04:44:19

过去我将 BL 放入存储过程的主要原因是数据库中的事务更容易。

如果部署对于您的应用程序来说很困难并且您没有应用程序服务器,则更改存储过程中的 BL 是部署更改的最有效方法。

The primary reason I would put BL in stored procs in the past is that transactions were easier in the database.

If deployments are difficult for your app and you don't have an app-server, changing the BL in stored procedures is the most effective way to deploy a change.

水染的天色ゝ 2024-08-13 04:44:19

随着转向基于 Web 的应用程序,对将逻辑移至数据库的依赖减少,但仍然存在。即使是网络应用程序(取决于语言)也必须编译并发布到网站,这可能会导致停机。

I work for a financial type company where certain rules are applied by states, and these rules and their calculations are subject to change almost daily if not surely weekly. That being the case, it made more sense to move parts of the logic dealing with calculations to the database; where a change can be tested and applied without having to recompile and redistibute an application, which is impossible to do daily without disrupting business. The stored proc is tested, approved, applied and the end user is none the wiser.
With the move to web based applications, the reliance on moving the logic to the database is less but still present. Even web apps (depending on the language) must be compiled and published to the site which could cause downtime.

纵情客 2024-08-13 04:44:19


Sometimes business logic is too slow to run on the app layer. This is especially true on on older systems where client power and bandwidth was more limited.

生生漫 2024-08-13 04:44:19


The main reason for using the database to do the work is that you have a single point of control. Often, app developers re-use or rewrite code fragments in different parts of the application. Even assuming that these all work exactly the same way (which is doubtful), when the business logic changes, the app needs to be reviewed, recoded, recompiled. Unless the parameters change, this would not be necessary where the business logic is stored only in the database.

太阳公公是暖光 2024-08-13 04:44:19



I'm in a team to build-up and maintain a rather large financial system, and I find no way put the logic into the application layer for action that affect to or get constraints from dozens of thousand records.

Beside the performance issue, should errors happen, rectifying a stored procedures is much faster than debugging the application, fixing, recompiling, redeploying the code with longer downtime

暗藏城府 2024-08-13 04:44:19

我认为特别是对于我正在开发的旧应用程序(银行),其中业务逻辑非常庞大,几乎不可能在应用程序层中执行所有这些业务逻辑,而且当我们将这些逻辑放在应用程序层中时,性能也会受到很大影响数据库的获取次数越多,就会导致更多的资源利用率(如果在 java 层完成,则会导致更多的 java 对象)和网络问题,并忘记 abt 性能。

I think Specially for older applications which i working on (Banking) where the Bussiness logic is huge, it's almost next to impossible to perform all these business logic in application layer, and also It's a big performenance hit when we put these logic in Application layer where the number of fetch to the database is more, results in more resource utilization(more java objects if it's done in java layer) and network issues and forget abt performenance.

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