我一直在寻找这个问题。仍然找不到解决办法。 基本上,我想通过 OBEX 推送服务(蓝牙)从客户端(j2me)将加密文件传输到服务器(j2me)。在模拟器中,它工作正常。客户端能够在服务器上成功执行蓝牙发现查找。
但是,当我将应用程序放入手机中时。它根本没有显示任何东西。我猜这可能是服务器或客户端 url 问题。
discoveryAgent.searchServices(null,new UUID[] { new UUID(1105) },
(RemoteDevice) list.getRemoteDevices().elementAt(i), this);
sn = (SessionNotifier) Connector.open(
I've been searching high and low on this problem. Still can't find the solution.
Basically, I want to transfer an encrypted file via OBEX Push Service (bluetooth) from client (j2me) to server (j2me). In emulator, it works fine. Client able to successfully do a bluetooth discovery lookup on the server.
But, when I put the application inside my phone. It doesn't show anything at all. I guess it might be a server or client url problem.
Can anyone help me?
Here's some of my code (most probably is this that cause my problem).
discoveryAgent.searchServices(null,new UUID[] { new UUID(1105) },
(RemoteDevice) list.getRemoteDevices().elementAt(i), this);
sn = (SessionNotifier) Connector.open(
I tried replacing 1105 (in the server) with "00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF", but still the same result.
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您使用 UUID 的方式不正确。我很惊讶它甚至可以在模拟器中运行。
您需要像这样创建 UUID,
并在 searchServices 和 URL 中使用相同的 uuid。例如,
The way you use UUID is incorrect. I am surprised it even works in emulator.
You need to create UUID like this,
and use the same uuid in searchServices and URL. For example,