多语言 YouTube 字幕支持
我很好奇寻找 YouTube 视频字幕/字幕的替代方案。我希望向任何人开放访问权限,为我网站上发布的视频添加其母语的字幕。
您知道如何做到这一点吗?您有什么想法要使用什么工具吗?我很擅长 PHP。
i'm curious in finding an alternative for youtube video captions/subtitles. I wish to give open access to anyone to add subtitles in their native languages for videos posted on my site.
Do you have any idea about how can be this done? Do you have any ideas what tools to use? I'm good with PHP.
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http://code. google.com/intl/en/apis/youtube/2.0/developers_guide_protocol_captions.html
i think I've finded the solution
wish me good luck
1) 使用 Amara.org(以前称为 universalsubtitles.org)。
TED.com、Mozilla、PBS 等都使用该网站通过粉丝众包来转录和翻译他们的视频。
2) 转录:
注意:Google 使用自动语音识别从语音生成字幕。
a) Google2Str 工具允许下载 .srt 格式的“英文自动字幕”(尽管格式不正确)
b) 使用 Jubler 软件转换为正确的 .srt 格式。
c) 将转换后的视频转录上传到 Amara。
d) 手动更正成绩单并下载。
e) 将更正后的成绩单上传到 youtube。
3) 翻译:
Google 还可以从“字幕菜单”将英文自动字幕自动翻译为指定语言。
a) 将英文 .srt 字幕文件上传到 Google Translator Toolkit。
b) 将目标语言 .srt 文件从英语翻译成目标语言。
c) 下载.srt 文件。
d) 将视频的翻译上传到 Amara。
e) 手动更正翻译并下载。
f) 将更正后的成绩单上传到 youtube。
如果您不使用 YouTube 托管视频,则可以跳过 YouTube 相关步骤。
要查看特定语言的 YouTube 视频,请使用以下 URL(需要上传翻译):http://www.youtube.com/v/VIDEOID?version =3&start=300&end=500&autoplay=1&hl=en_US&rel=0&yt:cc=on&version=3&cc_load_policy=1&cc_lang_pref=hi
注意:将 VIDEOID 替换为特定的您的视频代码。
Found the following steps useful in Transcribing and Translating Video subtitles/transcripts.
Took a few weeks work to get the whole thing working so it might save someone some time.
1) Use Amara.org (formerly known as universalsubtitles.org).
This site is used by TED.com, Mozilla, PBS etc to transcribe and translate their videos using crowd-sourcing from fans.
2) Transcription :
Note : Google uses Auto Speech Recognition to generate Captions from speech.
But auto translations can be good or bad or really funny so manual editing may be required.
Some videos may not show auto captions due to variety of documented reasons.
a) Google2Str tool allows downloading of "English Automatic Captions" in .srt format (though format is not correct)
b) Convert to proper .srt format using Jubler software.
c) Upload converted Transcription to Amara for the video.
d) Manually Correct the transcript and download.
e) Upload corrected transcript to youtube.
3) Translation :
Google also does Auto Translation from English Auto Captions to Specified Language from "Captions Menu".
If English Auto Captions are funny the Translated Auto Captions may be gibberish.
a) Upload English .srt subtitle file to Google Translator Toolkit.
b) Translate to Target language .srt file from English to Target Language.
c) Download .srt file.
d) Upload Translation to Amara for the video.
e) Manually Correct the tranlation and download.
f) Upload corrected transcript to youtube.
If you're not using youtube to host the videos you can skip the youtube related steps.
To view the youtube video with specific language use the following URL (requires uploaded translation) : http://www.youtube.com/v/VIDEOID?version=3&start=300&end=500&autoplay=1&hl=en_US&rel=0&yt:cc=on&version=3&cc_load_policy=1&cc_lang_pref=hi
Note: Replace VIDEOID with specific code for your video.
Hope this helps someone out there.