Drupal 状态机、用法和替代方案
Workflow-NG 模块(D5)中使用的“状态机”是否有任何可视化界面(节点形式或其他形式)? 或者它们完全是我只能设置和评估的内部实体? 问题背后的最初目标是根据更改的节点状态(基于分类)发送电子邮件。
Do "State Machines" used in Workflow-NG module (D5) have any visual interface (in node form or whatever)?
Or they are totally internal entities that I can only set and evaluate?
The initial objective behind question was to send emails based on changed node status (taxonomy based).
If these State Machines are cumbersome, I can probably refuse from then in favour of custom module tracking node changes.
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今天他们似乎没有任何类型的用户界面。然而,让 graphiz 之类的东西为您构建它们应该不会是太多工作。
There does not appear to be any kind of UI for them today. However, it shouldn't be too much work to get something like graphiz to build them for you.