嵌入式 Jetty 在其 Jar 文件中查找文件
我成功地将 Jetty 嵌入到测试应用程序中。它可以毫无问题地提供文件。 现在我想知道 Jetty 是否可以提供其自己的 Jar 文件内的文件。
I successfully embedded Jetty on a test application. It can serve files without issues.
Now I want to know if it's possible for Jetty to serve files that are inside its own Jar file.
Does anyone know if that's possible?
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Jetty 嵌入页面上列出了一个示例,网址为 http://docs.codehaus.org/display /JETTY/Embedding+Jetty
技巧是创建一个指向类路径位置的文件 URL。
An example is listed on the Jetty embedding page at http://docs.codehaus.org/display/JETTY/Embedding+Jetty
The trick is to create a File URL to your classpath location.
如果将 Spring 纳入其中,这非常简单。事情就是这样:
这将使 jetty 在 jar 文件中找到必要的 Web 资源。
It's pretty simple, if you throw Spring into the equation. And here it goes:
That will make jetty find the necessary web resources inside the jar file.
也许更多的是 hack,但 JAR 文件实际上不是 ZIP 吗? (不确定)您能否将它们解压缩到临时文件夹中并从那里提供它们?
Maybe more of a hack, but aren't JAR files actually ZIPs? (not sure) Could you unzip them into a temporary folder and serve them from there?
找到答案了,不是 Jetty,而是 Winstone。 http://winstone.sf.net
Found the answer and it's not Jetty, it's Winstone. http://winstone.sf.net