如何在 iPhone 屏幕上创建甘特图视图
我想知道如何在 iPhone 屏幕上创建甘特图视图或(PC 上的矩阵表)。
请在此处查看演示 http://www.projectwizards.net/en/merlin-iphone
我需要使用什么 API 或框架?
I wonder how to create Gantt Chart view or (Matrix table on PC )on Iphone sreen.
see demo here http://www.projectwizards.net/en/merlin-iphone
you know the Iphone's screen is very small(320x480), the Gantt Chart view is large.
what API or Framework do I need to use?
thank you very much
UIScrollView 应该能够处理这个问题。您可以为其提供图块,每个图块的大小为一小时、一天或一周,或者甘特图的水平轴是什么。
UIScrollView should be able to handle this. You can feed it tiles, each the size of an hour or day or week or whatever the horizontal axis of your Gantt chart is.