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Closed 10 years ago.
Lucene 众所周知并受到支持,因此就我个人而言,这将是我的第一选择。
Lucene is well known and supported, so personally, that would be my first choice.
如果您找到现成的搜索引擎,请查看 fastcatsearch。
比 lucene 更快,并且有基于 Web 的 Web 管理器,易于使用。
托管在github上,查看一下。 https://github.com/fastcatgroup/fastcatsearch
If you find a ready-to-use search engine, check out fastcatsearch.
It has been developed for commercial search, and applied to a lot of various sites.
Faster than lucene, and has web-based web manager to use easily.
Hosted in github, and check it out. https://github.com/fastcatgroup/fastcatsearch
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Lucene 众所周知并受到支持,因此就我个人而言,这将是我的第一选择。
Lucene is well known and supported, so personally, that would be my first choice.
如果您找到现成的搜索引擎,请查看 fastcatsearch。
比 lucene 更快,并且有基于 Web 的 Web 管理器,易于使用。
托管在github上,查看一下。 https://github.com/fastcatgroup/fastcatsearch
If you find a ready-to-use search engine, check out fastcatsearch.
It has been developed for commercial search, and applied to a lot of various sites.
Faster than lucene, and has web-based web manager to use easily.
Hosted in github, and check it out. https://github.com/fastcatgroup/fastcatsearch