Visual Studio 2008 SP1 使用什么 ClearCase 插件

发布于 2024-08-04 04:41:28 字数 203 浏览 1 评论 0原文

在工作中,我必须将 ClearCase v7.0.1.2 和 ClearQuest v7.0.1.0 与 Visual Studio 2008 SP1 一起使用。我在 Windows XP SP2 机器上运行。

我已经进行了一些搜索,但尚未找到官方安装程序,任何人都可以建议(提供链接)安装 Visual Studio 2008 集成的最佳插件/插件吗?


At work I have to use ClearCase v7.0.1.2 and ClearQuest v7.0.1.0 with Visual Studio 2008 SP1. Am running on a Windows XP SP2 box.

I've done some searching but not found an official installer yet, can anyone advise (provide a link to) on the best plugin/addin to install for Visual Studio 2008 integration?


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゛清羽墨安 2024-08-11 04:41:28

官方说明位于此 IBM 页面


  • 从下面的 FTP 链接将相应的包下载到您的 ClearCase、CCRC 或 ClearQuest 主机。
  • 将存档解压缩到临时位置。
  • 按照 ClearCase (CC_INSTRUCTIONS.txt) 或 ClearQuest (CQ_INSTRUCTIONS.txt) 或 ClearCase Remote Client (CCRC_INSTRUCTIONS.txt) 概述的说明(从存档中提取)完成启用功能集成的步骤。

摘录:(ClearCase 32 位)

为了向 Visual Studio 2008 注册 ClearCase 7.0.1,需要执行以下步骤:

  1. 安装 Visual Studio 2008
  2. 安装 Rational ClearCase v7.0.1 或更高版本
    注意:安装 ClearCase 时请务必选择 VS.NET 集成。
  3. 下载 的内容并将其解压到安装了 Visual Studio 2008 的 ClearCase 主机上的临时位置(例如 C:\Temp)。< br>
    将提取 6 个文件:

    • ccvsisearchtoolwin_VS2008.reg
    • ccvsiwanservice_VS2008.reg
    • reg_VS2008.bat
  4. 在 ClearCase 主机上搜索名为 ccvsisearchtoolwin.DLL 的文件以获取该文件所在的路径。
    注意:默认位置是 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Rational\ClearCase\CCVSI\bin
  5. 使用文本编辑器编辑刚刚下载的 ccvsisearchtoolwin_VS2008.reg 注册表文件(例如写字板)并搜索以下字符串:
    "CodeBase"="C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Rational\\ClearCase\\CCVSI\\bin\\ccvsisearchtoolwin.DLL"
    验证此路径是否与步骤 #4 中标识的安装路径匹配。如果路径不匹配,请修改路径以匹配。
  6. 接下来,在文件 ccvsisearchtoolwin_VS2008.reg 中搜索以下字符串:
    "Path"="C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Rational\\ClearCase\\CCVSI\\bin"
    验证此路径是否与步骤 #4 中标识的安装路径匹配。如果路径不匹配,请修改路径以匹配。保存并关闭文件 ccvsisearchtoolwin_VS2008.reg
  7. 接下来,在 ClearCase 主机上搜索名为 ccvsiwanservice.DLL 的文件以获取该文件所在的路径。
    注意:默认位置是C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\CCRCVSI\WanPackage
  8. 使用文本编辑器编辑刚刚下载的 ccvsiwanservice_VS2008.reg 注册表文件并搜索以下字符串:
    "CodeBase"="C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\Rational\\CCRCVSI\\WanPackage\\ccvsiwanservice.DLL"
    验证此路径是否与步骤 #7 中标识的安装路径匹配。如果路径不匹配,请修改路径以匹配。
  9. 接下来,在文件 ccvsiwanservice_VS2008.reg 中搜索以下字符串:
    "Path"="C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\Rational\\CCRCVSI\\WanPackage"
    验证此路径是否与步骤 #7 中标识的安装路径匹配。如果路径不匹配,请修改路径以匹配。保存并关闭文件 ccvsiwanservice_VS2008.reg
  10. 接下来,使用文本编辑器编辑名为 reg_VS2008.bat 的批处理文件,并根据提供的选择填写 8 个不同的变量。保存并关闭文件。
  11. 在当前位置执行批处理文件(双击批处理文件)以注册 dll 并配置与 Visual Studio 2008 的集成功能。


ClearCase 和 Visual Studio 2008 集成缺少 ccvsiwanservice.dll



如果您不打算在主机上使用 CCRC,解决方法是编辑 reg_VS2008.bat 文件并将 bat 文件中的 CCRC_for_VS 设置为 0,这意味着它不会设置该bat 文件中的ccWAN


如果未使用 Visual Studio 集成选项安装 ClearCase,则设置集成所需的文件将会丢失。

自述文件指出 Visual Studio 2008 可以在 ClearCase 之前安装,并​​且在安装 ClearCase 时没有提及集成选项。

按照技术说明 1259189 中的说明集成 ClearCase 和 Visual Studio 。

注意:您需要选择 Visual Studio 2005 集成选项。

使用 Visual Studio 集成文件重新安装 ClearCase 后,Visual Studio 2008 集成ClearCase 7.0.1 的过程将按预期工作

The official instructions are in this IBM page


  • Download the appropriate package from the FTP link below to your ClearCase, CCRC or ClearQuest host.
  • Decompress the archive to a temp location.
  • Follow the instructions (extracted from the archive) outlined for ClearCase (CC_INSTRUCTIONS.txt) or ClearQuest (CQ_INSTRUCTIONS.txt) or ClearCase Remote Client (CCRC_INSTRUCTIONS.txt) to complete the steps to enable the feature integrations.

Extract: (ClearCase 32 bits)

In order to register ClearCase 7.0.1 with Visual Studio 2008, the following steps are required:

  1. Install Visual Studio 2008
  2. Install Rational ClearCase v7.0.1 or later
    Note: Be sure to select the VS.NET integration when installing ClearCase.
  3. Download and extract the contents of to a temp location (for example C:\Temp) on the ClearCase host with Visual Studio 2008 installed.
    There will be 6 files extracted:

    • ccvsisearchtoolwin_VS2008.reg,
    • ccvsiwanservice_VS2008.reg,
    • reg_VS2008.bat,
  4. Search for a file named ccvsisearchtoolwin.DLL on the ClearCase host to obtain the path where this file resides.
    Note: The default location is C:\Program Files\Common Files\Rational\ClearCase\CCVSI\bin
  5. Edit the ccvsisearchtoolwin_VS2008.reg registry file you just downloaded using a text editor (for example Wordpad) and search for the following string:
    "CodeBase"="C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Rational\\ClearCase\\CCVSI\\bin\\ccvsisearchtoolwin.DLL".
    Verify that this path matches the installation path identified in step #4. If the path does not match, modify the path to match.
    Note: Keep the double back slashes, this is expected.
  6. Next, search for the following string in the file ccvsisearchtoolwin_VS2008.reg:
    "Path"="C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Rational\\ClearCase\\CCVSI\\bin".
    Verify that this path matches the installation path identified in step #4. If the path does not match, modify the path to match. Save and close the file ccvsisearchtoolwin_VS2008.reg.
  7. Next, search for a file named ccvsiwanservice.DLL on the ClearCase host to obtain the path where this file resides.
    Note: The default location is C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\CCRCVSI\WanPackage.
  8. Edit the ccvsiwanservice_VS2008.reg registry file you just downloaded using a text editor and search for the following string:
    "CodeBase"="C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\Rational\\CCRCVSI\\WanPackage\\ccvsiwanservice.DLL".
    Verify that this path matches the installation path identified in step #7. If the path does not match, modify the path to match.
  9. Next, search for the following string in the file ccvsiwanservice_VS2008.reg:
    "Path"="C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\Rational\\CCRCVSI\\WanPackage".
    Verify that this path matches the installation path identified in step #7. If the path does not match, modify the path to match. Save and close the file ccvsiwanservice_VS2008.reg.
  10. Next, edit the batch file named reg_VS2008.bat with a text editor and fill in the 8 different variables based on the selections provided. Save and close the file.
  11. Execute the batch file in its current location (double click the batch file) to register the dlls and configure the integration feature with Visual Studio 2008.

Note: be aware of:

ClearCase and Visual Studio 2008 integration missing ccvsiwanservice.dll

If CCRC has not been installed on the host, this file is unavailable.

Resolving the problem

If you are not going to use CCRC on the host, the workaround would be to edit the reg_VS2008.bat file and set CCRC_for_VS in the bat file to 0, which means it won't set ccWAN in that bat file.


The files that are required to setup the integration are missing if ClearCase has not been installed with the Visual Studio integration options.

The README indicated that Visual Studio 2008 could be installed before ClearCase and made no reference of the integration option when installing ClearCase.

Follow the instructions in technote 1259189 to integrate ClearCase and Visual Studio.

Note: You will need to select the Visual Studio 2005 integration option.

Once ClearCase is reinstalled with the Visual Studio integration files, the Visual Studio 2008 integration procedure for ClearCase 7.0.1 will work as expected.

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