在 Eclipse 中安装 Blackberry JDE 插件不起作用
http://www.thinkingblackberry.com /archives/21/comment-page-1#comment-104
安装了 JDE 4.7 和 4.5 包,当我尝试启动一个新项目时,根本没有“Blackberry Project”选项。
当我单击“帮助 > 软件更新 > 已安装的软件”时,我看到已安装“Blackberry Component Pack 4.7.0”,并且可以查看其属性。但没有其他证据表明它确实被安装或工作。
I followed this guide:
Installed the JDE 4.7 and 4.5 packs, and when I try to start a new project, there is no option for "Blackberry Project" at all.
When I click "Help > Software Updates > Installed Software" I see the "Blackberry Component Pack 4.7.0" installed, and I can view its properties. But there's no other evidence of it actually being installed or working.
Does anyone know how to get this going?
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If it had installed properly without any errors, it would show up under Window-Preferences->Blackberry-Installed Components. In the drop down box you should see all the component packages that were installed successfully
我遇到了同样的问题,经过一番折腾后才得以解决。 (他们肯定不会让这变得容易。)
删除任何现有的 eclipse 安装,以及文件夹中的工作区和 .eclipse 文件夹。下载并解压 Eclipse 3.4(Ganymede - 去年的版本。它不适用于当前版本。)我使用的是 3.4 SP2,这似乎可以工作。将解压后的目录放置在您喜欢的位置。 (我的位于 c:\Program Files 中。)
接下来,将 Blackberry JDE 插件 Zip 文件复制到 Eclipse 扩展文件夹中。无论您决定把它放在哪里,Eclipse 都会记住。我在 Eclipse 目录中创建了一个“Extensions”文件夹并将其放入其中。
打开命令提示符,导航到 Eclipse 目录并使用 -clean 标志运行 Eclipse.exe。 (“eclipse -clean”)
单击“帮助”菜单并选择“软件更新...”单击“可用软件”选项卡,然后单击“添加站点...”按钮。在出现的对话框中,单击“存档...”按钮,浏览到您的扩展文件夹,选择 Blackberry 插件 .zip 文件,然后单击“打开”。
单击“安装...”并安装。完成后,它会提示您重新启动 Eclipse —— 这样做。
http://na.blackberry.com/eng/developers/javaappdev/eclipseplug_updatesite。 jsp
http://prosciutto.boutiquestartups.com/index.html php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=55&blogId=1
I had the same problem, and after a fair bit of mucking around was able to get this working. (They sure don't make it easy.)
Here's what I did:
Delete any existing eclipse installs, as well as workspaces and the .eclipse folder in your folder. Download and unzip Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede - last year's version. It won't work with the current version.) I'm using 3.4 SP2, and that seems to work. Place the unzipped directory whereever you like. (Mine's in c:\Program Files.)
Next, copy the Blackberry JDE plugin Zip file in an Eclipse extensions folder. Wherever you decide to put this, Eclipse will remember. I created an "Extensions" folder in my Eclipse directory and dropped it in there.
Open a command prompt, navigate to your Eclipse directory and run Eclipse.exe with the -clean flag. ("eclipse -clean")
Click on the "Help" menu and select "Software Updates..." Click on the "Available Software" tab, then the "Add Site..." button. In the dialog that comes up, click on the "Archive..." button and browse to your extensions folder and select the Blackberry plug-in .zip file and click "Open."
Click "Install..." and let it install. When it's done, it will prompt you to restart Eclipse -- Do so.
For me, at this point it was working, and my BlackBerry menu was visible. Your mileage may vary, but I hope it works for you too.
Here are some links I found useful in putting the above together:
我在 Eclipse 3.5 中遇到了同样的问题。断断续续地工作了一个多星期。一直没有找到好的解决办法。我注意到,当我进行安装时,它显示“阻塞”,并且需要几个小时才能完成安装。我在工作和家里都尝试过。还是花了几个小时。大多数时候都失败了。有一次它终于起作用了(或者看起来起作用了),但是缺少菜单选项。我怀疑错误信息是错误的。我不确定问题出在哪里 - 操作系统或 SP 或 java 版本 - 不知道。但还有一个更简单的解决方案。
简短的回答,我使用替代安装方法取得了微小的成功。试试这个: http://us.blackberry.com/developers/javaappdev/devtools.jsp< /a>
单击“下载 BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse v1.1(完整安装程序)”
它似乎安装正确并且速度更快(大约几分钟而不是几个小时),没有错误消息,没有警告消息 - 和预期的菜单项都在那里。
I had this exact kind of problem with Eclipse 3.5. Worked on it on and off for over a week. Never got a good solution. I noticed that when I did the install it was saying "blocking" and it would take several hours to do the install. I tried it from work and from home. It still took hours. Most of the time it failed. One time it finally worked (or seemed to), but there were missing menu options. I suspect the error message is wrong. I'm not sure where the problem is - with OS or SP or java version - no idea. But there's a much easier solution.
Short answer, I've gotten marginal success using an alternate method of install. Try this: http://us.blackberry.com/developers/javaappdev/devtools.jsp
Click on "Download the BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse v1.1 (full installer)"
It seems to install correctly and MUCH quicker (on the order of a few minutes as opposed to hours), no error messages, no warning messages - and the expected menu items are there.
您是否遵循此流程 (详细信息请参见此处 和“BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse") 并使用更新站点? (新更新截至 2010 年 8 月 3 日)
您是否尝试过全新安装 eclipse3.4(以及 最新的 JDK,具有正确的 eclipse.ini?)
你能用eclipse3.5实际尝试一下吗(最新的 JDK 和正确的 eclipse.ini)?
p2 机制已在 3.5 中进行了调试/增强,并且确实可以很好地管理更新站点
Did you follow this process (detailed here and in "BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse") and use an update site? (new updates available as of Aug 3, 2010)
Did you tried this with a fresh installation of eclipse3.4 (and the latest JDK, with the right eclipse.ini?)
Could you try it actually with eclipse3.5 (latest JDK and right eclipse.ini)?
The p2 mechanism has been debugged/enhanced in 3.5, and does manage well update sites.
As shown in this picture, you should see a "Blackberry" menu (between the "Run" menu and the "Window" menu), if the plugin has been installed properly.