
发布于 2024-08-04 14:04:52 字数 1125 浏览 2 评论 0原文



  1. 云与虚拟化有何不同?

  2. 目前我试图找出 Rackspace、Amazone 和所有类似云提供商的定价,我发现我们当前的 6 台专用服务器比他们的定价便宜。那么,如何才能声称云更便宜呢?仅与普通托管相比才便宜吗?

  3. 我们在虚拟环境中重新组织了基础架构,以减少故障时的配置开销,我们不必重写为早期设置编写的任何代码。因此转向虚拟化不需要任何重新编程。但云是完全不同的,它需要整个重新编程,对吧?

  4. 当我们当前的 IT 成本比云托管(包括 raid 备份和各种集群以实现高可用性)低 3-4 倍时,真的值得重新编码吗?

  5. 新的编程架构意味着培训人员的新开销、新的测试方法和新的部署方案,它是否能证明云的“按需资源使用”一词是合理的?

  6. 我们当前的开发架构具有简单的服务器端 ASP.NET WebServices,没有本地上下文,而客户端 Flex/Silverlight 提供了相当好的 REST 架构及其高度可扩展性。云与 REST 部署模型有何不同?

  7. 在存储上,SQL Server或MySQL提供了很好的复制和高可用性,那么在云中的优势是什么?

  8. 数据保证,我们的一个供应商在云上托管其他客户的应用程序(最常用的应用程序之一),在前 6 个月内丢失了整个硬盘(虚拟)和整个模块。第二个提供商说你有责任进行备份,好吧,我同意,但没有提供商提供 SLA 来保证数据,他们提供 99% 的正常运行时间。然而,在大多数商业应用程序中,正常运行时间不如数据完整性重要。在我们 10 年的专用托管经验中,我们只遇到过一次硬盘崩溃。这让我对选择云并失去对数据的控制持怀疑态度。我觉得以不同形式销售虚拟化只是一种巨大的营销热潮。

  9. 数据大小,目前所有提供商对大数据的收费都非常高,如果您仅托管低于 100GB 的云,那么云可能是一个不错的选择,但我认为虚拟服务器和高于 100GB 到几 TB 的专用服务器仍然更便宜。如果没有数据保证,也没有提及任何冗余,为什么要在云上支付如此高的费用。

(我希望有一些用于 Internet Explorer 拼写检查的东西,对于我帖子中的拼写错误感到抱歉)

Ops: This does not belong to ServerFault because it focuses on Programing Architecture.

I have following questions regarding differences between Cloud and Virtualization..

  1. How Cloud is different then Virtualization?

  2. Currently I tried to find out pricing of Rackspace, Amazone and all similar cloud providers, I found that our current 6 dedicated servers came cheaper then their pricing. So how one can claim cloud is cheaper? Is it cheaper only in comparison of normal hosting?

  3. We re organized our infrastructure in virtual environment to reduce or configuration overhead at time of failure, we did not have to rewrite any peice of code that is already written for earlier setup. So moving to virtualization does not require any re programming. But cloud is absoltely different and it will require entire reprogramming right?

  4. Is it really worth to recode when our current IT costs are 3-4 times lower then cloud hosting including raid backups and all sort of clustering for high availability?

  5. New programming architecture means new overheads of training staff, new methods of testing and new deployment schemes, does it justify over "on demand resource usage" words of cloud?

  6. We are having current development architecture with simple Server side ASP.NET WebServices with no local context and on client side Flex/Silverlight which offers pretty good REST architecture and its highly scalable. How does cloud differs from REST model of deployment?

  7. On storage, SQL Server or MySQL offers pretty good replication and high availibility then what is advantage in cloud?

  8. Data guarantee, one of our vendor hosting some other customer's app on cloud (one of most used), lost Entire Hard Disk (the virtual) and entire module in first 6 months. Second provider said its your duty to take backup, fine I agree, but no provider gives SLA for data guarantee, they give 99% uptime. However in most business apps, uptime is less important then data integrity. In our 10 years of dedicated hosting experience we had only one hard disk crash. This makes me little skeptical to go for cloud and loosing control over data. And I feel its just a big marketing buzz to sell virtulization in different form.

  9. Size of data, currently all providers charge very heavy for large data, if you are hosting only below 100GB cloud can be good alternative, but I think virtual servers and dedicated servers above 100GB to few TBs are still cheaper. Why would want to pay so high on cloud when there is no data guarentee as well as it doesnt say anything about redundancy.

(I wish SO had something for spell check for Internet Explorer, sorry for wrong spellings in my post)

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离旧人 2024-08-11 14:04:52
  1. 虚拟化基本上是一台物理计算机假装成许多计算环境;云计算是许多不同的计算机假装是一个计算环境,因此可以更轻松地扩展。当然,云计算机通常会被虚拟化以优化资源的使用。然而,两者都可以被视为抽象形式。
  2. 这取决于您衡量的成本 - 对于原始硬件,成本可能大致相同,但在商业环境中,通常每 40 台服务器有一名管理员,但对于云,1,000 台服务器由一名管理员负责,因此需要人工成本。很多人通过云购买的不仅仅是原始硬件,还有计算平台,因此软件的成本也被抵消了。这里真正的价值主张是商品定价 - 您无需在服务器上投入大量资金即可启动,只需较低的月费即可轻松启动 - 以及灵活性 - 能够根据不同的需求进行扩展和缩减。例如,税务部门的服务器在纳税年度结束时受到严重打击,但在今年剩余时间里几乎不再需要。对于税务部门来说,如果拥有足够的服务器容量来处理年底的负载,而让这些服务器在今年剩余时间内闲置,那将是一种浪费。
  3. 这取决于您购买的云服务类型 - 原始基础设施(例如硬盘空间)、平台(例如虚拟化服务器或集群)或整个云解决方案。为云供应商的 API 进行开发将需要您重新架构和重新开发您的解决方案。
  4. 云计算是一种战略,而不是其本身的目标。如果该策略的好处符合您的业务需求,那么它可能是正确的解决方案,但如果您没有受益于云计算的属性 - 根据需求灵活地改变资源、商品定价(无论是对您还是您的客户) ,或者无需管理员帮助即可向客户提供对您的系统的访问的能力 - 那么您最好只运行自己的服务器,特别是如果您只有稳定的长期需求。
  5. 这里的问题是,按需可扩展性是否值得您的开发成本?
  6. 在这种情况下,REST 和云并没有太大的不同——它们都是可扩展系统的 API。此场景的主要区别在于,要扩展它,必须购买下一台服务器并对其进行配置,而要扩展云解决方案,您只需打开另一个云提供商的资源即可。
  7. 同样,这由您决定云存储是否为您提供超越 Sql 数据库的优势。
  8. 对数据的控制可能是许多系统走向云的最大障碍之一。如果您的数据至关重要、敏感且私密,那么无论有什么其他好处,将其托管给第三方可能不是一个选择。
  9. 一种技术相对于另一种技术的成本只是您必须考虑的一部分。也许短期内托管在云中很有吸引力,因为您可以测试您的服务的市场,而无需购买大型服务器场。一旦需求得到验证,您就可以对服务器进行资本投资。

云计算并不神奇,它是针对非常具体的市场需求的技术解决方案 - 如果您没有这种需求,那么您可能不会从云计算中受益。

  1. Virtualisation is basically one physical computer pretending to be many computing environments; cloud computing is many different computers pretending to be the one computing environment, hence allowing easier scaling. Of course, the cloud computers will usually be virtualised to optimise the use of resources. Both, however, can be considered forms of abstraction.
  2. It depends on what you are measuring as the cost - for raw hardware it may be about the same but in commercial environments there is usually one administrator per forty servers but for the cloud that goes to one admin for 1,000 servers, so there is a labour cost. What a lot of people are buying with cloud is not just raw hardware but a computing platform, so the cost of the software is also offset. The real value propositions here are commodity pricing - you can start up without needing large capital outlay for servers, just a low monthly fee making it easy to get started - and flexibility - being able to scale up and down with varying demand. For example, the tax department servers get massively hit at the end of the tax year but are almost unneeded for the rest of the year. It would be wasteful for the tax department to have enough server capacity to handle the end of year load and have those servers sitting idle for the rest of the year.
  3. It depends on what type of cloud service you are buying - raw infrastructure (such as hard disk space), platform (such as a virtualised server or cluster) or an entire cloud solution. Developing for a cloud vendor's API will require you to re-architect and re-develop your solution.
  4. Cloud computing is a strategy, not a goal in its own right. If the benefits of the strategy align to your business needs then it may be the right solution but if you don't benefit from the attributes of cloud computing - flexibility to alter resources according to demand, commodity pricing (whether for you or your customers), or the ability to offer access to your systems to customers without requiring administrator assistance - then you may be better off just running your own servers, particularly if you simply have stable, long term demand.
  5. The question here is does on-demand scalability justify the development cost for you?
  6. REST and cloud aren't really very different in this scenario - they are both an API to a system that is scalable. The major difference in this scenario is that to scale it, you have to buy the next server and configure it whereas to scale the cloud solution you simply turn on another of your cloud provider's resources.
  7. Again, this is up to you to decide if cloud storage offers advantages to you above and beyond a Sql database.
  8. Control of your data is probably one of the biggest impediments to many systems going cloud. If your data is crucial, sensitive and private, then hosting it with a third party may not be an option, regardless of any other benefits.
  9. The costs of one technology over another is just part of what you have to consider. Maybe hosting in the cloud in the short term is attractive because you can test the market for your service without buying large server farms. Once the demand has been verified, then you make the capital investment in servers.

Cloud computing isn't magic, it is a technology solution to a very specific market need - if you don't have that need, then you probably won't benefit from cloud computing.

绅士风度i 2024-08-11 14:04:52
  1. 虚拟化通常在本地金属上完成,并提供良好的硬件独立性等; “云”是指将处理推入另一个数据中心(在实施中通常会使用虚拟化),
  2. 定价可能对于初创公司来说更便宜,特别是 - 并且它提供了巨大的“斜坡”能力短时间内提高”服务。要么与营销配合,要么(例如)用于批量数据处理。但就我的目的而言,本地服务器也更便宜;-p 如果您有相当恒定/预期的负载,并且能够负担金属的启动成本,那么在许多情况下金属更便宜。但如果您的数量非常低,也许云是获得容错平台的更好方法,而无需支付大量硬件和工程师成本。
  3. 这取决于您对“云”的解释。许多云主机提供非常有限的沙箱和不同的编程范例;然而,一些服务(仍然可以被描述为云)提供完整的虚拟机访问,但仍然具有加速等功能;在后一种情况下,相同的代码应该无需太多更改即可工作,
  4. 我认为您已经回答了这个问题(在您的具体情况下;对于其他消费者来说可能有所不同)



  1. virtualisation is typically done on local metal, and orovides great hardware independence etc; "the cloud" refers to pushing processing into another data-centre (which will often use virtualization in the implementation)
  2. the pricing may be cheaper for startups, in particular - and it provides a huge ability to "ramp up" the service for a short period. Either to tie in with marketing, or (for example) for bulk data processing. But for my purposes local servers are cheaper too ;-p If you have pretty constant / expected load, and can afford the startup costs of metal, then in many cases metal is cheaper. But if your volumes are very low, perhaps cloud is a better way of getting a fault-tolerant platform, without paying for lots of hardware and engineer costs.
  3. it depend on what you interpret as "the cloud". Many cloud hosts offer very restricted sandboxes with different programming paradigms; however, some services (which can still be described as the cloud) offer full VM access, but still with the ramp-up etc; in the latter case the same code should work without much change
  4. I think you've already answered that (in your specific case; it may be different for other consumers)

(likewise most of the rest)

Also; note that there may be legal/data issues why you need to retain strong control of the data; shipping it off to a 3rd party (perhaps in a different legal jurisdiction) may not be possible and/or desirable.

比忠 2024-08-11 14:04:52

我不知道您的所有问题,但您不必为(例如)EC2 重新编码 - 它们只是作为运行您习惯使用的任何操作系统的常规(虚拟)机器呈现。

I don't know about all of your questions, but you don't have to recode for (say) EC2 - they just present as a regular (virtual) machine running whatever OS you are used to using.

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